Shopping for a lover.. online? Go on. Try it on for size!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

…of sites that will help you meet someone with a similar interest. Here are a few suggestions: one of the most popular sites used by Australians. is another mainstream dating site. is the largest free dating site. another free dating site. is very much targeted to those wishing to marry and uses an extensive questionnaire…

Sleep issues? Maybe you need a bedtime yoga ritual.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…email. If you downloaded the free Pelvic Parfait 7-minute Yoga sequence I released in January, you’ll know how yummy these sequence are and how much great material you get. If you missed out on the Pelvic Parfait one, you can download it for FREE here. I put so much heart-felt love into the Bedtime yoga sequence, I know you will…

Is he/she my soulmate?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…read my book Getting Naked – The Dating Game, you’ll know I kissed many a toad, all in the search for my Prince. My soulmate! Sparks flew, romance fell my way… Yet, none of these men actually stayed. None of them would commit. And I’m not talking about committing in terms of a ring, I’m talking about to a Facebook…

Earthing. Could it be the answer to your healing?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Uncategorized2 Comments

…body – we must seek help from someone else – so that’s what we do, often without a second thought. (and is some cases this is absolutely necessary, however….) Yet the truth is, the greatest healing often comes about through simple means. Through helping our body come back into sync with itself… and with nature. For we are organisms that…

Induction: Is it always necessary?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

…super early. My husband and I had carved out plenty of time to allow baby to gently come into our lives, so you can imagine my surprise when 38 weeks passed, 39 weeks, 40 weeks… still no baby. Ok, baby wasn’t coming early. That was cool, we had a few extra weeks to bond than we’d expected. Yet right on…

Gwyneth Paltrow talks up the Jade Egg AND your free video

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

…been using, teaching and the studying the Jade Egg for many years now (having trained with some of the top teachers around the world), and continue to research, so please know that I have your back on this, and will continue to keep you updated with the latest research so you can stay properly informed. Hence my creation of the…

My positive birth story…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

…in my arms, utter astonishment and amazement set in. He was divine! Adorable. I was in complete awe of this little creature. As I stared at him in pure admiration, my midwife exclaimed: ‘He probably feels like he’s been shot out of a canon!’ He’d certainly made us wait, but when he decided to come, boy did he come fast!…

Smile. Relate. Grow. Let life’s interactions be your study of self.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…someone different to themselves. As a stranger to their land I felt graciously welcomed by their kind greetings and enthusiastic expressions. Compared to Australian culture it was completely different. How often do you see someone here enter a stranger’s world through a smile or dare I say ‘eye contact’? Sure it happens. But not often. We live in a very…

Fascia, chi and the Jade Egg.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Fascia .. chi and the Jade Egg. What do these things have in common? They work together to heal the body, and in doing so, get sexual energy flowing. Over the past few months there’s been a lot of controversy in the news about Jade Eggs following Goop’s $145,000 fine. Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle retailer – claimed that the…

Have you been scammed? My personal experience with Balboa …

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health58 Comments

…shocked! They had completely messed up all the formatting, which took days upon days of my submitting corrections to the editing staff, in order to finally get the book back looking as it was originally. As this happened I started to question the competence of the people of I was working with. The formatting was already complete. Why had they…

Yoga for a healthy pregnancy and ecstatic birth!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

…so you have the love and energy to nourish your little one. If you’d like to explore Yoga for the Vagina, simply visit and sign up for your free Starter’s Sequence. This blog was first published on the Sway Natural Birth website, for which I wrote the blog. For inspirational pregnancy and birth information, check out the website:…

Understanding self-sabotage

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

…safe for the train to stay on its train tracks. If it wants to take a new direction, then you need to build new train tracks. You can’t just steer it in a new direction and hope it goes that way. The new train tracks you need to build within yourself, are new thinking patterns. You need to carefully examine…

Elimination Communication: Pottying from birth.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health, Sexual Health2 Comments

…practised Elimination Communication they were essentially enabling the baby to maintain communication with their bodily sensations. That’s why most babies that practise Elimination Communication are completely out of nappies by 12-18 months! And according to the experts in the field, Elimination Communication actually contributes to the baby’s development, with parents consistently reporting enhanced mobility, language development, social confidence, and self-esteem….

How to get more money! Your 5-step guide.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…believing that money has to come to us a certain way. Ie. Via our jobs or benefits payments, etc. Money, like love, can come from all sorts of different sources. And sometimes it won’t even appear as money! Perhaps someone will give you a scholarship or some free groceries or a voucher. Maybe friends will shout you dinner! Another way…

Letting go of the busy…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

…of hanging out with my husband and my son. No room to get my head around the new language!! I’ve always been someone to pack my life full. I love what I do so none of it feels like work, which makes it easy to add some new commitment to the pile without a second glance. Yet, even those things…

Why manifesting doesn’t work

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

…party I’m invited to I will meet my guy!! This stifles the process. There are a million different ways (or more) that something could come to you. But if you have a set idea on how that thing must come to you, you block out all the other opportunities for that thing to materialise into your life. Perhaps you’re in…

Are vibrators killing your pleasure?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

…in our body. If you have any toys like that, please throw them out. NOW!!!!!! Studies have even linked them to cancer. What you want, are toys that are non porous, and made of materials such as silicon, glass or stainless steel. Or like I said, get yourself a Jade Egg and enjoy the deliciousness of deep vaginal orgasmic bliss!…

Water works

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…slightly and circulatory efficiency is compromised. Soon delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain is compromised. This is a major cause of fatigue. You may also feel low because you don’t poop enough. Drinking lots of filtered water can help with the elimination process. How much should I be drinking? To stave off disease and illnesses, we need to…

Do you have a spiritual teacher?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

…you ready for one? Really ready? Because deciding to work with a spiritual teacher takes commitment. Commitment to self. It means being open to looking deep within to see where you have strayed from yourself so you can learn the lessons needed to reconnect with yourself. For that is what the spiritual journey is about: Learning how to live as…

News Toxicity: Are you poisoning your mind?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…people gravitate to the news? Because society teaches us that we need to know what’s going on. The media want you to believe that news offers you some sort of competitive advantage. So many of us fall for that. We get anxious when we’re cut off from the flow of news. Yet in reality, news consumption is a competitive disadvantage….

What to do when the odds are against you.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…will say is this… I was manifesting in this way before I learnt all this spiritual stuff, ok?? A major example of this was back in high school, I REALLY wanted to complete a Graduate Diploma of Arts in Commercial Radio, when I finished Year 12. My career’s adviser told me not to bother applying as I wouldn’t get in…

Incontinence: Do tears run down your leg when you sneeze?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

common belief, the pelvic floor is not designed to support our sexual organs. That’s the job of the pubic bone! Bathroom habits… Yes, one of the major lifestyle patterns that exacerbates or triggers off incontinence, is how we urinate. I go into far more depth in the Yoga for the Vagina online series, with a complete peeing guide… but in…

Finding my way back home!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health10 Comments

…my beautiful husband if he could mind Zen while I did my practice. I had no logical reason to be fearful. It was self-created fear. It was my stuff. I hadn’t abandoned myself completely, but I had lost touch with what it felt like to be fully committed to myself. I gave complete love to my son. I could be…

A lesson in Self-Resect… And why I pulled out of a HUGE speaking gig!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health2 Comments

and pill free, despite worldwide belief that depression was a chemical imbalance that could only be managed with pills. Yet as I shared my ideas, my coach encouraged me to instead focus on my philosophy of ‘dating’ oneself. Dating oneself was something I’d come up with that had not only helped my depression clients overcome their issues, but helped many…

Is social media the new cocaine?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

…into a whirlpool of everyone else’s lives. We start to see everyone else’s feeds and all the cool things they’re up to; all their shiny photos… their hot boyfriends… their awesome holidays… and cute baby pics… And suddenly we start to go into comparison mode. We start to compare ourselves to the ‘image’ of the perfect life. For we need…

Love story: Are you living yours?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health2 Comments


Every love story has a beginning. And it usually starts with someone searching for true love. I know for me, I always wanted to find ‘The One’. The romantic in me always on the lookout for her Prince, always hoping to experience that deep heart-felt connection. And for many years I searched and searched, experiencing flings and rendezvous’ that while…

Your life purpose: How to find it and rock it!

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…10 countries. She’s become known for helping freedom driven women feel clear on how all their gifts can come together in a way that allows them to best support those they are meant to while building a business that supports their ideal lifestyle. Start living your purpose and making your own dream business a reality all over at ….

Minimalism: Is less really more?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Uncategorized4 Comments

…it means we have to work 100 hours a week to pay for it. If we don’t own the mansion, the pool and the entertainment system better suited to a cinema, then we’re not doing very well. Oh, you don’t have the latest I-phone or the fastest wireless Internet? Oh my… Yet the truth is, you can’t ‘buy’ happiness. Happiness…

Happiness doesn’t come from getting what you want. Let me share what will…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment


…get however, is happiness. Because like I said, happiness doesn’t come from material things, or reaching a specific milestone, like a weight loss goal for example. Interestingly, these people who set their goal to be rich, to have a baby, to climb the corporate ladder; they become happy before they get what they wanted. And what they find, is that…

Are you postponing happiness?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I felt inspired to start the new year – the new decade – with a blog about a topic close to all of our hearts: Happiness! Because if there’s something we all want, it’s to be happy, right? We’ve just entered the roaring ’20s and the truth is, how you dance your way through the year, will all come down…

What’s pelvic health got to do with money?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Sexual Health2 Comments

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I talk a lot about pelvic health. Well, today I want to share with you the common root cause of what brings a woman’s pelvic health undone: Money! Yes, money and women’s health have one thing in common… The pelvis! Ha? Yep, stay with me… Now I don’t usually…

Wearing a Jade Egg versus ‘practising’ with a Jade Egg.

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…the conscious commitment to practise with their Jade Egg, those feelings of unworthiness and any lack of self-acceptance, begins to surface and thus, resolve. Old thinking patterns and limiting beliefs come into our awareness so they can be healed. That’s the magic of having an actual Jade Egg practice; you heal not only the physical body, but your mental and

When self-love becomes a chore.

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…done, in the way we’ve always done them – in a bid to help us stay comfortable and safe. Our ego likes to look out for us in that way. Problem is, we can’t grow – we can’t change our circumstances and experience of life – when we’re safely tucked into our comfort zone. You can read more about how…

Human emotions: Part of living a full bodied existence.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health10 Comments

…then we can realise that anger itself isn’t bad, it’s what we do with that anger, that has the potential to make it problematic. If for example, you react to the anger by blaming others or arguing, this serves no-one. It only creates more mess, more heart-ache, and more inaction. For example, there’s a lot of anger and frustration around…

Reach your potential

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…conditions of our neurology – we have new references of possibility and are able to handle more with the new resources. Think of learning to drive a car. Initially it is challenging and all our senses are firing. Then we move to unconscious competence and we can comfortably drive the car while thinking of other things. The same thing happens…

Perception is everything

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

and simply be with what is happening right here, right now. When you commit to practising this – to separating the mental commentary about the situation from the actual situation – you’re essentially setting yourself free. Free from the suffering. Free from the worry, the stress, the fear. And as you know from my blog: Boosting Immunity Amid the Coronavirus…

The spiritual power of menstruation

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health10 Comments

…longer serving us, and let it go, so we can move into the next month freer, and more available to experience the richness of life. Menstruation is this respect, is a sacred time to be honoured. Yet, the way most modern women treat their period, is anything but. Women resist their periods. They resent them. They deny themselves the space…

Deadlines: Enjoy the journey, not just the end point.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health8 Comments

…extra time and still keeping to my promise of releasing the course in the Australian summer. Yet the more I created, the more I found areas I wanted to explore in more depth, because when it comes to women’s health, there really is so much to learn! So I continued to study, research, explore, trial and error all my findings,…

Yoni Egg versus Jade Egg: What’s the difference?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

…into the vagina as part of your practice. I hope this helps shed some light on the Yoni Egg! If you’d like to know more about Nephrite Jade Eggs or the Jade Egg practice I teach, simply visit my website which I have created as a free resource for women wanting to explore healing their mind and body in…

Quality sleep = Better immunity

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

…It simply doesn’t work if it doesn’t get topped up regularly. One study published in Behavioural Sleep Medicine measured the moods of women who slept eight hours compared to those who had less than five hours. Not surprisingly, the group who slept less had significantly higher levels of anger, depression and confusion. Interestingly ‘anger’ is associated with the liver in…

The pelvic floor demystified

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

…includes yoga and pilates teachers. Research has shown that it’s often more common for yoga and pilates teachers to have pelvic floor issues, due to the drawing down of the tailbone in postures and the ‘tighten tighten tighten’ approach, without a focus on restoring length in the pelvic floor and letting go. I hope this blog serves to help you…

Ignite your sixth sense, intuition.

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…this for a period of time it will become second nature. Remember though, that is doesn’t always make sense. As Albert Einstein stated, “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”…

Is your ego controlling your life?

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…yourself feeling inferior to others? Do you feel yourself trying to be superior to others, in a bid to make yourself feel better about yourself? This is the ego at play. True self-confidence does not come from comparison – comparing yourself to another: ‘I’m better looking than that person’, ‘I’m more intelligent’, ‘I have more money’. We are all perfect…

Play-time: How to get Happy!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

…It keeps us young at heart, creative and happy. But often the missing ingredient in a person’s life is play. When was the last time you laughed, for example. According to a study by German psychologist Michael Titze, in the 1950s people laughed for eighteen minutes a day, but today we laugh no more than six minutes a day. Children…

Curiosi-tea… opening your mind to more.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What does it mean to be curious about you? About life? How would your life be different if you lived each moment from a place of complete curiosity? That’s right, go into each situation, each interaction with a willingness and openness to understand and thus grow? What you’d probably find is that there would be no more judgments or critisisms…

I was an introvert, but not anymore.

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for a while, you’ll know that we can change our beliefs, and in doing so, we can change our limiting behaviours, so we can feel comfortable in situations that we were not so comfortable in before. So let’s look at this in a little more detail, shall we? When a person labels them-self an introvert, they’re usually believing that it’s…