Anxiety cure: The ‘how-to’ guide that works!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment


Anxiety can be like having a lasso around your neck. Just one small tug and you’re left gasping for air.

Yet life doesn’t have to be this way.

You can cure anxiety.

And it all starts with understanding one simply fact:

Anxiety is simply a fear of the future.

If you’re not in your head worrying about possible outcomes, then anxiety cannot be present.

Sounds simple? Well it is.

Here are five ways to get anxiety to let go of its stranglehold.

Anxiety cure 1:

If we’re being 100% present it is impossible to experience anxiety.

Yes really!

If you consider that living in the past causes depressionanxiety is caused by living in the future.

Our mind focusing on our future fears and worries and concerns.

How do we remedy this? How do we cure anxiety?

We start being more present.

In my one-on-one sessions I teach my clients a quick visualisation that pulls you out of the anxiety immediately.

But using the breath is another way to be more present.

Anxiety cure 2:

When we get anxious our heart rate increases causing us to take short, shallow breathes into our chest.

This lack of oxygen depletes us, leaving us with an uneasy feeling that can lead to the dreaded panic attack.

We need oxygen – and big doses of it – to survive.

Oxygen just so happens to be good for our mental health too!

So next time you feel anxiety set in…


That’s right. Stop what you’re doing.

Take a deep breath in, right down into your belly, allowing it to expand to the front, to the back and to the sides.

Then simply allow the air to exit your body slowly on the exhalation, staying present to how it moves through your body.

Continue to breath like this until your heart rate has slowed, and you’re feeling calm.

When you breathe deep into your belly, focusing on the breath, it reconnects you with your body, which forces you into the present moment.

Anxiety cure 3:

Avoid caffeine.

Yes. That means ditch your morning cuppa peeps!

Caffeine is a stimulant that boosts our heart and breathing rate.

This is the same fight or flight reaction that kicks in when we’re in danger.

Is it any wonder once the initial caffeine high wears off we’re left feeling jittery and on edge?

I share more about how anxiety creates anxiety in the body, in my blog: What’s coffee got to do with anxiety?

And I also share how to ease yourself off coffee in a loving way.

So get off the caffeine and take up laughing instead.

Anxiety cure 4:

When we laugh our body produces happy chemicals, such as endorphins, that make us feel better instantly.

Laughing really is one of the quickest ways to change your mental state.

Even if it’s a fake laugh, you still get the rush of happy chemicals.

So fake it ‘til you make it!

Laugh BIG! And see how quickly you’re body relaxes.

Anxiety cure 5:

If you have negative thoughts running around your head – fears, worries and limiting beliefs – they will keep you living in a self-induced nightmare.

The easiest way to combat the negative mind-chatter (and cure anxiety) is to learn how to work with the subconscious mind, and clear the beliefs that have you thinking in such a negative way.

Belief clearing is easy!

Want to learn how? Simply listen to our 1-hour audio, explaining how beliefs work and what’s needed to clear them so you can cure anxiety.

Anxiety doesn’t need to be a part of your life.

If you’re serious about finding an anxiety cure, apply these five simple techniques and notice how quickly that lasso disappears into the desert.

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