It’s quite a personal question isn’t it! How tight is your butt? But if you don’t have a tight butt, then that may actually be affecting your energy levels. According to Taoism, much of our sexual energy actually leaks out of our anus and buttocks. Now the reason we want to conserve our sexual energy is because it’s what fuels … Read More
What’s hiding in the garden of YOUR mind? Limiting beliefs?
On my honeymoon my husband and I decided to start a veggie garden. We were super enthusiastic, buying all the seeds, extra soil, and any other gardening paraphernalia we thought we’d need. We got our little hand spades and started digging into the garden beds to turn over and prepare the soil, only to find…. rocks. LOTS of rocks. Oh … Read More
Are you sick of hurting? Heal your hurt NOW!
Nobody wants to feel hurt. Nobody wants to feel hurt, because.. well… it hurts. Yet many people are carrying around a LOT of hurt. Yet just like mold, if you don’t clean the hurt up, it only grows and expands. What happens when hurt is left to fester? You start to lash out at the people you love, you become … Read More
How I stopped binge eating. True Story.
So I have a confession to make… I was a binge eater. Having grown up a skinny girl who ate what she liked, I was suddenly faced with rapid weight gain in my early 20s, if I so much as looked at food the wrong way. Food became the enemy. Yet like the so-called ‘bad boys’, they somehow manage to … Read More
My libido’s gone AWOL. Help!
Having a hot little libido isn’t about eating Oysters all day and feeding your partner chocolate coated strawberries while drinking red wine and watching porn! If you’re serious about reigniting your libido, then you need to understand one simple truth… A loss of libido = stagnant sexual energy. It’s that simple! In order to get your libido rockin’ you need … Read More
‘You can overcome anxiety’, Bay Lifestyle magazine, Spring 2015
Anxiety can be like having a lasso around your neck. Just one small tug and you’re left gasping for air. I remember my days when I would experience severe panic attacks – before I learnt what I’m about to share with you – and how horrible that was. Yet life doesn’t have to be this way. You can overcome anxiety. Firstly … Read More
The leading cause of good health: Pleasure!
Do you know what the leading cause of good health is? Go on take a moment to consider what it is that creates good health……………………………………………………………… Love, happiness, joy, fun…… PLEASURE!!!! When we give ourselves permission to indulge in deep pleasure for extended periods of time, that in itself is healing to the body. Yet when we’re tired, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed … Read More
You are limitless! Simply let go of the beliefs that have you thinking otherwise.
I remember when the movie Limitless came out. It really opened my eyes to what was possible. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie Limitless, it’s about a guy named Bradley whose life is completely transformed when he takes a top-secret ‘smart-drug’ that allows him to use 100% of his brain and become a perfect version of himself. … Read More
Infertility: How to conceive naturally
When it comes to infertility the stats really are shocking, with 12% of women of childbearing age unable to conceive. If that wasn’t scary enough, one in three women over 35 are deemed infertile. The great news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. No matter what your diagnosis, or how long you’ve been struggling to get pregnant, you … Read More
Do you have a daily ritual? 6 practices I do every day.
Are you one for rituals? Do you have a certain way you put on your make-up or cook your breakfast? While I’m all for being spontaneous and enjoying the moment, I’m also a big advocate of having little daily practices that allow one to nurture and center his or herself. Life can get super chaotic at times and having little … Read More
Are vibrators killing your pleasure?
If you’ve seen my talks at Sexpo, you’ll know I warn ladies in particular, about the dangers of overusing vibrators. So I thought is wise to use this week’s blog to explain why! But before I tell you how vibrators kill your pleasure, let’s looks at how the vibrator came about, shall we? Would you believe the vibrator was actually … Read More
Is your ego controlling your life?
So what is the ego that all the spiritual gurus talk of? The ego is an image you have of yourself that gives you a sense of identity – and that identity takes shape from the things you tell yourself and the things other people say about you, that you accept as truth. Those patterns and behaviours and labels you … Read More
Silence: The antidote to life’s woes
Could you spend a day in silence? This is my challenge to you this week. We all have distractions and craziness in our lives. Between jobs, relationships, driving, food shopping, meals, kids after school programs, and finally making it to yoga class on Saturday morning, we have perfected multi-tasking at its best. Yet there comes a time when we need … Read More
Get rid of anxiety in two minutes flat!
Anxiety can be absolutely crippling. I should know, after experiencing my fair share of panic attacks, before I learnt what I’m about to share with YOU! Now before I teach you this 2-minute exercise that will eliminate anxiety, there’s a couple of things you need to understand. Firstly.. what is anxiety? Anxiety is a fear of what might happen in … Read More
Solve sexual health issues with squats!
Squats will do more than help you get a nice booty and thighs of steel; they’re one of the best exercises for strengthening the internal muscles in the pelvic floor. Now the term ‘pelvic floor’ refers to the group of muscles that form a muscular hammock across the opening of the pelvic. These muscles, together with the surrounding tissues, keep … Read More
Heal your life through the Art of Self-Love
What is self-love? We hear the words ‘self-love’ get thrown around the spiritual world willy-nilly, but not many of us actually practice self-love. For many people they don’t know how. Some don’t know what self-love actually is. I’ll take this moment now to share what self-love is, but I just ask you one thing: Don’t dismiss it’s simplicity. For it … Read More
Are you in need of a love infusion? Energy healing explained…
We all know what a blood transfusion is. It’s giving blood intravenously to someone who needs more blood to physically stay alive. We certainly do need blood to keep our physical body alive, but in order to stay truly alive, we need love. Love is what energetically awakens us so we can feel deeply alive. Many people these days live … Read More
Date yourself: The answer to inner peace and happiness.
No doubt you’ve been on a date… or three. How was it? Did it give you Goosebumps? It was after kissing a few too many toads, without any of them turning into my Prince, that I decided to stop dating men, and start dating myself. Date yourself? ‘Yes’… with a nice big cherry on top! Why? This week I have … Read More
A lesson in Self-Resect… And why I pulled out of a HUGE speaking gig!
It was December last year when I received an email inviting me to speak on one of the most prestigious stages I have ever spoken on. To say I was jumping all over the place with the unbridled enthusiasm of a ninja in a leotard high on red cordial, would be a massive understatement. What followed was meeting with my … Read More
Wabi Sabi your life: See perfection in imperfection.
So what is Wabi Sabi? Pretty much everything that today’s sleek, perfectly mass-produced, technology-saturated culture is not. It’s flea markets and op shops as opposed to shopping malls, it’s rustic mis-match chairs instead of a perfectly symmetrical chair set, and it’s a bunch of wildflowers rather than a dozen long stemmed red roses. Wabi Sabi is a Japanese philosophy, which … Read More
How to get more money! Your 5-step guide.
If there’s one thing I see daily, its people with money problems. Money really is one of the leading causes of stress and worry. Given stress is responsible for 70% of all illness and disease, you don’t want money making you sick! Many people come to me and say ‘I know your program will help me turn my financial situation … Read More
How to raise children without sexual shame
‘Mummy, what is a scrotum?’ If you’re a parent, then you’ll know what it’s like to be asked questions about the human body and its functions. Depending on your own upbringing and how you were educated around sex, will determine how you feel about having those conversations. What’s really important to understand, is how we answer those innocent questions is … Read More
We ALL need a spiritual practice. Here’s why…
Do you have a spiritual practice? And if not, why not? Before I began my daily spiritual practice – of tuning into myself and clearing beliefs – I was living in a whirlpool of chaos, barely keeping my head above water. Yet when I started connecting with myself – for that is what a spiritual practice is about, connecting with … Read More
Abandonment: Have you walked out on yourself?
If you’ve ever had someone you care about walk out on you, you know it hurts. Abandonment is a shocking feeling. Yet few people realise they’re abandoning themselves on a daily basis. When we come home from a stressful day and reach for that glass of wine to take the edge of things, we’re numbing ourself. Abandoning ourself. Blinding ourself … Read More
What you must know BEFORE you see a psychic
If you’ve read my book Getting Naked – The Dating Game you’ll know I’ve seen my fair share of psychics. Desperate for love, I’d ask when he would arrive. Each time they’d tell me my Prince was coming, and each time I got soooo attached to this outcome, I’d unconsciously sabotage his arrival. Again, and again, and…. yes again… It … Read More
How to stay juicy through menopause
Going through menopause doesn’t need to be a rough sea of hormonal changes and emotional turmoil. You can sail smoothly through menopause. Many women see menopause as the end of a woman’s sexuality, when it couldn’t be further from it. In fact, many women find menopause is just the beginning! Menopause is a time when women really arrive into their … Read More
Let me introduce you to the subconscious mind…
How do you feel when an ‘error’ pops up on your computer screen? Frustrated? Annoyed? Shitty? When our computer stops working the way it’s meant to, stopping us getting done what we wish to complete, it can be really… well… Much like life really! Everyday we have little ‘error’ signs popping up; challenges and obstacles getting in the way of … Read More
Embrace your feminine: Is your approach to life too masculine?
As many of you know I LOVE swing dancing! Growing up somewhat of a tomboy (playing drums and racing cars) I took a very masculine approach to life. When I say masculine, I mean I was very goal orientated, very driven and very active in pursuing that which I desired. For many people this would have been seen as a … Read More
Genital numbness: Is your vagina asleep?
There are very few people today who are not experiencing some degree of genital numbness. Now when I say ‘genital numbness’, if you can’t feel deep orgasmic pleasure from not much more than feather-soft strokes, then chances are you have genital numbness. But before you get worried about having some terrible affliction, let me explain what genital numbness actually is. … Read More
Does your body run like an old car? Stress-free tips for a healthy YOU!
Too much stress and your body will soon be broken down on the side of the road. It’s as simple as that. Believe it or not, stress is responsible for 70% of all illnesses and diseases. Yes, it’s that huge! And when you look at how stressed most people are today, is it any wonder so many people are in … Read More
Love heals: Heal your life through love.
In life we experience one of two things: Love or fear. We know we are experiencing love when we feel good, life makes us happy and we are deeply satisfied and content. Unfortunately for most people, this kind of experience is only fleeting, if existent at all. Why? Because we live in a fear-driven society. We are brought up to … Read More
Sexual shame: Are you a victim?
Do you deny, suppress or judge your sexual desires? Do you contract or feel pain, shame or guilt during or after sex? If you do, you’re not alone. It is a statistical fact that little girls are restricted, shamed, punished and made to feel guilty about their body and what they do with it. What does this breed? Nations of … Read More
Feeling alone? Then let those cards fall from your chest.
Do you hold your cards too close to your chest? Are you someone who prefers not to share your struggles, your wins, your road map for life? I’ve come a across a few people recently who are quite secretive about their life choices. They hold their cards very close to their chest for one of two reasons… Either they’re scared … Read More
Your life purpose: How to find it and rock it!
Finding your life purpose can be like finding a needle in a haystack for some people. But it needn’t be that way. Discovering your life purpose is an exciting journey into self. If you struggle to know what you’re here for or often wonder what you’re meant to be doing with your life, you’re not alone. It’s been said by … Read More
Give the gift of love this Christmas.
Struggling to buy gifts for those hard-to-buy-for people in your life? Then why not offer them the gift of love! ‘Ha?’ I hear you say! ‘That’s not something I can give another person.’ Actually it is. You just need to be open to showing love, gratitude and perhaps even get a little creative. Which is fun, right? Everyone I know … Read More
Ladies beware: Your sexual organs could quite literally fall out of you!
We all know the side effects of not brushing our teeth. Abandon the toothbrush long enough and your teeth are likely to rot and fall out. Well a woman’s sexual organs are no different. Autopsies done on nuns have shown their sexual organs completely rotted out due to non-use. And this is more common than you might realise. Almost one … Read More
Ready to ditch your fear of public speaking?
Would you believe three years ago, just the thought of public speaking would send shivers of anxiety down my spine? Seriously. I remember in my early 20s being a guest speaker at a university lecture where I had to talk about journalism – my former career – and quite literally shaking through the entire talk. My hands were white and … Read More
Your internal tape recorder: It records EVERYTHING!
It’s funny how much we know (especially about other people and the world around us) without consciously realising it. When I’m out walking, and I see someone coming my way, I can tell automatically before I see their face (as I’m a little short-sighted without my glasses) if it’s someone I know. How? Because an unconscious part of me recognises … Read More
Connection. That’s all we really want… yeah?
We all want connection. In fact, that’s what we crave, what we yearn for, right? Connection with others, but most importantly, connection with our self. Yet this deep soul connection remains elusive for most people. Why? Because instead of focusing on connecting, we humans tend to get caught up pursuing things that we think will deliver us that connection, seeking … Read More