How to overcome depression

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

If you’re here, it’s because you want to overcome depression OR you want to gain some insight to perhaps support someone you know in overcoming depression. So if you’re the person who’s in the midst of depression, I feel you! If you’re familiar with my story, I spent my teens and early 20s depressed. Like really depressed. The trying-to-commit-suicide-every-other-weekend kind … Read More

Perception is everything

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

Perception is everything…. what does that even mean?? You’re probably holed up at home right now, maybe in a small apartment, like us! I’ll admit, our big rainforest backyard in Australia would have been much nicer than our tiny French balcony right now, but none-the less… Maybe you have to share that space with many people, or you’re alone, which … Read More

How to survive adversity

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We all experience adversity – unpleasant or difficult situations – at various points in our life, especially right now, with what’s going on in the world. How you travel through these times, depend entirely on how solid you are within yourself. How connected you are to yourself. And perhaps as you’re reading this, you’re wondering what it means to be … Read More

Self-Isolation: Quarantine or retreat?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What a week it’s been: From hospital quarantine to home retreat. On Friday, my 2-year-old son was hospitalised, with concerns he was the first Coronavirus case in the children’s hospital here in Rennes. Thankfully the next day, he was cleared of that, and we were moved out of the Coronavirus ward (phew!!), and into the main children’s area, so the … Read More

Boosting immunity amid the Coronavirus

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health10 Comments

If you’re not tucked away in a little mountaintop cave without wifi, chances are you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s scaring people into all sorts of fear-fuelled behaviours. Now while I don’t claim to be a medical expert, from my work helping people overcome various mental and physical illnesses, I do know a few important … Read More

I don’t have time to meditate.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

‘I don’t have time to meditate.’ It’s something I hear a lot. Perhaps you say it yourself! Or maybe you say ‘I don’t have time’ for the other activities you’d like to do, such as yoga or dancing or something that you know will benefit you. Not having enough time for these kinds of soul nourishing activities is super common … Read More

Human emotions: Part of living a full bodied existence.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health10 Comments

Human emotions. Boy can they knock us about! Whether it’s something meaningless or something catastrophic that happens in our life, the resulting emotions that kick in, have the ability to completely unhinge us. Yet we are human. And part of being human is experiencing our very real human emotions. It’s these human emotions that essentially guide us through life. Yes, … Read More

Are you postponing happiness?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I felt inspired to start the new year – the new decade – with a blog about a topic close to all of our hearts: Happiness! Because if there’s something we all want, it’s to be happy, right? We’ve just entered the roaring ’20s and the truth is, how you dance your way through the year, will all come down … Read More

The problem with problems.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health4 Comments

This is a quick little blog to help you find some peace around any problem or difficult situation you may be experiencing right now. Because hey, I know life can seem like a struggle sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The first thing you need to understand is that: Our ‘perspective’ plays a huge role in how … Read More

Incontinence: Do tears run down your leg when you sneeze?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

A-choo! Oh rats. I peed a little in my pants. Incontinence, while super embarrassing and generally inconvenient, is also totally healable… Naturally. So if tears run down your leg when you laugh and you find yourself avoiding trampolines for fear of a leakage, I have some powerful information to share with you. But before we look at how you can begin … Read More

Is he/she my soulmate?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

‘Is he/she my soulmate?’ This is a question I get asked a lot, especially from the women I work with one-on-one. ‘When will I meet my soulmate?’ ‘How will I know it’s him/her?’ ‘Am I in the wrong relationship?’ ‘What if my husband is not my soulmate?’ Such seemingly big questions if you, like most people, buy into the ‘soulmate’ … Read More

Is social media the new cocaine?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

‘Why am I on social media?’ Have you stopped to ask yourself this simple question? Many of us end up on social media because everyone else is, without really thinking about whether or not it’s a positive influence in our life. Before we know it, we’re checking our phones morning, noon and night (for most people more often) for fear … Read More

Fascia, chi and the Jade Egg.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Fascia .. chi and the Jade Egg. What do these things have in common? They work together to heal the body, and in doing so, get sexual energy flowing. Over the past few months there’s been a lot of controversy in the news about Jade Eggs following Goop’s $145,000 fine. Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle retailer – claimed that the … Read More

Finding my way back home!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship Health10 Comments

After finding my way back home … I’m back! Yes, I’m back!! And boy oh boy does it feel good to be back. What do I mean exactly when I say ‘I’m back?’ Well…after losing my way after my son Zen was born, I can confidently say I’m back. I’ve found my way back home. Up until the day Zen was … Read More

Letting go of the busy…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

While I’m not usually one for New Years resolutions I did spend 2018 setting some clear intentions for 2019. My husband and I had decided we’d pack up and leave our home at the end of October 2018, spend three months on the road travelling and visiting family – including a one month stint in Bali so I could further … Read More

Induction: Is it always necessary?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

I’d never really though much about induction, until… … let me share my story… In the months leading up to my due date, I felt that my baby would arrive early. I was always early – to appointments, finishing projects – that was me! Why would my birth be any different? So in true Tamra-style I ensured everything was ready … Read More

Are you at risk of sexual organ prolapse?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health, Uncategorized1 Comment

Prolapse. It’s a scary thought; your sexual organs falling down and out of your vaginal canal. What’s even scarier, is that 44% of women will experience some degree of sexual organ prolapse in their lifetime, with one in three needing a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60! So if prolapse is such a common problem, why aren’t more women talking … Read More

Minimalism: Is less really more?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Uncategorized4 Comments

What is minimalism and why would we want to live a minimalist life? Good question. Let me share my experience with you, so I can answer that for you. In deciding to move to France, my husband and I needed to make the big decision of how much stuff to take and what to leave behind. As we began packing … Read More

Break the cycle of suffering

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Uncategorized4 Comments

Have you ever wondered why there’s so much suffering in our world, and in particular, why you suffer? We all experience suffering at some point in our lives. For some people it’s a brief fleeting moment, for others it’s a never ending tunnel of doom and gloom. And your suffering may involve money worries or a health issue. Perhaps your … Read More

My positive birth story…

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

My positive birth story begins two weeks past our due date. After visiting the hospital that day to have monitoring, given we were now into the 42nd week of pregnancy with no sign of our munchkin gracing us with his presence, we returned home to continue to wait it out. I was determined not to induce as I didn’t want … Read More

Constipation: Do you have trouble pooping?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Isn’t constipation the most horrible feeling? You need to do a poo, but when you sit down on the toilet nothing comes out. Perhaps you read a book, push and strain because you have an important meeting to get too, or maybe you just go about your day feeling constipated. None of these are ideal scenarios. Hence why I decided … Read More

Struggle with pain? Try this.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

We live in a culture that wants to stop pain. Just walk down any supermarket or chemist isle and there’s an array of drugs all designed to numb both our physical and mental state. And these products are top sellers, because people just don’t want to feel. Yet have you ever stopped and asked yourself: What exactly is pain? Sure, … Read More

Meditation. I can’t meditate? Or can I?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Meditation. You either love it, or you possibly don’t fully understand it. And that is the purpose of this blog. To shed some light on what meditation really is and how it works, because too often I get told by people ‘Oh, but I can’t meditate’. Upon asking a few more questions, I soon discover that what they believe meditation … Read More

Sleep issues? Maybe you need a bedtime yoga ritual.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

You’re certainly not alone if you have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, or waking feel more tired than when you first hit the hay. Why does this happen? There are a few contributing factors, but the main one is this… We live in a world chock-full to the brim of ‘information’. There’s just so much information that our brains … Read More

How I overcame nausea during pregnancy.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health6 Comments

When I first saw the cross show up on the pregnancy test, I was excited. My husband and I both. We’d wanted to have a child sometime soon, and now we had a baby in my belly. We began telling people straight away. I know the general rule is wait ‘till you’re out of the danger zone at 3-months, but our philosophy … Read More

Chris Cornell, anxiety, death and hope.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health8 Comments

I write this blog you after receiving some very sad news last night. I was lying in bed, about to turn the light off, when I received a call from my husband. He always calls (or texts) when he finishes a gig, to let me know he’s on his way home. Yet last night, his call came with some awful … Read More

Are your emotions making you sick?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

Emotions are ‘energy in motion’. When we store negative emotions in the body – for example, anger, fear, guilt or shame – they sicken the body. Even scientific research now shows that suppressed emotions lead to illness and disease. When we experience a situation that triggers a negative emotion in us, if we don’t fully feel it in that moment, … Read More

Three things every woman MUST know about her cervix

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health13 Comments

Let me begin by asking: How is your relationship with your cervix? Why is this even important? Because the cervix is at the core of a woman and its health will dictate her health, her fertility, her ability to give and receive love and her ability to experience deep pleasure. In this blog I will be sharing some super truths … Read More

Yoni Egg versus Jade Egg: What’s the difference?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

Is a Yoni Egg different to a Jade Egg? In truth the answer is Yes and No. In order to give you a definitive answer, let me first begin by explaining what a ‘yoni’ is… In sanskrit the vagina is called the ‘yoni’, loosely translating as ‘a sacred space’. And yes our vagina certainly is a sacred space that needs … Read More

How to create change 101

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

If you’re not happy with your life right now, or any part of it, then learning how to create change is what will help you start crafting your own personal love story. Of course, change isn’t always easy and it’s not always comfortable either. In fact, change is rarely comfortable. The reason for this, is because in order to create … Read More

How to let go of old relationships.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

build self-confidence

Relationships are delightfully fulfilling at their best and gravel-rash painful at their worst. Whether it’s a good friend or a romantic partner, being able to let go after a relationship has ended, isn’t always easy. But if you’re open to exploring what that relationship gave you and what you can learn from it, then it can be one of the … Read More

‘I can’t (insert desire)’. Sure you CAN!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What happens when you say you ‘I can’t do it’? It automatically sets up an expectation that you can’t do whatever it is that you would like to do. I can’t eat well, I can’t change jobs, I can’t find a good man, I can’t afford that course, I can’t find the time to have a self-love practise, I can’t get ahead in life, I can’t… and the list goes son and … Read More

Boost your self-love through community.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

When women come together in a group – as part of a community – something special happens. Something unexplainable… What is that something? Healing. Deep organic profound healing. Healing of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self. How does this healing happen? Let me explain… Humans are social creatures; we are meant to connect. Sometimes those connections we have with … Read More