Have you ever had a time in your life when you’ve felt the odds are against you? I know I have, especially this year. Let me share my story, and offer some tools I used, so next time you feel the odds are against you, you know what to do, ok? Great! Here we go… Moving back to Australia was … Read More
I’ve done so many courses, but nothing works for me.
Nothing works for me! Ever thought this thought, or said these words out loud? If there’s one thing that people say to me it’s this: I’ve done stacks of self-development, but nothing works for me. Now, while there are certainly courses out there that aren’t so great, many of the courses out there do work, at least to some degree. … Read More
What is an energetic orgasm?
What if you could have an orgasm without any physical stimulation at all? What if you could experience orgasmic pleasure pulsing through your entire body for minutes, even hours at a time? What if you could feel totally at one with yourself, with the world, and all that is? What if you could experience the true joy of being alive? … Read More
Dissolve your fibroids, naturally.
If there’s one health complaint I hear from women regularly, it’s that they’ve been diagnosed as having fibroids. Some women might only have one or two, while others might have literally dozens of them. And for the women who do have invasive procedures to clear them out of the uterus, the fibroids usually return within months, often more severely. Shockingly, … Read More
Earthing. Could it be the answer to your healing?
Earthing. Feeling grounded. What does that feel like? Let me begin by sharing what it feels like to be ungrounded… unearthed… When my little family decided to move from my Dandenong Ranges rainforest home in Australia, to the cute little city of Rennes in France, we decided to try out a different way of living. We moved into a sixth … Read More
Let life be your spiritual practice.
How do you live your life? Consciously? Do you have a spiritual practice? And if so, how long do you spend doing it? Perhaps you do yoga once a week, or maybe you have a daily meditation practice, or perhaps you have an on-again-off-again relationship with your spiritual practice. The one thing that is consistent however, is life. You are … Read More
Rewriting Your Money Story
Rewriting Your Money Story This article appeared in the May 2021 issue of Era Magazine, for women in business www.eramagazine.com.au Here is the text from the article if you’re having trouble reading the image…. Rewriting Your Money Story We all have a money story. Some people’s money stories are full of abundance, with the lead characters feeling good about earning … Read More
When self-love becomes a chore.
We could all do with more self-love practices in our life. Why? Because they make us feel good. It fuels our creativity, it boosts our productivity, it infuses more love into our relationships, and most importantly, it nourishes our soul. And so you start by inviting in some simple, self-loving activities into your life, to help fill up your self-love … Read More
Infuse your life with intention.
Let’s set an intention together. Place your hand on your heart, breathe deeply, and then say out loud: I intend for this blog to give me the exact teachings I need to create more love, more peace and more ease in my life. How did that feel? If it didn’t move you, do that again with the intention to be … Read More
Journalling vs. Tuning In: What’s the difference?
Journalling is a beautiful, and ridiculously cheap way of processing challenges and traumas and simply making sense of life. I consider journalling like emptying out the mind-trash that drains our energy, keeps us in an anxious state and stops us from being able to sleep at night. Because that’s essentially what it is. You get a pen and blank journal … Read More
Coherence: What is it and why is it essential to our health?
Coherence. It’s a big word. But what does it really mean? I’ll get to that shortly, but just now, I’d like you to ponder some questions. My recommendation is to take a moment to sit with each of them, maybe even journal on them, before reading on… What emotions do you experience that drain you? What emotions do you experience … Read More
Mirror reflections: It’s not you, it’s me.
I’ll be honest, I struggled to know what to call this blog, and Mirror Reflections: It’s not you, it’s me is what finally arrived into my consciousness. For a long time relationships confused and baffled me, upset and hurt me, left me and abandoned me, and then one day… I learnt what I’m about to share here. The following teaching … Read More
What’s pelvic health got to do with money?
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I talk a lot about pelvic health. Well, today I want to share with you the common root cause of what brings a woman’s pelvic health undone: Money! Yes, money and women’s health have one thing in common… The pelvis! Ha? Yep, stay with me… Now I don’t usually … Read More
I can’t afford it. Or can ?!
Do you ever find yourself saying the words ‘I can’t afford it?’ Perhaps you simply think these words. If the words ‘I can’t afford it’ have weaselled their way into your life, making you feel as though there are things you can’t have, you’re not alone. The belief of ‘I can’t afford it’ is pervasive in our culture. As a … Read More
I was an introvert, but not anymore.
Chances are you’ve heard the term introvert and extrovert as a way of describing someone’s personality. Extroverts are thought of as people who feel the most comfortable when working with other people, spending time in groups, and being social. Extroverts are said to draw their energy from the outside world, and are often considered more confident and outgoing. They also … Read More
Wear a mask please
‘If you told me 12-months ago that we were about to go into a global pandemic of epic proportions, with lockdowns around the world, and staggering stats including over 200,000 deaths in the US and rising, I would’ve thought “Wow really? That’s crazy! It sounds like a science-fiction film”.’ But if you told me that with cases and deaths rising, … Read More
4 tips for finding the perfect course for you!
If you’re here, chances are I’m not the first person or course you’ve come across that says they can help guide you out of your problems. There are plenty of beautiful souls creating some pretty amazing transformations for people out there, through 1:1 work and through online and in person courses. Unfortunately, there are also some less experienced, or even … Read More
Do I have a weak pelvic floor or a strong pelvic floor?
Do I have a weak pelvic floor or a strong pelvic floor? Great question. And you might be surprised by the answer. So let me start by explaining that there are actually two ways a pelvic floor can be weak. Firstly, there is a loose pelvic floor. It’s so loose that it’s lost the ability to naturally contract to perform … Read More
The pelvic floor demystified
The pelvic floor is generally a part of the body that we rarely give thought to. That is, until we experience a problem with it, such as incontinence or lower back pain. But hey, that’s true of most things, right? We only pay attention, once our body (or another part of our life) starts screaming at us. If the infamous … Read More
Understanding self-sabotage
If you’re ever tried to create change in your life, even just a small change such as learning something new – perhaps a language or a musical instrument – then chances are you’ve probably experienced at least a little self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is where we either consciously or unconsciously (the latter usually being the case) act and behave in a way … Read More
Why manifesting doesn’t work
We’ve all been there; we really wanted something, and so we’ve tried this manifesting thing. We focused really hard on what we wanted – just like they teach us in the book The Secret – but it didn’t work. And maybe you’ve tried it a few times. Yet, for some reason, you manage to manifest some things, but can’t seem … Read More
What’s coffee got to do with anxiety?
What’s coffee got to do with anxiety? Put simply… Coffee puts the body into a low level state of anxiety. You see, coffee is a stimulant. Maybe you’ve noticed after a coffee or three you feel a bit jittery? Or perhaps it only happens when you have a really strong coffee. Or maybe coffee has become such a regular in … Read More
The spiritual power of menstruation
Let me start by saying… Menstruation is not a curse. Menstruation is not a royal pain in the backside, or an inconvenient interruption to our life. Menstruation is our wise-time. A time for rest, radical self-care, inner reflection and deep healing. Menstruation is the one time every month we’re given the opportunity to go inside, uncover the ‘stuff’ that’s no … Read More
What tampons are doing to your womb
Tampons. They’re convenient. But are they healthy? No. Even the natural ones are doing harm to your uterus. Let me explain… Once a month our womb (uterus) cleanses itself. This is what we call our ‘period’. Other organs in the body also keep themselves healthy by doing cleanses. For example, each night the liver cleanses our blood, our bladder empties … Read More
Quality sleep = Better immunity
We all know what it feels like to wake up after a night of good quality sleep. AWESOME, right!!! Yet, very few of us make sleep a priority. And even less of us are aware that the actual time that we sleep, plays a significant role in how emotionally and physically well we feel. We want to be aiming for … Read More
How to overcome depression
If you’re here, it’s because you want to overcome depression OR you want to gain some insight to perhaps support someone you know in overcoming depression. So if you’re the person who’s in the midst of depression, I feel you! If you’re familiar with my story, I spent my teens and early 20s depressed. Like really depressed. The trying-to-commit-suicide-every-other-weekend kind … Read More
Perception is everything
Perception is everything…. what does that even mean?? You’re probably holed up at home right now, maybe in a small apartment, like us! I’ll admit, our big rainforest backyard in Australia would have been much nicer than our tiny French balcony right now, but none-the less… Maybe you have to share that space with many people, or you’re alone, which … Read More
How to survive adversity
We all experience adversity – unpleasant or difficult situations – at various points in our life, especially right now, with what’s going on in the world. How you travel through these times, depend entirely on how solid you are within yourself. How connected you are to yourself. And perhaps as you’re reading this, you’re wondering what it means to be … Read More
Self-Isolation: Quarantine or retreat?
What a week it’s been: From hospital quarantine to home retreat. On Friday, my 2-year-old son was hospitalised, with concerns he was the first Coronavirus case in the children’s hospital here in Rennes. Thankfully the next day, he was cleared of that, and we were moved out of the Coronavirus ward (phew!!), and into the main children’s area, so the … Read More
Boosting immunity amid the Coronavirus
If you’re not tucked away in a little mountaintop cave without wifi, chances are you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s scaring people into all sorts of fear-fuelled behaviours. Now while I don’t claim to be a medical expert, from my work helping people overcome various mental and physical illnesses, I do know a few important … Read More
I don’t have time to meditate.
‘I don’t have time to meditate.’ It’s something I hear a lot. Perhaps you say it yourself! Or maybe you say ‘I don’t have time’ for the other activities you’d like to do, such as yoga or dancing or something that you know will benefit you. Not having enough time for these kinds of soul nourishing activities is super common … Read More
Human emotions: Part of living a full bodied existence.
Human emotions. Boy can they knock us about! Whether it’s something meaningless or something catastrophic that happens in our life, the resulting emotions that kick in, have the ability to completely unhinge us. Yet we are human. And part of being human is experiencing our very real human emotions. It’s these human emotions that essentially guide us through life. Yes, … Read More
Are you postponing happiness?
I felt inspired to start the new year – the new decade – with a blog about a topic close to all of our hearts: Happiness! Because if there’s something we all want, it’s to be happy, right? We’ve just entered the roaring ’20s and the truth is, how you dance your way through the year, will all come down … Read More
The problem with problems.
This is a quick little blog to help you find some peace around any problem or difficult situation you may be experiencing right now. Because hey, I know life can seem like a struggle sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The first thing you need to understand is that: Our ‘perspective’ plays a huge role in how … Read More
Incontinence: Do tears run down your leg when you sneeze?
A-choo! Oh rats. I peed a little in my pants. Incontinence, while super embarrassing and generally inconvenient, is also totally healable… Naturally. So if tears run down your leg when you laugh and you find yourself avoiding trampolines for fear of a leakage, I have some powerful information to share with you. But before we look at how you can begin … Read More
Is he/she my soulmate?
‘Is he/she my soulmate?’ This is a question I get asked a lot, especially from the women I work with one-on-one. ‘When will I meet my soulmate?’ ‘How will I know it’s him/her?’ ‘Am I in the wrong relationship?’ ‘What if my husband is not my soulmate?’ Such seemingly big questions if you, like most people, buy into the ‘soulmate’ … Read More
Is social media the new cocaine?
‘Why am I on social media?’ Have you stopped to ask yourself this simple question? Many of us end up on social media because everyone else is, without really thinking about whether or not it’s a positive influence in our life. Before we know it, we’re checking our phones morning, noon and night (for most people more often) for fear … Read More
Fascia, chi and the Jade Egg.
Fascia .. chi and the Jade Egg. What do these things have in common? They work together to heal the body, and in doing so, get sexual energy flowing. Over the past few months there’s been a lot of controversy in the news about Jade Eggs following Goop’s $145,000 fine. Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle retailer – claimed that the … Read More
Finding my way back home!
After finding my way back home … I’m back! Yes, I’m back!! And boy oh boy does it feel good to be back. What do I mean exactly when I say ‘I’m back?’ Well…after losing my way after my son Zen was born, I can confidently say I’m back. I’ve found my way back home. Up until the day Zen was … Read More
Letting go of the busy…
While I’m not usually one for New Years resolutions I did spend 2018 setting some clear intentions for 2019. My husband and I had decided we’d pack up and leave our home at the end of October 2018, spend three months on the road travelling and visiting family – including a one month stint in Bali so I could further … Read More
Induction: Is it always necessary?
I’d never really though much about induction, until… … let me share my story… In the months leading up to my due date, I felt that my baby would arrive early. I was always early – to appointments, finishing projects – that was me! Why would my birth be any different? So in true Tamra-style I ensured everything was ready … Read More
Wearing a Jade Egg versus ‘practising’ with a Jade Egg.
I regularly get asked the question: Why do I need a dedicated Jade Egg practice? Can’t I just wear the Jade Egg? Sure, you can. However, simply wearing your Jade Egg will only allow in a fraction of the healing available to you. And as I explain in mu blog: Do I have a weak pelvic floor or a strong … Read More
Are you at risk of sexual organ prolapse?
Prolapse. It’s a scary thought; your sexual organs falling down and out of your vaginal canal. What’s even scarier, is that 44% of women will experience some degree of sexual organ prolapse in their lifetime, with one in three needing a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60! So if prolapse is such a common problem, why aren’t more women talking … Read More
Minimalism: Is less really more?
What is minimalism and why would we want to live a minimalist life? Good question. Let me share my experience with you, so I can answer that for you. In deciding to move to France, my husband and I needed to make the big decision of how much stuff to take and what to leave behind. As we began packing … Read More
Elimination Communication: Pottying from birth.
I was first told about Elimination Communication or EC from my doula; my birth support person. She shared how Elimination Communication was where you learned how to read your babies vocal and bodily signals to know if they were about to pee or poop so they could be placed on the potty to relieve themselves. And apparently this was possible … Read More
Break the cycle of suffering
Have you ever wondered why there’s so much suffering in our world, and in particular, why you suffer? We all experience suffering at some point in our lives. For some people it’s a brief fleeting moment, for others it’s a never ending tunnel of doom and gloom. And your suffering may involve money worries or a health issue. Perhaps your … Read More
My positive birth story…
My positive birth story begins two weeks past our due date. After visiting the hospital that day to have monitoring, given we were now into the 42nd week of pregnancy with no sign of our munchkin gracing us with his presence, we returned home to continue to wait it out. I was determined not to induce as I didn’t want … Read More
Constipation: Do you have trouble pooping?
Isn’t constipation the most horrible feeling? You need to do a poo, but when you sit down on the toilet nothing comes out. Perhaps you read a book, push and strain because you have an important meeting to get too, or maybe you just go about your day feeling constipated. None of these are ideal scenarios. Hence why I decided … Read More
Do you lose your sh*t and does it shock you? Emotional turbulence.
Most of us are familiar with at least a little emotional turbulence. And if you’re perfectly honest, you’ve probably lost your sh*t at some point in your life. Maybe for you it’s a rare occurrence, or perhaps it happens to you on a daily basis. It could take the form of a little outburst that’s done and dusted in minutes. Or … Read More
Struggle with pain? Try this.
We live in a culture that wants to stop pain. Just walk down any supermarket or chemist isle and there’s an array of drugs all designed to numb both our physical and mental state. And these products are top sellers, because people just don’t want to feel. Yet have you ever stopped and asked yourself: What exactly is pain? Sure, … Read More