Shopping for a lover.. online? Go on. Try it on for size!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

If it’s ok to shop online for books, clothes, and household goods, why are so many people hesitant to checking out the vast array of potential mates online?

We seem to be fine with shopping around for the perfect car, the perfect dress, or the perfect nail colour, so is tracking down the perfect partner any different?


With people so busy these days, spending longer hours in the office, is dating online not an easier and more effective use of time when it comes to finding a mate?

At least you know most of the people online are also looking for what you’re looking for – a relationship!

As far as I’m concerned (and having spent many years on the dating circuit before meeting my Prince) we should use the same formula we use for finding someone special as we do for finding the right dress for that special occasion.

You try a few on for size and see how they feel.

Is there anything wrong with that?

You wouldn’t think twice about hanging a garment back on the rack if it looked terrible on you, would you?

So why be so worried about going on a few dates with someone new to see whether he/she makes you feel mushy inside?

Well the same goes for meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Date a few, find out what attributes you value in a partner, then don’t settle for less.

In the meantime, make sure you’re being the perfect partner!


How can you expect to attract someone who has all these amazing qualities – fit and healthy, financially secure, honest, nurturing – if you don’t have those qualities yourself?

Then use the Internet to shop around for your perfect partner as you would your perfect handbag.

That’s what it’s there for – to help make our search easier.

You may just be surprised how many people are just like you on these dating sites; giving it a go, using it as just another way to get out and meet people.

Want to narrow down your online search?

Then choose a site that caters specifically for you.

There are all sorts of sites that will help you meet someone with a similar interest.

Here are a few suggestions: one of the most popular sites used by Australians. is another mainstream dating site. is the largest free dating site. another free dating site. is very much targeted to those wishing to marry and uses an extensive questionnaire to identify potential matches for you. is you’re looking for a fellow vegetarian to wine and dine you. if you’re seeking someone who is active and in good shape. I love their tag line: ‘Find God’s match for you!’

Just like there are hundreds of bars to meet a potential suitor, so too are there plenty of online dating sites, each catering to a specific target group.

So have a play and be open to meeting a stranger or two before you find ‘The One’!

If you’d like to read about my online dating experiences, grab a copy of my book Getting Naked – The Dating Game.

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