It’s easy to pop sexuality and spirituality in two very different baskets, but in truth, sexuality and spirituality are intimately interwoven.
How is this so?
Because we are love at our core (if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be familiar with this understanding).
Therefore being spiritual is about experiencing yourself as love.
When we ‘make’ love, are we not experiencing that inner well of love?
That depends on the approach you take to sex.
If you’re taking the hard-and-fast ‘friction’ approach – often seen in porn – then you probably won’t be left feeling that inner deep love.
You probably won’t leave the bedroom feeling spiritually nourished.
But if you take a more heart-centered presence into your love-making, like I teach in the Sexual Self course, then sex really can be a healing, enlightening experience for you.
Many people actually use sex as a vehicle to enlightenment – approaching it in such a soft and surrendered way – that they’re able to experience themselves as all that is.
That’s ultimately what a full body cervical orgasm is all about ladies!
Embracing our sexuality and spirituality are key parts of self-love.
And as you know, self-love is at the root of everything we do and everything we experience in life.
If you lack self-love, then your experience of life will be lacking.
That’s what’s so great about sexuality and spirituality; we can use this potent combo to deepen our love for ourself.
When you accept ‘love’ as the teacher, then any practice can be a spiritual practice.
So as part of this week’s blog I decided to have a heart-centered chat with the wonderful and wise Vanessa Cuccia.
Vanessa is a singer, songwriter and the creator of Chakrubs, a beautiful online business selling instruments of pleasure made from 100% organic crystal.
In this raw and intimate interview, Vanessa shares how she was sexually closed (quite literally born with a closed vagina) before she learnt the power of crystals and how they were able to help open her to the pleasure and self-love available to her.
‘Crystals are energetically charged and help us awaken to our own energetic frequency so we can experience much deeper pleasure,’ she offers.
Vanessa and I both believe that sex is simply a metaphor for anything else you can derive pleasure from in life.
If you’re connected to your pleasure, and you feel connected, then a pleasurable existence is available to you.
That is what it means to be empowered as a woman.
As Vanessa shares: ‘Nobody is trying to keep you from happiness, you simply need to receive the love from within.
My world completely opened up once I accepted that and infused this belief into my being.’
Please enjoy this raw and intimate interview.
Let it empower YOU to embrace your own sexuality and learn how to love ALL of yourself.
If you’d like to know more about Vanessa’s Chakrarubs, please visit her website.
Just a quick little note: Since conducting this interview I have since done further in depth research into vaginal crystal use which has found that the only crystal 100% safe for vaginal use is Nephrite Jade.
So if you do decide to explore your vagina with crystals, just ensure anything you use inside your vagina is Nephrite, and keep your other crystals as healing tools you use externally 🙂