Dealing with disappointment

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We all know that life is full of ups and downs.

Dealign with disappointment is a learned skill, so let’s have a look at this in more detail…

It’s hard not to be disillusioned with ourselves and others when we expect so much.

We are groomed to demand the best, to want everything, all the time.

And when we mere mortals fail to deliver, we are conditioned to think there is something wrong with us.

The secret?

Learn to live each day without the curse of expectation.

Once you remove expectation, life becomes much more enjoyable.

When a disappointment does arise, step back from the situation and take an objective viewpoint.

Pretend you are watching this play out on your television screen, and you are simply the character in a movie.

From this perspective what advice would you offer?

Removing yourself from the emotion of the disappointment clears the brain fog so you can rationally seek out the opportunity.

Ask yourself: Are there any lessons I can learn from this latest disappointment?

If so, what are they, and what do I need to do differently to ensure a better outcome in the future?

What sort of person do I need to be, in order to get the result I’m after?

Then start taking steps to be that person.

Remember that, with every disappointment comes a treasure trove of both lessons and opportunities.

Sometimes we just need to open our eyes so we can find the key, in order to unlock the chest and find the gem of an opportunity, just waiting to be explored.

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