It’s such a pleasure to meet you! I’m Tamra and I have a confession to make. I am in love with love stories. Real life love stories! I find no greater joy than helping people strip off the layers of childhood conditioning, so they fall in love with themselves. For when they do, life becomes a love story, complete with the happily right now. Hence, my purpose in life, is to write love stories that inspire others to live their love stories, to work with people one-on-one to help them overcome the barriers to self-love, and to create online content, live workshops and women’s yoga sequences designed to help people access the love within.

On this page I share my own unique love story (which as you’ll read, didn’t start out that lovely), my trainings and qualifications, a video interview so you can get to know me a little more intimately, and ways you can connect with me. I hope my sharings inspire you to carve out some precious time to invest in your own love story so you can start living happily right NOW!

My love story…

Once upon a time there was a girl named Tamra. That girl was me! And I’ll be honest, love wasn’t always my travelling companion. In fact, I experienced a long road of struggle, heart-break and soul-shattering life lessons, all accumulating in that famous bathroom floor moment. You know the one, where your whole world feels like it’s completely collapsed around you, and there’s no way out!

For me, that moment was in my early 20s when depression wrapped its fear-fuelled despair so tightly around my neck, that I tried to commit suicide, more than once. It was after being told it was back on the meds or into a psych ward for this little lady, that I made a commitment to myself to find a way out of the depression once and for all. To find the cure! What followed was years of research, study, professional training, personal inquiry and constantly using myself as a guinea pig. Many emotional melt-downs later, I finally gathered enough insight to water the seeds of self and thus, cure myself from depression.

Out of the dark woods of depression with a new love of life, I decided to test my cure on others, finding it was just as effective. Wanting others to benefit from all the research and experimentation I’d done, I packaged my formula in a ten-session 5-month program that proved time and time again to cure people from their mental health ailments. I was ecstatic!

So much so, I wanted to share this with more people than I could personally reach in my sessions, so I penned my first book The Upside of Down: A personal journey and toolkit for overcoming depression which was released in 2009 and endorsed by Lifeline Australia. It was at this time, that I gently moved away from my current career as a journalist and newsreader, and began helping people full-time.

build self-confidenceLife was rosy, but with a pretty lousy track record when it came to romantic relationships, so I moved my focus to my love life! I put myself out there in every way possible, going on regular dates, attending relationship workshops, writing about my experiences, reflecting and… after kissing one too many toads, without any of them turning into a Prince, I realised one fundamental life lesson: The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.

It was time to take a new approach. I needed to start dating me!! Aha. Yep, me!!! I needed to apply the formula I used to overcome depression to my love life. I needed to clear my childhood programming around relationships, become the person on my Perfect Partner list, and fall in love with moi! Suddenly it all made sense. The state of my love life was a direct mirror of the state of my relationship with me. Once I developed my relationship with me, then of course I would attract in my ideal guy!

And that I did! But not a minute before I fell in love with me!! For that really is our biggest lesson in life; to bring our focus back to ourself, and recognise that until we clear our own personal demons, then any relationship we have – be it with another person, our health or our career – will only be as profound as our relationship with self. Hence, I decided that if I was going to teach people something that really mattered, it would be the thing that has the ability to heal all of life’s ailments; self-love.

Thus, the Getting Naked online school was born, teaching the art of self-love. I made it my personal mission to create courses and products that would help people clear out the negative mind-chatter and reconnect with their inner voice so they too could fall in love with their most fabulous self and enjoy a life of happiness, health, abundance and deep inner contentment.

And because of my undeniable passion for putting pen to paper, and my absolute joy of love stories, I pulled all my love notes together and wrote my second book Getting Naked – The Dating Game; a memoir on love, life, relationships and sex. Of course, a true love story never really ends. It only continues to get deeper and more juicy as the years go by. Hence to say, I am currently crafting my latest love story, and can’t wait to share it with you those who love a good wayward glass slipper moment, that leads to a happily every after!

Of course, there are many other chapters in my life – too many to include here – so if you’re interested in learning more about my current work with women, where I help them heal sexual trauma and sexual health issues so they can enjoy more pleasure in their life, visit my newest website Yoga for the Vagina is a restorative women’s yoga practice that uses the Jade Egg to keep a women’s sexual organs ripe and resilient well into her twilight years.

My qualifications, training and experience…

Fresh out of high school I took off to university and completed a Graduate Diploma of Arts in Commercial Radio, spending the next 10 years as a newsreader and journalist, during which time I won the ACRA (Australian Commercial Radio Award) for Best New Presenter in 2002. I worked at a number of country stations before spending six years in Melbourne presenting the news at Triple M, SBS and Gold FM.

During my time in radio, I used my free hours to study the ever important matters of the mind, body and soul, completing a Wellness Leader certificate, which led to me writing for various health and wellness publications such as The Herald Sun’s Body and Soul, Good Health magazine and Women’s Health and Fitness magazine, before spending 8 years writing a regular column for Nature and Health magazine.

Beginning with a Cert IV in Life and Business Coaching, I then upgraded my skills when I became qualified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy and Therapeutic Hypnosis (and accredited with the relevant boards in America). I also completed a Cert IV in Training and Assessment.

Following this I became an accredited UI (Universal Intelligence) Mentor which allowed me to add energy healing to my current bouquet of skills so I could work directly with a person’s energetic self and tune into their True Self. As I began delving deeper into women’s health I completed the Billings Ovulation Teacher Training, Conscious Pregnancy Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (108 hours), Yin Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours) and Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (30 hours).

As an ongoing student of life, I am now also qualified in Vaginal Steaming, Meridian Massage (75 hours), Holistic Pelvic Care (27 hours) as taught by Tami Lynn Kent, and have studied Womb Care and Meridian Drumming.

I spent much of my 20s and 30s studying various other modalities and teachings with trainers worldwide including Positive Psychology, HeartMath, Taoism (including the Jade Egg practice), Tantra, Shamanism (and Shamanic Drumming), Body De-armouring, the Alexander Technique, Laughter Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Quantum Physics and various dance disciplines.

Between 2013-2015 I toured with Sexpo Australia as their resident Relationship and Sexpert, presenting at least 12 talks per show (10 shows in total). I have also presented talks and workshops at various festivals and events around Australia, including Wanderlust on the Sunshine Coast (2015), the Seven Sisters Festival in Victoria (2015 & 2018), the Evolve Yoga Festival in Melbourne (2015), Celebrating Sexuality sex camp in Victoria (2015), the International Sacred Sexuality Conference in Byron Bay (2015), among others.

In this video I share the talk I gave at Wanderlust called The Art of Self-Love…

My first book The Upside of Down: A personal journey and toolkit for overcoming depression was endorsed by Lifeline Australia with the organisation inviting me to be a Lifeline advocate and putting me through Asist (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). I was also interviewed about my book on Channel 10’s The Circle (2010), before becoming a regular guest on Australia’s morning TV shows, including Channel 7’s Sunrise and The Morning Show, and Channel 9’s Today Show.

Since leaving radio as a newsreader/journalist I have been invited to speak on over a dozen radio shows across Australia to discuss mental health and relationship health, with my second book Getting Naked – The Dating Game featuring on HayHouse Radio in America.

It was while preparing for my own home birth in 2017 that I studied a range of modalities designed to assist in a natural vaginal birth, including Hypnobirthing, Mindful Birthing and Orgasmic Birth. While my life really is my greatest teacher, I continue to study and deepen my skills through daily practise and research, as I believe that we are all a work in progress. I share my teachings and daily inspirations on my podcast I Love Me with Tamra Mercieca which I launched in 2024.

What do I do for play?

To be honest, my work is my play. I LOVE it! ALL of it! Nurturing my own personal relationship with me is such a joy. I feel very blessed to be doing what I love. I have also been fortunate enough to be able to infuse my passion for all things vintage into the look and feel of my business.

I enjoy classic old cars, sewing, knitting, swing dancing with my husband and crafting 50s retro hair-dos! I even appeared as the centrefold in Cruzin magazine after winning the Pin Up competition at the Garterbelts and Gasoline Festival in 2011. I then went on to tour with Miss Pin Up Australia in 2012 as a judge. I also love playing drums and piano; 2 instruments that have been with me since I was a child, and have seen me perform in bands at venues across Melbourne.

too_busy?_press_pauseThat said, my absolute favourite thing to do is play with my son. In 2017 I became a mum, and it has been such a magical experience. Because my little family love travel and exploring new cultures, we left our home in the gorgeous rainforests of the Dandenong Ranges in Australia in 2019 and moved to France for two years, before spending a year living in the UK. In 2022, we returned to our home country of Australia, where we have chosen to settle in Adelaide.

How can I help you?

The simple truth is, we’re not meant to feel exhausted, cranky, frumpy, unhappy, sick or lacking purpose. Our mind, body and soul is designed to support us in living a full and prosperous life that flows with ease. And if we’re not experiencing the inner contentment that we desire, then something has gone amiss; along the course of your life, you’ve picked up some conditioning that is creating stumbling blocks in your life.

I believe we all have a love story inside of us. Are you ready to live yours?

If you’re looking to get to the root cause of your problems, then this is where the Getting Naked online school can help. Every blog, book, meditation, yoga sequence, course and training I have created is designed to help you get more connected to your own personal love story, so you can experience the story line you really want! It’s not a myth. We truly can write the script of our own life, and I look forward to teaching you how.

Like to get to know me a little better?

Then grab a cuppa herbal tea and press play on this raw and intimate interview recorded in 2015 with Kiara Love from Be Wild Woman, where I share more about my self-love journey and why it’s so important to nurture our relationship with self.

Connect with me!

I absolutely LOVE connecting with people who are also journeying deep into self-love, so join me on Social Media, so we can continue to stay in touch.



Want to work with me one-on-one? If you feel curious, brave and ready to dive deep, email me to check for availability.