We all have our inner dragons. Most people hide from their dragons, run from their dragons, maybe even pretend the dragons don’t exist. But sooner or later we all have to confront our personal dragon or five in order to let go of the pain and fear so we can live a life of happiness and freedom. A life where … Read More
Emotional Affairs. Are you having one?
Affairs of the heart can be even more harmful than physical affairs – and given that 70% of all marriages experience an extra-marital affair (according to Sexual Health Australia) I felt the need to shed some light on what an emotional affair actually is, and what’s needed to stop your relationship from becoming a shocking statistic. So lets first look at what an emotional affair is… … Read More
Change him or change me? Where do you sit?
It’s not often I single out women, but they seem to be the main culprits when it comes to thinking they can change a man. How many times do we hear her say: ‘Oh, it’s ok I’ll change him once we’re married’, or ‘He’s changing into the man I want him to be? Well, I’ve gotta ask: Why did you date him … Read More
Has your relationship gone sour?
Most long-term relationships have their high seasons and their low seasons; one minute the tree of love is ripe with mouth-watering fruit, and the next the apples are rotting on the ground. No matter which part of the season you’re at in your relationship, you can salvage the crop and have juicy, delicious fruit all year round. Whether you’ve been … Read More
Victim or Victor: Which one are you?
Do you have a sob story you like to re-run in your head or to your friends, family or shrink? Are you someone who feels sorry for yourself and thrives on sympathy from others? If so, you are playing the role of a ‘victim’ and we all know what happens to victims, yeah? Bad stuff. They’re like negativity magnets. When … Read More
Addicted to addiction: Do you keep seeking more?
Last week I talked about using substances, people or things to fill the emptiness so many people in today’s world are familiar with; you may know it as an inner hunger for more. So in need to turn to an external source to feel some sort of positivity, they seek out louder, bigger or stronger fixes to give them that hit of … Read More
Does life fulfill you, or are you sheep spectator?
We often hear people say they want to be happy and ‘fulfilled’. Well we all know what happiness feels like, but how many of us really know what if feels like to be fulfilled? Have you stopped to consider what fulfilment really is? Are you one of those people who is ever striving for this so-called ‘fulfilment’, without sitting down … Read More
The Naked Way: Take off the blindfold and be the artist of your life.
I wanted to spend this week discussing your way of life. How you conduct yourself daily, how you think about yourself, how you get the results you want – or how you haven’t quite worked out that part of the puzzle yet. Do you even have a ‘way’ of living life? My way is ‘The Naked Way’. Raw. Stripped back. Honest. Let … Read More
Celebrate wins. Do a victory dance. And cherish self.
When you have a win, what do you do? Do you celebrate your success or do you move on without so much as a blink of an eyelash? When I experience a win I ‘happy dance’! Yes, I jump around the room in all my glory, legs and arms moving about in sometimes-hideous displays of joy in order to mark … Read More
Healthier living could be one big breath away.
How well do you breathe? Do you even know? Or is breathing something you do completely unconsciously, letting your autonomic nervous system supply you with oxygen however it sees fit? The majority of people do not breathe well. Sure, they get enough air to get through life, but not enough to feel alive and vital in every moment. Not enough … Read More
Smile. Relate. Grow. Let life’s interactions be your study of self.
How do you treat strangers? Do you shy away from interactions or do you connect? What I’ve noticed is most people look the other way, pull out their phone for company or pretend they didn’t see that person just millimeters from reach. It’s pretty sad really, given that relationships and the interactions we have with others are what truly nourish … Read More
Is it time to let go of the rules? Life without control.
Do rules lead to nourishing experiences or do they disassociate us? This is a question I pondered while visiting Bali last week. My first visit to the busy tourist island was an eye-opener in more ways than one could imagine. Let’s begin with the roads. Rules are thrown to the curb in favour of interactive driving. What you soon realise … Read More
Forget the love ‘story’: Isn’t it the ‘love’ you want?
I’ve come into contact with a lot of ladies lately who are desperate for that big (and expensive) shiny ring on their magical finger. So it got me wondering… Why so much pressure to lock a man down and enter a contract for life? Because that’s essentially what it is. A contract. A contract stopping you from leaving this person. … Read More
The blog that will change your relationships! Enough said. Read on…
We all want to feel happy, loved… hell… we want to have fun, positive experiences, yeah? Some people try to reach those happy states of being by booking in for an extravagant holiday, others let a Hollywood movie deliver them that cliché ‘happily ever after’. But where are those real happy (warm and fuzzy inside) feelings to be found? In the people, not … Read More
Stretch: How flexible are you.. mentally?
Have you ever stretched yourself? Not in the physical way a dancer or a keen yoga student might, but in the way that helps you break through personal barriers so you can experience a life far richer than you have in the past? Stretching yourself mentally helps you turn your life into a fairytale adventure where you live your ‘happily … Read More
Mind fit: Are you exercising your most important muscle?
The reason I write this blog is because it’s come to my attention recently that there’s a lot of fear around looking at oneself and the role a person plays in creating their outcomes in life. Which is fair enough – who wants to be held accountable for all the crappy things that happen to them when it’s much easier … Read More
Body Love: The key to loving your body.
I find it fascinating the extremes people will go too, especially women, to lose weight. Starving themselves of proper nutrition in order to stick to that lemon diet, just so they can squeeze into that pretty dress on the weekend. Or exercising their butts off to the point of injury, fatigue and sheer exhaustion. Yet ask someone to show their … Read More
Are you leaping from small zone into big zone?
The comfort zone is an interesting phenomenon. Many people have quite an attachment to the good ‘ol comfort zone, sitting in it because it’s so, well comfy. It’ s like a big old lounge, it wraps around you, keeping you safe and secure; you know what to expect because it’s the lounge you’ve had since you can remember. But is this … Read More
Luck! How to get more of it.
How lucky are you? Are you one of those people who always wins extravagant prize and has opportunities come at them from all angles? Or are you someone who is constantly hitting a brick wall, nothing seeming to fall in your lap. Ever! So you label yourself ‘Unlucky’. Have you ever asked yourself what ‘luck’ actually is? Many people see … Read More
Practice ‘Sexual Kung Fu’ and live a longer, happier life!
How much energy does sex give you? Does it leave you feeling energized and revitalized? Are you experiencing multi, full body and energetic orgasms? If you answered no to any of these questions, then it’s time to start learning the Taoist art of Sexual Kung Fu! Like anything in life, in order to get good at something you need to practise … Read More
Is your priority YOU or something less?
How do you spend your day? What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? If you were to draw up a pie chart that graphed all the areas that you put time and energy into, would it fit with what you really want? Your true desires? Or would it be a miss-match? We’ve all got priorities – whether … Read More
Are you a human DOing or a human BEing?
I find it fascinating that as human BEing’s we tend to spend a lot more time doing than we do being. When was the last time you sat down and took time out from your hectic schedule to simply be? To give yourself a break from the societal noise and allow yourself to sink into a state of calm bliss? From the minute people awake, … Read More
How friendly is your environment?
Have a think about that for a moment. Have you ever taken the time to actually consider whether the people you surround yourself with are a positive influence on you and where you want to go in life? Are they people that inspire you? Or are they people who knock down your ideas and reinforce that any attempt to move … Read More
Where are you getting your love this Valentines Day?
We all want to feel loved on the most romantic day of the year, but left to chance, love could be missing this Valentines Day. That’s why I encourage people to start learning how to love yourself, as that’s the key to getting love, whether you’re in a relationship or still searching for your ‘Happily Every After’. When February 14th rolls around … Read More
‘Cosmetic Acupuncture’, Body and Soul, 2013
Cosmetic Acupuncture: Does it really work? Looking ten years younger doesn’t have to involve Botox or plastic surgery. As Wellness coach Tamra Mercieca discovers, the restoration of our youthful appearance could be just a few pin pricks away. Having experienced problem skin for much of my life, I decided to follow in the footsteps of Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow and give … Read More
First comes the dream, then comes the reality. So dream big!
As a child I was a dreamer. No doubt about it. I dreamt of being famous; perhaps an actor, musician or even a radio star! As I grew the dreams continued, although they became worldlier. After overcoming depression and realising I could help others do the same, I suddenly dreamt of changing the world; helping everyone learn how to love … Read More
Keeping the mind and body youthful. Naturally!
What if you could slow down the aging process, even reverse it? Naturally. Would that be of interest to you? Would you be willing to try a new approach and actually get to the root cause of the deterioration associated with ageing? Would you invest in learning how to do it yourself? If so, then read on… Here’s the billion-dollar … Read More
Are you a believer? If so, be cautious of what you choose to believe.
Belief is an interesting topic. We either believe in something or we do not. But what happens when what we believe is stopping us from having the life we wish to lead? Consider this: The Journal of Clinical Psychology states that over 40% of adults will try to change their behavior at some point this year? Yet 92% will fail to keep their … Read More
Give the gift of presence this Chrissy
What’s the best present you can give your loved ones this year? Although many might argue that a new car, fancy necklace or a little lovin’ are all ideal gifts – consider this: Material objects while lovely, don’t really nourish us. What they do is give us a little bit of joy when they’re shiny and new, but that wanes. … Read More
Romance novels: the key to your love life?
So we’re all familiar with porn and its ability to get men (and many women) in the mood for… shall we say… a little fun under the covers. Well it seems romance novels could be just as effective and more acceptable to a wide range of audiences. Psychology Today states that women who read romance novels make love with their partners … Read More
Curiosi-tea… opening your mind to more.
What does it mean to be curious about you? About life? How would your life be different if you lived each moment from a place of complete curiosity? That’s right, go into each situation, each interaction with a willingness and openness to understand and thus grow? What you’d probably find is that there would be no more judgments or critisisms … Read More
Health scares. Getting to the root cause of illness.
So before I share my health scare with you I have a question: When you get sick, how do you get well? What is your process for healing yourself? Is your first inclination to get a drug prescription from your doctor? Maybe you take a couple of days off work to rest. Do you jump online and start reading everything … Read More
Shopping for a lover.. online? Go on. Try it on for size!
If it’s ok to shop online for books, clothes, and household goods, why are so many people hesitant to checking out the vast array of potential mates online? We seem to be fine with shopping around for the perfect car, the perfect dress, or the perfect nail colour, so is tracking down the perfect partner any different? Really? With people … Read More
The caped crusaders of the fruit bowl: Tuck in!
In summer we’re naturally drawn to fruit; there’s nothing like tucking into bowl of fruit salad on a hot summer’s day or slurping down a fresh fruit smoothie. And if it’s good for us, then why hold back. But as you’ll read, some fruits are more like Clark Kent than Superman. Superfruits, like superheros, can be used as a vehicle … Read More
Possibilities are endless.. really! Are you ready to learn how to fly?
What is a person’s full potential? According to the top quantum physicists and scientists alike we are only using 10% of the possible neurological connections. Could that mean we have not witnessed to date, the full potential of a human being, and does that mean human potential is far greater than we can possibly even imagine? A study on rats … Read More
‘Down-time’ the key to weight loss? Yes… really!
With summer on our doorstep, many of us are looking to get our bodies bikini-ready for the beach. Diets. Exercise. They’re the typical recipes for weight loss and cellulite reduction, but what if de-stressing your life is the missing ingredient to shed the kilos? It’s hard to believe that stress can lead to weight gain, but it’s true. When we’re … Read More
Good friendships put the colour in your cheeks. How is your friend bank?
A lack of good, positive friendships is a recipe for depression, loneliness and feelings of unworthiness. As human’s we’re meant to connect – we’re social creatures. We need, just as we need air, food and water, to be part of the woven pattern of human life. So, if you’re not bonding with people who give you permission to shine, it … Read More
Kiss and make up? How to grow from lover’s quarrels.
Relationships, when going well, give us an undeniable zest of life – topping us up with strength, ambition and an unshakable belief in our most precious selves. When they’re not going so well however, they have the potential to bring out our inner witch, throwing us into a world of uncertainty and chaos. So next time you find yourself arguing … Read More
Be careful of wearing the welcome sign, or you may end up being a doormat.
Don’t be hard on yourself for saying ‘Yes’ all the time. The fact that you like to ‘people-please’ (as some people call it) shows that you are a really kind and giving person. You simply need to balance that out, so you have enough time and energy to nurture you, instead of being left depleted and put yourself at risk … Read More
The Love Sandwich… how to relate better!
What’s your first reaction when someone criticises you or your work? Is it to put up a brick wall of defence so you no longer hear or take on anymore of the negativity thrown your way? What if there was a more positive approach to sharing your feedback, in a way that benefited both parties? Let’s consider what would happen differently, if that someone (perhaps … Read More
Stress! Killing you softly with its kiss.
Yes, stress is the number one killer in the world, responsible for 70% of all illnesses and diseases today. And why do I bring this alarming statistic to your attention? Because it’s preventable. We don’t have to experience stress – we can learn to stress-less and live our lives from a place of ease and flow. All we need to … Read More
Sneezin’ through Spring isn’t so sexy? Rid yourself of hay fever.
Sneezing your way through Spring can be an arduous task, but taking a holistic approach will help you breeze through, unaffected. If you’d like to learn how to leave the tissue box at home, then I’d love to share how I cured my own hay fever. Since I was a small child I would dread Spring knowing that going outside … Read More
To flirt or not to flirt.. at work?
That is certainly the question!! And with so many of us working long tiresome hours, it’s no surprise that office romance blossoms into existence. Know that just because you practically live at your desk, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little romance. Office romance may often be frowned upon, but give you have common ground, that’s a great foundation for … Read More
The Darker Shade of Grey – Say ‘No’ to Suicide
Having travelled the roller-coaster of suicide attempts and lived to tell the story, I am more than familiar with the darker shades of grey – you may know them as depression. Unfortunately, there are many more who did not make it, with suicide being the leading cause of death for Aussies under the age of 44. The reason I bring … Read More
Script Your Own Life
Who’s writing the script for your life? Can you honestly say you’re the star, the director, the producer and the scriptwriter? And if not…. Why? As some of you know I’m in talks to have my own story, Getting Naked – The Dating Game, turned into a major motion movie. But that got me thinking…. I may be scripting my … Read More