Ep.13 It’s time to edit your self-talk.

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You know those pesky thoughts (what I call ‘self-talk’) that make you feel bad about yourself… The ones that bring down your self-love, self-worth and self-respect… Well… you don’t have to have those thoughts playing on repeat anymore. In fact, you can become a self-talk editor. Yes, you can edit out your negative self-talk, and today on I Love Me … Read More

Ep.10 And this is why we self-sabotage…

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

If you’ve ever tried to create change in your life, even just a small change such as learning something new… then chances are you’ve probably experienced at least a little self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is where we either consciously or more commonly, unconsciously, act and behave in a way that prevents us from reaching our goals or achieving the results we want. … Read More

Infuse your life with intention.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Let’s set an intention together. Place your hand on your heart, breathe deeply, and then say out loud: I intend for this blog to give me the exact teachings I need to create more love, more peace and more ease in my life. How did that feel? If it didn’t move you, do that again with the intention to be … Read More

What’s coffee got to do with anxiety?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health4 Comments

What’s coffee got to do with anxiety? Put simply… Coffee puts the body into a low level state of anxiety. You see, coffee is a stimulant. Maybe you’ve noticed after a coffee or three you feel a bit jittery? Or perhaps it only happens when you have a really strong coffee. Or maybe coffee has become such a regular in … Read More

How to overcome depression

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

If you’re here, it’s because you want to overcome depression OR you want to gain some insight to perhaps support someone you know in overcoming depression. So if you’re the person who’s in the midst of depression, I feel you! If you’re familiar with my story, I spent my teens and early 20s depressed. Like really depressed. The trying-to-commit-suicide-every-other-weekend kind … Read More

Finding my way back home!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health10 Comments

After finding my way back home … I’m back! Yes, I’m back!! And boy oh boy does it feel good to be back. What do I mean exactly when I say ‘I’m back?’ Well…after losing my way after my son Zen was born, I can confidently say I’m back. I’ve found my way back home. Up until the day Zen was … Read More

Break the cycle of suffering

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Uncategorized4 Comments

Have you ever wondered why there’s so much suffering in our world, and in particular, why you suffer? We all experience suffering at some point in our lives. For some people it’s a brief fleeting moment, for others it’s a never ending tunnel of doom and gloom. And your suffering may involve money worries or a health issue. Perhaps your … Read More

How I overcame nausea during pregnancy.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

When I first saw the cross show up on the pregnancy test, I was excited. My husband and I both. We’d wanted to have a child sometime soon, and now we had a baby in my belly. We began telling people straight away. I know the general rule is wait ‘till you’re out of the danger zone at 3-months, but our philosophy … Read More

‘I can’t (insert desire)’. Sure you CAN!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What happens when you say you ‘I can’t do it’? It automatically sets up an expectation that you can’t do whatever it is that you would like to do. I can’t eat well, I can’t change jobs, I can’t find a good man, I can’t afford that course, I can’t find the time to have a self-love practise, I can’t get ahead in life, I can’t… and the list goes son and … Read More

The school of life

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

This blog follows on from last week’s blog: Do you have a spiritual teacher? If you haven’t read it, I would suggest reading it first, then come back to this blog, as it will make more sense. We go to school to learn spelling, math, art and so forth, yet many of us don’t realise that our real school, where … Read More

What’s hiding in the garden of YOUR mind? Limiting beliefs?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

On my honeymoon my husband and I decided to start a veggie garden. We were super enthusiastic, buying all the seeds, extra soil, and any other gardening paraphernalia we thought we’d need. We got our little hand spades and started digging into the garden beds to turn over and prepare the soil, only to find…. rocks. LOTS of rocks. Oh … Read More

Are you sick of hurting? Heal your hurt NOW!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Nobody wants to feel hurt. Nobody wants to feel hurt, because.. well… it hurts. Yet many people are carrying around a LOT of hurt. Yet just like mold, if you don’t clean the hurt up, it only grows and expands. What happens when hurt is left to fester? You start to lash out at the people you love, you become … Read More

How to get more money! Your 5-step guide.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

If there’s one thing I see daily, its people with money problems. Money really is one of the leading causes of stress and worry. Given stress is responsible for 70% of all illness and disease, you don’t want money making you sick! Many people come to me and say ‘I know your program will help me turn my financial situation … Read More

Let me introduce you to the subconscious mind…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How do you feel when an ‘error’ pops up on your computer screen? Frustrated? Annoyed? Shitty? When our computer stops working the way it’s meant to, stopping us getting done what we wish to complete, it can be really… well… Much like life really! Everyday we have little ‘error’ signs popping up; challenges and obstacles getting in the way of … Read More

Anxiety cure: The ‘how-to’ guide that works!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment


Anxiety can be like having a lasso around your neck. Just one small tug and you’re left gasping for air. Yet life doesn’t have to be this way. You can cure anxiety. And it all starts with understanding one simply fact: Anxiety is simply a fear of the future. If you’re not in your head worrying about possible outcomes, then … Read More

Ready to ditch your fear of public speaking?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Would you believe three years ago, just the thought of public speaking would send shivers of anxiety down my spine? Seriously. I remember in my early 20s being a guest speaker at a university lecture where I had to talk about journalism – my former career – and quite literally shaking through the entire talk. My hands were white and … Read More

Your internal tape recorder: It records EVERYTHING!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

It’s funny how much we know (especially about other people and the world around us) without consciously realising it. When I’m out walking, and I see someone coming my way, I can tell automatically before I see their face (as I’m a little short-sighted without my glasses) if it’s someone I know. How? Because an unconscious part of me recognises … Read More

Why most therapy doesn’t work…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I’ve spoken to thousands of people who’ve tried counseling, psychology and other new age therapies only to leave disappointed years later (and thousands of dollars down) with the same negative patterns still playing out in their life. They’ve read a library full of self-help books and given that 12-week challenge a go, and still the original problem is there. Why … Read More

Ghosts of the past: Are you haunted by your memories

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We all have memories. And that’s because we all have a past. All those happy memories are great to reflect upon. It’s the awful, sometimes horrific memories that have the ability to unhinge us, break us down and haunt our daily existence. The great news is, no matter what ghosts are residing in your most precious self, they can be … Read More

News Toxicity: Are you poisoning your mind?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How much news do you consume on a daily basis? Are you a news junkie or do you take small bites? This week I wanted to look at how news can actually make us take on a more pessimistic view of life and even trigger depression and low moods. It’s not surprising, given that our environment has the ability to … Read More

Life: Our biggest teacher

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We live in a world that applauds learning from others in a formalised manner. Now I’m not saying don’t get that university degree, take that music class or see a therapist to help you resolve that emotional debacle. What I am saying, is that there are other helpful ways of learning and growing and developing, and they don’t require forking out huge wads … Read More

Is your relationship baby-ready?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

The good ‘ol biological clock can send us into a head spin, if by thirty (or even forty for some ladies) they have not yet found the man they wish to procreate with. I see single women go on a date with the intention to marry the first man who will give her their sperm, instead of actually finding a … Read More

Relationship Rescue: Do you have white knight syndrome?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

In fairytales the white knight recues the damsel in distress, falls in love, and saves the day – charming isn’t it? However, real-life knights are men and women who enter into romantic relationships with damaged and vulnerable partners, hoping that love will transform their partner’s behavior; a relationship pattern that seldom leads to a storybook ending. The rescuer enters the … Read More

Addicted to addiction: Do you keep seeking more?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Last week I talked about using substances, people or things to fill the emptiness so many people in today’s world are familiar with; you may know it as an inner hunger for more. So in need to turn to an external source to feel some sort of positivity, they seek out louder, bigger or stronger fixes to give them that hit of … Read More

How friendly is your environment?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

build self-confidence

Have a think about that for a moment. Have you ever taken the time to actually consider whether the people you surround yourself with are a positive influence on you and where you want to go in life? Are they people that inspire you? Or are they people who knock down your ideas and reinforce that any attempt to move … Read More

Keeping the mind and body youthful. Naturally!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What if you could slow down the aging process, even reverse it? Naturally. Would that be of interest to you? Would you be willing to try a new approach and actually get to the root cause of the deterioration associated with ageing? Would you invest in learning how to do it yourself? If so, then read on… Here’s the billion-dollar … Read More

Follow your heart.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

We’ve all heard the expression ‘Follow Your Heart’, but what does that really mean? How do we tell the different between what our heart is telling us to do and what our brain is urging us to do? Our heart speaks to us every moment of every day, but most of us have stopping listening to its signal; it’s like … Read More

Think yourself rich

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Money can put a real strain on you and your loved ones. It can leave us desperate to find an answer so we can lift the financial burden. And perhaps you have no idea why you’ve always had money issues; why you’re still struggling to make ends meet. If this is you, you’re certainly not alone. Many people in today’s world … Read More

The truth about hypnosis

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

For centuries, hypnosis has gone in and out of vogue, but now there is finally sufficient scientific evidence that proves its effectiveness. Having trained in Therapeutic Hypnotist myself I felt I’d write a little blog to lift the veil on what this age old therapy is all about. Forget what you know about hypnosis from movies or television programs. If you … Read More