Isn’t constipation the most horrible feeling? You need to do a poo, but when you sit down on the toilet nothing comes out. Perhaps you read a book, push and strain because you have an important meeting to get too, or maybe you just go about your day feeling constipated. None of these are ideal scenarios. Hence why I decided … Read More
Do you lose your sh*t and does it shock you? Emotional turbulence.
Most of us are familiar with at least a little emotional turbulence. And if you’re perfectly honest, you’ve probably lost your sh*t at some point in your life. Maybe for you it’s a rare occurrence, or perhaps it happens to you on a daily basis. It could take the form of a little outburst that’s done and dusted in minutes. Or … Read More
Struggle with pain? Try this.
We live in a culture that wants to stop pain. Just walk down any supermarket or chemist isle and there’s an array of drugs all designed to numb both our physical and mental state. And these products are top sellers, because people just don’t want to feel. Yet have you ever stopped and asked yourself: What exactly is pain? Sure, … Read More
Yoga for a healthy pregnancy and ecstatic birth!
We all know yoga is great for our mind, body and soul, but yoga can also be one of the best preparation tools for pregnancy and child-birth. That is of course, if you’re doing the a style of yoga that is well-suited to your gorgeous womanly figure. If we travel back in history to the origins of yoga, yoga was … Read More
Happiness doesn’t come from getting what you want. Let me share what will…
I’m certainly no stranger to thinking that if I get what I want, I will experience happiness. I’m sure you probably think that too. When I get that house, that partner, that ring, that job, that chocolate dessert… I’ll be happy. But will you? Or is that really just an illusion? I spent many years chasing what I thoughts I … Read More
Would you like a direct line to your inner voice?
If you enjoy reading self-help books, going to inspirational talks or yoga classes, chances are you’ll be familiar with hearing the words ‘Listen to your inner voice’. So let me ask you this… Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a direct line to your inner voice; your True Self? Do you find yourself wishing that … Read More
Meditation. I can’t meditate? Or can I?
Meditation. You either love it, or you possibly don’t fully understand it. And that is the purpose of this blog. To shed some light on what meditation really is and how it works, because too often I get told by people ‘Oh, but I can’t meditate’. Upon asking a few more questions, I soon discover that what they believe meditation … Read More
Have you been scammed? My personal experience with Balboa …
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you ignored your internal scam-radar? I have. Big time! And this is what I’d like to share with you today, so that maybe you can take something away from my experience, to ensure you don’t fall into the same trap. It all started five years ago…. After entering a writing competition run … Read More
Sleep issues? Maybe you need a bedtime yoga ritual.
You’re certainly not alone if you have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, or waking feel more tired than when you first hit the hay. Why does this happen? There are a few contributing factors, but the main one is this… We live in a world chock-full to the brim of ‘information’. There’s just so much information that our brains … Read More
How I overcame nausea during pregnancy.
When I first saw the cross show up on the pregnancy test, I was excited. My husband and I both. We’d wanted to have a child sometime soon, and now we had a baby in my belly. We began telling people straight away. I know the general rule is wait ‘till you’re out of the danger zone at 3-months, but our philosophy … Read More
Chris Cornell, anxiety, death and hope.
I write this blog you after receiving some very sad news last night. I was lying in bed, about to turn the light off, when I received a call from my husband. He always calls (or texts) when he finishes a gig, to let me know he’s on his way home. Yet last night, his call came with some awful … Read More
Deadlines: Enjoy the journey, not just the end point.
Over the past few months I learnt a very important lesson to do with deadlines. And I decided to share it with you today, in the hope that it might help you create more freedom and more happiness in your life. So let’s begin with just one question… How do you feel about deadlines? Do they choke you with fear, … Read More
Are your emotions making you sick?
Emotions are ‘energy in motion’. When we store negative emotions in the body – for example, anger, fear, guilt or shame – they sicken the body. Even scientific research now shows that suppressed emotions lead to illness and disease. When we experience a situation that triggers a negative emotion in us, if we don’t fully feel it in that moment, … Read More
Gwyneth Paltrow talks up the Jade Egg AND your free video
You may have seen in the media over the past few weeks Gwyneth Paltrow cop a pounding from a gynaecologist over the actress’s recommendation on her Goop website that women use Jade Eggs for better sex. The allegations have certainly caused a stir and filled many Jade Egg using women with fear, hence why I felt the need to shed … Read More
How to keep fear at bay! Your free video tutorial.
Fear. It’s the one thing that gets under our skin, and can steal us away from ourself, if we let it. You know what fear feels like. You’ve experienced it! And it really doesn’t feel that grand. In life, we are either in a state of love, or a state of fear. There really is no in between. You know … Read More
Three things every woman MUST know about her cervix
Let me begin by asking: How is your relationship with your cervix? Why is this even important? Because the cervix is at the core of a woman and its health will dictate her health, her fertility, her ability to give and receive love and her ability to experience deep pleasure. In this blog I will be sharing some super truths … Read More
Yoni Egg versus Jade Egg: What’s the difference?
Is a Yoni Egg different to a Jade Egg? In truth the answer is Yes and No. In order to give you a definitive answer, let me first begin by explaining what a ‘yoni’ is… In sanskrit the vagina is called the ‘yoni’, loosely translating as ‘a sacred space’. And yes our vagina certainly is a sacred space that needs … Read More
‘The heart brain connection’, Nature and Health magazine, October 2016
Did you know you have two brains? There’s the one in your head, but the most powerful one is in your heart. This is what is known as the ‘heart brain’! I share more in this article I wrote for Nature and Health magazine. This article appeared in the October/November 2016 issue of Nature & Health, Australia’s original and best … Read More
Can you embrace your body? How to love the skin you’re in.
Can you embrace your body.. fully? Take a moment to ask yourself that question: Can I fully embrace my own body? Can I accept the skin I’m in? If you answered ‘No’, then you’re not alone. 91% of women hate their bodies. How shocking is that? How we feel about our body plays a crucial role in how we feel about ourselves … Read More
My walk through France: Metaphorical bee-stings, emotional biffos and baguettes!
Hello friend. I would like to take a few moments to share with you my tears, my lessons and my personal insights derived from the six weeks I took off work to travel to France with my gorgeous husband as part of a holiday/belated honeymoon. So if you’re anything like me, you have a posy full of romantic expectations on … Read More
I’m a failure. Or am I? Why failure is critical to your growth.
Do you sometimes feel like a failure? Like you’ve stuffed up, made a mistake, or simply aren’t doing as well as you think you could be? You’re not alone. Everyone feels this way at some time in their life. Some people feel like a failure on a daily basis! For others it’s just a passing fling with failure. Whatever your … Read More
How to create change 101
If you’re not happy with your life right now, or any part of it, then learning how to create change is what will help you start crafting your own personal love story. Of course, change isn’t always easy and it’s not always comfortable either. In fact, change is rarely comfortable. The reason for this, is because in order to create … Read More
How to let go of old relationships.
Relationships are delightfully fulfilling at their best and gravel-rash painful at their worst. Whether it’s a good friend or a romantic partner, being able to let go after a relationship has ended, isn’t always easy. But if you’re open to exploring what that relationship gave you and what you can learn from it, then it can be one of the … Read More
You cannot have what you ‘want’ but you CAN have anything.
Ha? That doesn’t make sense, you say. ‘I cannot have what I ‘want’ but I CAN have anything.’ Isn’t that a contradiction? No! You can have anything you want. Let me explain…. Nothing happens in life, that did not first start out, as a thought. Thoughts are subtle, yet powerful, forms of energy. We think something, it creates a reaction, … Read More
‘I can’t (insert desire)’. Sure you CAN!
What happens when you say you ‘I can’t do it’? It automatically sets up an expectation that you can’t do whatever it is that you would like to do. I can’t eat well, I can’t change jobs, I can’t find a good man, I can’t afford that course, I can’t find the time to have a self-love practise, I can’t get ahead in life, I can’t… and the list goes son and … Read More
‘Letting go of destructive patterns’, Nature and Health magazine, April 2016
Do you have some destructive patterns that you can’t seem to put an end to? You’re not alone. As I discuss in this article I wrote for Nature and Health magazine, we are taught these destructive patterns from a young age, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get rid of them. This article appeared in the April/May 2016 issue of … Read More
Boost your self-love through community.
When women come together in a group – as part of a community – something special happens. Something unexplainable… What is that something? Healing. Deep organic profound healing. Healing of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self. How does this healing happen? Let me explain… Humans are social creatures; we are meant to connect. Sometimes those connections we have with … Read More
What happens when you self-nurture?
It’s really easy to say I will self-nurture once I get all these other tasks I ‘have’ to do out of the way. I’m sure you’ve said it. Hell, I used to say it ALL the time! I’ll just do these dishes, answer these emails, help my friend with her… what was I helping her with again? And then I’ll … Read More
Sex is a spiritual practice. Yes sexuality and spirituality really are one!
It’s easy to pop sexuality and spirituality in two very different baskets, but in truth, sexuality and spirituality are intimately interwoven. How is this so? Because we are love at our core (if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be familiar with this understanding). Therefore being spiritual is about experiencing yourself as love. When we ‘make’ love, are … Read More
The intuitive power of the heart
Have you ever played Chinese whispers? One person whispers a message into the next person’s ear, then they do the same to the next person, and so forth, until the message finally gets around the circle and the last person announces the message they received. Isn’t it amazing how quickly that initial message loses it’s meaning and becomes something entirely … Read More
I know all this stuff, why aren’t I getting results?
Let me explain ….. You know all this self-help stuff. You’ve read a ka-zillion books on how to win at life… How to run a thriving business that nourishes you personally as much as it nourishes your bank account, how to snag the hot guy and keep him, how to loose weight and fall in love with your body, how … Read More
The school of life
This blog follows on from last week’s blog: Do you have a spiritual teacher? If you haven’t read it, I would suggest reading it first, then come back to this blog, as it will make more sense. We go to school to learn spelling, math, art and so forth, yet many of us don’t realise that our real school, where … Read More
Do you have a spiritual teacher?
The moment we are conceived we start learning; learning about life, learning about ourself. We learn about how to operate in the world, how to relate with others, how to handle money, how to look after our body, how to think about ourself; essentially how to do this thing called ‘life’. Yet when we grow up into an adult, and … Read More
There is only one problem in life
It seems like we have many problems in life; the car breaking down, our partner leaving us, money struggles keeping us from having the life we desire, an overwhelming feeling of loneliness, diagnosis’ of depression, infertility, or even worse, cancer. Yet we really only have one problem. And that one problem is causing all of these other problems that we … Read More
Life’s distractions: Do you get distracted easily?
It’s easy to get distracted. You log onto Facebook to update your profile, and before you know it three hours have passed, with you feeling a little ripped off. What distracted you? Other people. Events, updates, photos, inspirational quotes…. Where did those three hours go? And why do I feel so drained? Facebook is just one example of how we … Read More
Why wishful thinking doesn’t work AND how to break negative patterns in 2016!
Are you a wishful thinker? While we certainly want to remain focused on the positives in life – it’s one of our most powerful manifesting tools – we need to make sure that what we want consciously, is congruent with what we are programmed to have in life. A lot of people go through life thinking things will change. If … Read More
Forget willpower! Life can be easier than having to use willpower.
Is willpower really the way? So often I hear people saying: ‘Just use willpower!’ ‘Willpower, that’s what you need to stick to that diet, to get your work done, to get ahead in life, to…’ Problem is, willpower doesn’t work? Why? Because you have to ‘will’ yourself to do it, which to be completely honest, is hard work. You have … Read More
How tight is YOUR butt? It could be dampening your sexual energy.
It’s quite a personal question isn’t it! How tight is your butt? But if you don’t have a tight butt, then that may actually be affecting your energy levels. According to Taoism, much of our sexual energy actually leaks out of our anus and buttocks. Now the reason we want to conserve our sexual energy is because it’s what fuels … Read More
What’s hiding in the garden of YOUR mind? Limiting beliefs?
On my honeymoon my husband and I decided to start a veggie garden. We were super enthusiastic, buying all the seeds, extra soil, and any other gardening paraphernalia we thought we’d need. We got our little hand spades and started digging into the garden beds to turn over and prepare the soil, only to find…. rocks. LOTS of rocks. Oh … Read More
Are you sick of hurting? Heal your hurt NOW!
Nobody wants to feel hurt. Nobody wants to feel hurt, because.. well… it hurts. Yet many people are carrying around a LOT of hurt. Yet just like mold, if you don’t clean the hurt up, it only grows and expands. What happens when hurt is left to fester? You start to lash out at the people you love, you become … Read More
How I stopped binge eating. True Story.
So I have a confession to make… I was a binge eater. Having grown up a skinny girl who ate what she liked, I was suddenly faced with rapid weight gain in my early 20s, if I so much as looked at food the wrong way. Food became the enemy. Yet like the so-called ‘bad boys’, they somehow manage to … Read More