How often to you find yourself caught in the trap of measuring your worth, based on some external standard? Maybe it’s through social media likes, a job title, your looks or material possessions… Whatever it is, there’s a tendency for us human beings to seek validation from the world around us. But what if I told you that your worth … Read More
Ep. 8 Teach people how to treat you more lovingly!
Relationships can be tricky at times, especially when the other person isn’t treating us the way we wish to be treated. When they act and behave in ways that make us feel ‘less than’ or undervalued, this feels just plain awful. But what if you could teach people how to treat you? In today’s episode on I Love Me The … Read More
I’ve done so many courses, but nothing works for me.
Nothing works for me! Ever thought this thought, or said these words out loud? If there’s one thing that people say to me it’s this: I’ve done stacks of self-development, but nothing works for me. Now, while there are certainly courses out there that aren’t so great, many of the courses out there do work, at least to some degree. … Read More
Dissolve your fibroids, naturally.
If there’s one health complaint I hear from women regularly, it’s that they’ve been diagnosed as having fibroids. Some women might only have one or two, while others might have literally dozens of them. And for the women who do have invasive procedures to clear them out of the uterus, the fibroids usually return within months, often more severely. Shockingly, … Read More
Earthing. Could it be the answer to your healing?
Earthing. Feeling grounded. What does that feel like? Let me begin by sharing what it feels like to be ungrounded… unearthed… When my little family decided to move from my Dandenong Ranges rainforest home in Australia, to the cute little city of Rennes in France, we decided to try out a different way of living. We moved into a sixth … Read More
Wear a mask please
‘If you told me 12-months ago that we were about to go into a global pandemic of epic proportions, with lockdowns around the world, and staggering stats including over 200,000 deaths in the US and rising, I would’ve thought “Wow really? That’s crazy! It sounds like a science-fiction film”.’ But if you told me that with cases and deaths rising, … Read More
4 tips for finding the perfect course for you!
If you’re here, chances are I’m not the first person or course you’ve come across that says they can help guide you out of your problems. There are plenty of beautiful souls creating some pretty amazing transformations for people out there, through 1:1 work and through online and in person courses. Unfortunately, there are also some less experienced, or even … Read More
Wearing a Jade Egg versus ‘practising’ with a Jade Egg.
I regularly get asked the question: Why do I need a dedicated Jade Egg practice? Can’t I just wear the Jade Egg? Sure, you can. However, simply wearing your Jade Egg will only allow in a fraction of the healing available to you. And as I explain in mu blog: Do I have a weak pelvic floor or a strong … Read More
Are you at risk of sexual organ prolapse?
Prolapse. It’s a scary thought; your sexual organs falling down and out of your vaginal canal. What’s even scarier, is that 44% of women will experience some degree of sexual organ prolapse in their lifetime, with one in three needing a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60! So if prolapse is such a common problem, why aren’t more women talking … Read More
Minimalism: Is less really more?
What is minimalism and why would we want to live a minimalist life? Good question. Let me share my experience with you, so I can answer that for you. In deciding to move to France, my husband and I needed to make the big decision of how much stuff to take and what to leave behind. As we began packing … Read More
Break the cycle of suffering
Have you ever wondered why there’s so much suffering in our world, and in particular, why you suffer? We all experience suffering at some point in our lives. For some people it’s a brief fleeting moment, for others it’s a never ending tunnel of doom and gloom. And your suffering may involve money worries or a health issue. Perhaps your … Read More