Self love: Three keys to loving YOU!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment


…who you are – emotional outbursts, problem skin and all the jazz that comes along with being human – you give yourself the acceptance needed to embody self love. Without this kind of acceptance, you’ll spend your life chasing after things to make you look better and feel better. Marketing companies and the media know this, and capitalise on this…

Is your relationship baby-ready?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…down the isle, the happily ever after, they don’t stop to consider whether the man in the equation is the one who will give them a life full of unconditional love and freedom to be true to themself. I know I spent five years in a relationship that I knew wasn’t it, yet I didn’t have the self belief to…

Are you constantly trying to prove yourself?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I’m sure you’re familiar with at least one point in your life (perhaps a hundred or two) where you’ve tried to impress someone, or prove how good you are to them; bragging about some credential without any real reason to or talking yourself up amid meeting a new person in the hope of being accepted. To be liked! It’s easy…

Seeing your own beauty

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…‘never account to anything’. Too young to ignore such negative abuse, you took on those comments as fact. You believed all those nasty statements, no questions asked. Before you knew it, you’d become your own worst critic. The insults and beat-up many of us tell ourselves on a daily basis, are worse than any external bullying someone else could inflict…

Health scares. Getting to the root cause of illness.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…to be healthy. If that thought is negative, it will create sickness in the body. This is how our body communicates to us. So instead of getting frustrated next time you catch a cold, get sick with a virus or hurt your back, get excited. Your body has found a way to get your attention! Now all you need to…

Lets talk about sex… baby!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

…yourself to be open to learning more about what has been a taboo topic for way too long. Don’t worry; you won’t turn into a nymphomaniac! This is about taking the shame out of the sexual act, letting go of any negative conditioning you’ve taken on around one of the most natural pleasures we humans can indulge in. Sexual energy…

Sexual shame: Are you a victim?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

…people who secretly love sex, while at the same time shame it. No doubt you’ve heard such derogatory comments as: ‘Good girls keep their legs shut’, ‘Women who love sex are whores’ or ‘Sex is dirty or sinful or wrong or immoral’. This mental abuse seeps into our subconscious and poisons our relationship with sex. It creates this feeling of…

Is your life a balancing act? Life Balance 101.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health3 Comments

And if a favourite hobby or something you love is not bringing you the joy it once did, then stop doing it. Come back to it when you are not putting pressure on yourself to perform, or be ‘good’ at it. We don’t need to be ‘good’ at anything. We just need to be happy and LOVE what we do….

Are you letting your internal cleanser do its job?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…to imagine your body is an office building. Crazy I know! And your cleansing organs are the cleaners. As I’m sure you’re aware, the clean-up crew (your cleansing organs) come in to do their work once you’ve clocked off for the day. What I’m saying, is our bodies do cellular repair and cleansing when we’re sleeping. What happens in the…

Stress! Killing you softly with its kiss.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…of bliss. You see, when you live in the now, it is impossible to feel stress. We only get stressed about events/behaviours from the past or possible outcomes in the future. I’m sure you’re familiar with having a to-do list as long as your arm, then going into complete overwhelm just thinking about it. Where is your mind? In the…

Healthier living could be one big breath away.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment


How well do you breathe? Do you even know? Or is breathing something you do completely unconsciously, letting your autonomic nervous system supply you with oxygen however it sees fit? The majority of people do not breathe well. Sure, they get enough air to get through life, but not enough to feel alive and vital in every moment. Not enough…

It’s time to stand to attention!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…lets first take a look at what it means to give something our attention? The origin of the word actually comes from the idea of ‘stretching towards’ something with your full consciousness. When we attend an event, it means bringing ourself to that event. When we give something our attention, we are being present to that thing or person. It’s…

Silence: The antidote to life’s woes

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

Could you spend a day in silence? This is my challenge to you this week. We all have distractions and craziness in our lives. Between jobs, relationships, driving, food shopping, meals, kids after school programs, and finally making it to yoga class on Saturday morning, we have perfected multi-tasking at its best. Yet there comes a time when we need…

Exercise therapy

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…self-esteem. It wards against negativity, fear, worry, anger and tension. Researchers say over the long haul, regular physical activity is a better at controlling depression symptoms, than any psychotherapy or medication. The actual activity also distracts the sufferer from focusing on negative thoughts, and is believed to enhance a person’s sense of control over their lives. The great news is,…

Surviving Valentine’s Day single

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

Being single on Valentines Day can be tough, but making it through the most romantic day of the year can be a real eye-opener, if you’re up for the challenge. I believe, learning how to date yourself is the first step to attracting a healthy and loving relationship with someone else. When February the 14th rolls around loved up couples…

Overcoming Fear

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Fear can freeze us; stopping us from moving forward. In this blog I share some tips tips on how to overcome our fears. We are taught fear at a very young age. It is a learned behaviour, therefore it can, if we wish, be educated out of us. Fear is a way of thinking that has the ability to hinder…

Perfect posture

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Yes, standing in a well-aligned tension-free way, will do do more than keep you physically healthy; it’s good for our mental health too! You can tell a lot about a person by their posture. Have you ever seen someone glide or stride into a room and command instant attention or respect? The simple fact is…

Romance novels: the key to your love life?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…partners 74% more often than women who don’t! Why? What makes romance novels so alluring? Novels are magical in the way that they allow you to fill in the gaps yourself; words and phrases giving you the freedom to paint your own mental picture. How often do you find yourself merging with the main character, living their life of frivolity…

How much ‘ease’ do you have in your life?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We talk about happiness, fulfillment and love as being great things to strive for in life. Perhaps it’s the big house with the even bigger swimming pool or that job promotion that comes with a hefty paycheck or even that hot guy we’ve been eyeing up in the elevator. They all seem like great things to work towards. Yet not…

Never Alone: Guide to Overcoming loneliness

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How well do you spend time alone? Think about that for a moment, because learning how to love your own company is a powerful feat. Spending time alone can be unnerving at first, but learning to be happy in your own company is one of the most valuable pursuits. Solitary time allows you to have a love affair with your…

Synchronicities: The traffic lights of our life

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…something that gives you a clear insight into your current line of work. You may have come to know these moments as ‘coincidences’. Personally, I don’t believe in ‘coincidences’. I believe these signals we get on a daily basis are a projection of our inner knowing or intuition (whatever you like to label it) helping us get the message we’re…

Sharing your wins with love.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

Do you brag or do you inspire? I had a really interesting conversation this week which revealed that while I like to share my wins, the person I was chatting to steers away from this and prefers to share his problems. Why? He doesn’t want to sound as though he’s bragging, which is fair enough. My view however, is that…

Manifesting your desires: Is the mailman delivering the packages you want?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…understand the address which is more of a scribble. One minute the order going through is asking for you to meet your perfect partner, so the packing department starts sending you opportunities to meet him or her. Then another order comes through saying ‘I’m not lovable’ or ‘I’m not deserving,’ so the package gets lost. How can you receive something…

Your internal tape recorder: It records EVERYTHING!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

It’s funny how much we know (especially about other people and the world around us) without consciously realising it. When I’m out walking, and I see someone coming my way, I can tell automatically before I see their face (as I’m a little short-sighted without my glasses) if it’s someone I know. How? Because an unconscious part of me recognises…

How to have an orgasm full of flavour

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health, Sexual Health2 Comments

…that leaves you feeling fulfilled and deeply nourished. Most of us are sexually malnourished. Most of us have been led to believe that orgasms are something we need to go out and get, when this is not the case at all. Orgasms come from within. This is where we need to understand the difference between your typical garden-variety orgasm, and

What you must know BEFORE you see a psychic

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

If you’ve read my book Getting Naked – The Dating Game you’ll know I’ve seen my fair share of psychics. Desperate for love, I’d ask when he would arrive. Each time they’d tell me my Prince was coming, and each time I got soooo attached to this outcome, I’d unconsciously sabotage his arrival. Again, and again, and…. yes again… It…

Keeping the mind and body youthful. Naturally!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What if you could slow down the aging process, even reverse it? Naturally. Would that be of interest to you? Would you be willing to try a new approach and actually get to the root cause of the deterioration associated with ageing? Would you invest in learning how to do it yourself? If so, then read on… Here’s the billion-dollar…

Liver detox

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which given the right support, has the ability to keep the body clear of the free radicals which cause illness and disease. The liver is our second largest organ and therefore one of the most important. If the body were an automobile, the liver would be considered its engine. It…

How to stay juicy through menopause

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

…know it, your vagina will be juicy and happy to make love again! If you’d like to learn specific practices for helping your vagina become juicy again, increase your libido and connect more intimately with your feminine power, check out my Yoga for the Vagina online series here, and sign up for the free Yoga for the Vagina Starter’s Sequence….

Love is Laughter

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…There are many ways to bring more laughter into the relationship – joining a laughter yoga group or seeing a comedy – basically sharing experiences that allow partners to connect and laugh at themselves and with each other. At the end of the day, it’s better to laugh during the heated moment, than to continue arguing because neither person is…

The winter blues

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…or early summer. Some people refer to it as the ‘winter blues’ but it can be a lot more serious than that. People who suffer from SAD get the common signs of depression: sadness, anxiety, irritability, loss of interest in their usual activities and the inability to concentrate. They can often suffer other symptoms such as extreme fatigue and lack…

Is your priority YOU or something less?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

for us or against us. I see this happen regularly with clients. They’ll be spending long hours at the office, always complaining about not having time for their family or even worse, themselves. Well I have to break it to you: We all have choices. We can choose to make work a priority, or we can break the pattern and

The blog that will change your relationships! Enough said. Read on…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…the people, not the activities. Whether it’s cleaning the house or playing a game of footy, the interactions you have with the person you are doing it with, make all the difference. With the right company a mundane chore can become a great bonding experience – a time to laugh and really connect with another human. How many times have…

Celebrate wins. Do a victory dance. And cherish self.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…to reflect on how far you’ve come you’re filled with gratitude for all that you are and all that you have to give and create. If you gloss over your successes without recognition, what does that say about you? That you don’t truly value and appreciate yourself and your efforts. And if you don’t value and appreciate yourself, others won’t…

Lust at first sight: Do you mix up love with a full-blown bout of longing lust?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…us to look for the lightening bolt, but relationships based on this kind of phenomenon almost always end in tatters – historically, this kind of instantaneous bond was seen as a kind of madness! Until that hazy veil of romance begins to droop, we fail to see the truth about that person. What you’re after, when it comes to love,…

Perfection Paralysis. Are you trying to be perfect?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment


…it not being perfect. The latter is what we call ‘Perfection Paralysis’. The threat of failure keeping us snug in our little box doing the same things we’ve always done. As a result we stay small. We stay comfy. But no one ever got happy letting their need to be perfect sabotage their every effort to follow their heart. How…

Do you have a daily ritual? 6 practices I do every day.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health3 Comments

…on my big comfy red couch and spend at least half an hour tuning into myself and clearing limiting beliefs. We all need a spiritual practice that allows us to gain deep insights from within, and after many years of spiritual exploration this is what I have found to be the most effective in clearing any emotional and mental gunk…

What happens when you self-nurture?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…SOON AS YOU GET UP! For some people that will mean getting up an extra half an hour (or more) earlier. Not much of an incentive, right? But would knowing that your day would flow with ease with you feeling completely at peace and relaxed be enough incentive? Would knowing that life would be easier and you would be healthier…

Anxiety cure: The ‘how-to’ guide that works!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment


…get the rush of happy chemicals. So fake it ‘til you make it! Laugh BIG! And see how quickly you’re body relaxes. Anxiety cure 5: If you have negative thoughts running around your head – fears, worries and limiting beliefs – they will keep you living in a self-induced nightmare. The easiest way to combat the negative mind-chatter (and cure…

The intuitive power of the heart

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…Now your secretary is a bit scrambled, gets easily distracted, and makes errors frequently, resulting in the initial message losing it’s true meaning – hence the person receiving the letter gets something completely out of context. This is what happens to our body when we let our mind get involved. Our mind is the not so capable secretary. So we…

The Art of Smiling

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…things upset you, try smiling. You are 100 percent in control of whether you smile or frown. So come on! Give us a smile! EXERCISE: Smack a smile on your face and hold it there for two minutes. By then, the fake smile will, in most cases, have become real. As you do this exercise, think to yourself; I’m happy’….