The pelvic floor demystified

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

The pelvic floor is generally a part of the body that we rarely give thought to. That is, until we experience a problem with it, such as incontinence or lower back pain. But hey, that’s true of most things, right? We only pay attention, once our body (or another part of our life) starts screaming at us. If the infamous … Read More

Incontinence: Do tears run down your leg when you sneeze?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

A-choo! Oh rats. I peed a little in my pants. Incontinence, while super embarrassing and generally inconvenient, is also totally healable… Naturally. So if tears run down your leg when you laugh and you find yourself avoiding trampolines for fear of a leakage, I have some powerful information to share with you. But before we look at how you can begin … Read More

Are you at risk of sexual organ prolapse?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health, Uncategorized1 Comment

Prolapse. It’s a scary thought; your sexual organs falling down and out of your vaginal canal. What’s even scarier, is that 44% of women will experience some degree of sexual organ prolapse in their lifetime, with one in three needing a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60! So if prolapse is such a common problem, why aren’t more women talking … Read More

My positive birth story…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

My positive birth story begins two weeks past our due date. After visiting the hospital that day to have monitoring, given we were now into the 42nd week of pregnancy with no sign of our munchkin gracing us with his presence, we returned home to continue to wait it out. I was determined not to induce as I didn’t want … Read More

Constipation: Do you have trouble pooping?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Isn’t constipation the most horrible feeling? You need to do a poo, but when you sit down on the toilet nothing comes out. Perhaps you read a book, push and strain because you have an important meeting to get too, or maybe you just go about your day feeling constipated. None of these are ideal scenarios. Hence why I decided … Read More

Sex is a spiritual practice. Yes sexuality and spirituality really are one!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

It’s easy to pop sexuality and spirituality in two very different baskets, but in truth, sexuality and spirituality are intimately interwoven. How is this so? Because we are love at our core (if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be familiar with this understanding). Therefore being spiritual is about experiencing yourself as love. When we ‘make’ love, are … Read More

My libido’s gone AWOL. Help!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Having a hot little libido isn’t about eating Oysters all day and feeding your partner chocolate coated strawberries while drinking red wine and watching porn! If you’re serious about reigniting your libido, then you need to understand one simple truth… A loss of libido = stagnant sexual energy. It’s that simple! In order to get your libido rockin’ you need … Read More

The leading cause of good health: Pleasure!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health, Sexual Health2 Comments

Do you know what the leading cause of good health is? Go on take a moment to consider what it is that creates good health……………………………………………………………… Love, happiness, joy, fun…… PLEASURE!!!! When we give ourselves permission to indulge in deep pleasure for extended periods of time, that in itself is healing to the body. Yet when we’re tired, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed … Read More

Are vibrators killing your pleasure?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

If you’ve seen my talks at Sexpo, you’ll know I warn ladies in particular, about the dangers of overusing vibrators. So I thought is wise to use this week’s blog to explain why! But before I tell you how vibrators kill your pleasure, let’s looks at how the vibrator came about, shall we? Would you believe the vibrator was actually … Read More

Solve sexual health issues with squats!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

Squats will do more than help you get a nice booty and thighs of steel; they’re one of the best exercises for strengthening the internal muscles in the pelvic floor. Now the term ‘pelvic floor’ refers to the group of muscles that form a muscular hammock across the opening of the pelvic. These muscles, together with the surrounding tissues, keep … Read More

How to raise children without sexual shame

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

‘Mummy, what is a scrotum?’ If you’re a parent, then you’ll know what it’s like to be asked questions about the human body and its functions. Depending on your own upbringing and how you were educated around sex, will determine how you feel about having those conversations. What’s really important to understand, is how we answer those innocent questions is … Read More

How to stay juicy through menopause

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

Going through menopause doesn’t need to be a rough sea of hormonal changes and emotional turmoil. You can sail smoothly through menopause. Many women see menopause as the end of a woman’s sexuality, when it couldn’t be further from it. In fact, many women find menopause is just the beginning! Menopause is a time when women really arrive into their … Read More

Genital numbness: Is your vagina asleep?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health20 Comments

There are very few people today who are not experiencing some degree of genital numbness. Now when I say ‘genital numbness’, if you can’t feel deep orgasmic pleasure from not much more than feather-soft strokes, then chances are you have genital numbness. But before you get worried about having some terrible affliction, let me explain what genital numbness actually is. … Read More

Sexual shame: Are you a victim?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

Do you deny, suppress or judge your sexual desires? Do you contract or feel pain, shame or guilt during or after sex? If you do, you’re not alone. It is a statistical fact that little girls are restricted, shamed, punished and made to feel guilty about their body and what they do with it. What does this breed? Nations of … Read More

Kegel exercises: Do they really work?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

‘Do your Kegel exercises … Strengthen your pelvic floor …’ If you’ve given birth, chances are you’ve been told this at least once, and even if you haven’t given birth, you’ve probably read about Kegels in some women’s magazine touting their importance. Who wants to wet their pants every time they sneeze, right? The problem is, if you’re doing Kegel … Read More

Natural contraception: Know thy cycle, know thyself.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

If you’re a heterosexual couple of childbearing age you’ve got to deal with the fantasy-crushing subject of birth control. There are certainly a lot of options and devices out there, but not many of them are good for your health. I won’t go into all the scientific links between the Contraceptive Pill and breast cancer here (you can read more … Read More

Easter bunny delivers an egg of a yummier kind! A woman’s answer to blissful health.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

Want Easter to leave you feeling nourished and revitalised? Then forget the choccie this year and buy yourself (or your lady) a ‘Jade’ egg instead. I came across the Jade Egg practice a few years ago after I returned an abnormal Pap smear result and was diagnosed as being the stage before cancer. Hence began my exploration into this 5000-year-old Taoist practice. Not only … Read More

Do You Have Hysteria?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Do you have hysteria? If so, maybe you’re not getting enough … ! If you’ve watched the new movie, Hysteria, you’ll have at least a vague understanding of the need for sexual satisfaction. Without it, women can cause all sorts of trouble, from road rage and acting out to experiencing depression and creating emotional scenes from seemingly nothing. The word … Read More

‘Perfect Posture’, Good Health and Medicine, 2008

Tamra MerciecaPrintLeave a Comment

Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Tamra Mercieca explores the physical and mental benefits of having a perfect posture. You’re only words into this article, and chances are you’ve already adjusted how you’re sitting. Posture is one of those things we often forget about, that is, until something or somebody reminds us to straighten up. Poor posture becomes a habit and … Read More