Manifesting your desires: Is the mailman delivering the packages you want?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What are you receiving in the mailbox of your life?

Are you getting all the parcels you order, or are they getting lost, your letterbox filling up with bills and dodgy packages instead?

We are ALWAYS manifesting.

Really, we are!

Every moment of every day we are putting in our orders through the thoughts we think and the feelings we choose to embody.

It’s much like ordering something on the Internet.

You order what you get by sending out energetic messages to the universe based on your strongest beliefs.

Now if you have mixed messages – ie. Your conscious mind wants one thing, but your subconscious beliefs don’t support that – the order can’t be delivered because the mailman can’t understand the address which is more of a scribble.

One minute the order going through is asking for you to meet your perfect partner, so the packing department starts sending you opportunities to meet him or her.

Then another order comes through saying ‘I’m not lovable’ or ‘I’m not deserving,’ so the package gets lost.

How can you receive something you don’t deeply believe that you should have?

And so this tug of war between what your conscious mind wants and what your subconscious mind is programmed to deliver continues to send out mixed orders, confusing the hell out of the mail man who ends up delivering your package to someone who is 100% ready to receive it; someone who has done the heavy lifting and cleared any subconscious beliefs that would hold up the delivery.

So how do you clear the way for those big shiny packages to arrive on your doorstep?

You must take the necessary time and space to release all your disbelief in your ability to create a happy and fulfilling life.

If you need help with this, enroll in our 3-month online course Remarkable Relationships, where we’ll take you through all the steps to clear out those nasty limiting beliefs.

Next you need to get clear on exactly what you want.

There’s no point ordering that hot body-hugging jumper online, if you’re not sure what size or colour you want.

Get specific.

Then actually feel what it would feel like to have already received your package.

Stay in that energy, commit to believing in it until your package manifests in your physical reality.

The stronger your belief in your abilities to manifest, the quicker the delivery date.


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