Sex is a spiritual practice. Yes sexuality and spirituality really are one!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

It’s easy to pop sexuality and spirituality in two very different baskets, but in truth, sexuality and spirituality are intimately interwoven. How is this so? Because we are love at our core (if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be familiar with this understanding). Therefore being spiritual is about experiencing yourself as love. When we ‘make’ love, are … Read More

The intuitive power of the heart

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

Have you ever played Chinese whispers? One person whispers a message into the next person’s ear, then they do the same to the next person, and so forth, until the message finally gets around the circle and the last person announces the message they received. Isn’t it amazing how quickly that initial message loses it’s meaning and becomes something entirely … Read More

The school of life

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

This blog follows on from last week’s blog: Do you have a spiritual teacher? If you haven’t read it, I would suggest reading it first, then come back to this blog, as it will make more sense. We go to school to learn spelling, math, art and so forth, yet many of us don’t realise that our real school, where … Read More

Do you have a spiritual teacher?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

The moment we are conceived we start learning; learning about life, learning about ourself. We learn about how to operate in the world, how to relate with others, how to handle money, how to look after our body, how to think about ourself; essentially how to do this thing called ‘life’. Yet when we grow up into an adult, and … Read More

There is only one problem in life

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

It seems like we have many problems in life; the car breaking down, our partner leaving us, money struggles keeping us from having the life we desire, an overwhelming feeling of loneliness, diagnosis’ of depression, infertility, or even worse, cancer. Yet we really only have one problem. And that one problem is causing all of these other problems that we … Read More

Life’s distractions: Do you get distracted easily?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

It’s easy to get distracted. You log onto Facebook to update your profile, and before you know it three hours have passed, with you feeling a little ripped off. What distracted you? Other people. Events, updates, photos, inspirational quotes…. Where did those three hours go? And why do I feel so drained? Facebook is just one example of how we … Read More

What’s hiding in the garden of YOUR mind? Limiting beliefs?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

On my honeymoon my husband and I decided to start a veggie garden. We were super enthusiastic, buying all the seeds, extra soil, and any other gardening paraphernalia we thought we’d need. We got our little hand spades and started digging into the garden beds to turn over and prepare the soil, only to find…. rocks. LOTS of rocks. Oh … Read More

Are you sick of hurting? Heal your hurt NOW!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Nobody wants to feel hurt. Nobody wants to feel hurt, because.. well… it hurts. Yet many people are carrying around a LOT of hurt. Yet just like mold, if you don’t clean the hurt up, it only grows and expands. What happens when hurt is left to fester? You start to lash out at the people you love, you become … Read More

How I stopped binge eating. True Story.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

So I have a confession to make… I was a binge eater. Having grown up a skinny girl who ate what she liked, I was suddenly faced with rapid weight gain in my early 20s, if I so much as looked at food the wrong way. Food became the enemy. Yet like the so-called ‘bad boys’, they somehow manage to … Read More

My libido’s gone AWOL. Help!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Having a hot little libido isn’t about eating Oysters all day and feeding your partner chocolate coated strawberries while drinking red wine and watching porn! If you’re serious about reigniting your libido, then you need to understand one simple truth… A loss of libido = stagnant sexual energy. It’s that simple! In order to get your libido rockin’ you need … Read More

The leading cause of good health: Pleasure!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health, Sexual Health2 Comments

Do you know what the leading cause of good health is? Go on take a moment to consider what it is that creates good health……………………………………………………………… Love, happiness, joy, fun…… PLEASURE!!!! When we give ourselves permission to indulge in deep pleasure for extended periods of time, that in itself is healing to the body. Yet when we’re tired, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed … Read More

You are limitless! Simply let go of the beliefs that have you thinking otherwise.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I remember when the movie Limitless came out. It really opened my eyes to what was possible. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie Limitless, it’s about a guy named Bradley whose life is completely transformed when he takes a top-secret ‘smart-drug’ that allows him to use 100% of his brain and become a perfect version of himself. … Read More

Infertility: How to conceive naturally

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health2 Comments

When it comes to infertility the stats really are shocking, with 12% of women of childbearing age unable to conceive. If that wasn’t scary enough, one in three women over 35 are deemed infertile. The great news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. No matter what your diagnosis, or how long you’ve been struggling to get pregnant, you … Read More

Are vibrators killing your pleasure?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

If you’ve seen my talks at Sexpo, you’ll know I warn ladies in particular, about the dangers of overusing vibrators. So I thought is wise to use this week’s blog to explain why! But before I tell you how vibrators kill your pleasure, let’s looks at how the vibrator came about, shall we? Would you believe the vibrator was actually … Read More

Is your ego controlling your life?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

So what is the ego that all the spiritual gurus talk of? The ego is an image you have of yourself that gives you a sense of identity – and that identity takes shape from the things you tell yourself and the things other people say about you, that you accept as truth. Those patterns and behaviours and labels you … Read More

Get rid of anxiety in two minutes flat!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Anxiety can be absolutely crippling. I should know, after experiencing my fair share of panic attacks, before I learnt what I’m about to share with YOU! Now before I teach you this 2-minute exercise that will eliminate anxiety, there’s a couple of things you need to understand. Firstly.. what is anxiety? Anxiety is a fear of what might happen in … Read More

Solve sexual health issues with squats!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

Squats will do more than help you get a nice booty and thighs of steel; they’re one of the best exercises for strengthening the internal muscles in the pelvic floor. Now the term ‘pelvic floor’ refers to the group of muscles that form a muscular hammock across the opening of the pelvic. These muscles, together with the surrounding tissues, keep … Read More

Heal your life through the Art of Self-Love

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

What is self-love? We hear the words ‘self-love’ get thrown around the spiritual world willy-nilly, but not many of us actually practice self-love. For many people they don’t know how. Some don’t know what self-love actually is. I’ll take this moment now to share what self-love is, but I just ask you one thing: Don’t dismiss it’s simplicity. For it … Read More

Wabi Sabi your life: See perfection in imperfection.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health4 Comments


So what is Wabi Sabi? Pretty much everything that today’s sleek, perfectly mass-produced, technology-saturated culture is not. It’s flea markets and op shops as opposed to shopping malls, it’s rustic mis-match chairs instead of a perfectly symmetrical chair set, and it’s a bunch of wildflowers rather than a dozen long stemmed red roses. Wabi Sabi is a Japanese philosophy, which … Read More

How to get more money! Your 5-step guide.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

If there’s one thing I see daily, its people with money problems. Money really is one of the leading causes of stress and worry. Given stress is responsible for 70% of all illness and disease, you don’t want money making you sick! Many people come to me and say ‘I know your program will help me turn my financial situation … Read More

How to raise children without sexual shame

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

‘Mummy, what is a scrotum?’ If you’re a parent, then you’ll know what it’s like to be asked questions about the human body and its functions. Depending on your own upbringing and how you were educated around sex, will determine how you feel about having those conversations. What’s really important to understand, is how we answer those innocent questions is … Read More

Abandonment: Have you walked out on yourself?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

If you’ve ever had someone you care about walk out on you, you know it hurts. Abandonment is a shocking feeling. Yet few people realise they’re abandoning themselves on a daily basis. When we come home from a stressful day and reach for that glass of wine to take the edge of things, we’re numbing ourself. Abandoning ourself. Blinding ourself … Read More

How to stay juicy through menopause

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

Going through menopause doesn’t need to be a rough sea of hormonal changes and emotional turmoil. You can sail smoothly through menopause. Many women see menopause as the end of a woman’s sexuality, when it couldn’t be further from it. In fact, many women find menopause is just the beginning! Menopause is a time when women really arrive into their … Read More

Let me introduce you to the subconscious mind…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How do you feel when an ‘error’ pops up on your computer screen? Frustrated? Annoyed? Shitty? When our computer stops working the way it’s meant to, stopping us getting done what we wish to complete, it can be really… well… Much like life really! Everyday we have little ‘error’ signs popping up; challenges and obstacles getting in the way of … Read More