Whether it’s in the bedroom or in the boardroom, in order to get what you want in life, you need to be able to receive.
Are you letting your internal cleanser do its job?
Let me begin this blog piece by asking: How much sleep do you average per night? Sleep is like putting the phone (our body) on the charger. Less than eight hours sleep is like operating on a dying battery. And unfortunately, not many people make good quality sleep the priority it needs to be. This is where I ask you … Read More
Everyone gets what they want in life. Really!
Did you know you always get what you want in life? You’re probably thinking: ‘No I don’t want this debt’ or ‘I don’t want this toxic relationship with my parents’. ‘As if I’d order up a casket full of health ailments!’ Of course you don’t want these things consciously. But if that’s what’s happening in your life right now, then at a subconscious level that is what you want. … Read More
Easter bunny delivers an egg of a yummier kind! A woman’s answer to blissful health.
Want Easter to leave you feeling nourished and revitalised? Then forget the choccie this year and buy yourself (or your lady) a ‘Jade’ egg instead. I came across the Jade Egg practice a few years ago after I returned an abnormal Pap smear result and was diagnosed as being the stage before cancer. Hence began my exploration into this 5000-year-old Taoist practice. Not only … Read More
Are you a ‘but’ person?
How many ‘buts’ are there in your life? ‘But this, but that’. I’d love to apply for that job, but I just don’t think I’d get it. Yes, that guy seems great, perfect actually, but there’s no way he’d go out with me. Are you letting your ‘buts’ get in the way of putting yourself out there, going for those opportunities and ultimately living the life you … Read More
Ditch the bra if you want perkier breasts ladies!
Let’s be honest, wearing a bra can be a pain in the, err… Bust! Trudging into a fitting room, waiting to be measured, struggling into ten different styles to find the one that fits properly. Bra shopping often feels like more trouble than it’s worth. And according to one French scientist, it actually is! In this 15-year study it was … Read More
Do you know the difference between feelings and emotions?
Often people put feelings and emotions in the same basket. Now while they are certainly similar, there are some distinguishing differences you really should know if you’re serious about living a happy life full of positive relationships. Put simply:Feelings are how you feel in the moment. Emotions are past unresolved feelings. To put that into context: Someone accidentally spills coffee on your lap. … Read More
Why most therapy doesn’t work…
I’ve spoken to thousands of people who’ve tried counseling, psychology and other new age therapies only to leave disappointed years later (and thousands of dollars down) with the same negative patterns still playing out in their life. They’ve read a library full of self-help books and given that 12-week challenge a go, and still the original problem is there. Why … Read More
Ghosts of the past: Are you haunted by your memories
We all have memories. And that’s because we all have a past. All those happy memories are great to reflect upon. It’s the awful, sometimes horrific memories that have the ability to unhinge us, break us down and haunt our daily existence. The great news is, no matter what ghosts are residing in your most precious self, they can be … Read More
News Toxicity: Are you poisoning your mind?
How much news do you consume on a daily basis? Are you a news junkie or do you take small bites? This week I wanted to look at how news can actually make us take on a more pessimistic view of life and even trigger depression and low moods. It’s not surprising, given that our environment has the ability to … Read More
Ditch V-day and celebrate Self-Love Day instead!
Valentine’s Day has the ability to sweep you off your feet in one romantic heart-fluttering waltz, or leave you standing by the dance floor, feeling alone and dare I say, miserable. Singletons are usually the biggest causality on February 14, but even those of us in relationships can be left feeling bitterly disappointed when the roses (or in my case … Read More
Shhhhhh… It’s a secret! Or should it be?
Most of us have some sort of secret being held hostage inside. And sure, keeping a surprise birthday secret is one thing, but when it comes to deeper issues, be it a health disorder, cheating on a lover or any other thing that causes embarrassment or concern, then letting it out is the only way forward. The reason people often … Read More
Inner Mean Girl/Dude: How nasty is yours?
We all have an inner meanie. You know the one I’m talking about. She/he’s negative, judgmental, constantly comparing you to other people and how well they’re doing or looking. She/he also likes to sabotage you in any way possible, such as keeping you busy doing all the things that will keep you from your dreams. You know your inner mean … Read More
Surviving xmas and keeping your relos!
If your family get-together makes you feel like you want to suffocate your siblings (or your parents) in a stocking, don’t despair, surviving xmas is possible. Truly! Christmas can be full of cheer and happiness and kisses under the mistletoe, if you do a little internal work and recognise that any trigger points round the dinner table are the most … Read More
Honest Conversations: Are you having them?
It became obvious to me in the past week or so how confronting some people find honest conversations. So let’s begin by discussing what an honest conversation is: An honest conversation is letting a person know your true feelings about a particular action or lack of action they took, that has left you feeling a negative emotion such as hurt, fear, … Read More
Life: Our biggest teacher
We live in a world that applauds learning from others in a formalised manner. Now I’m not saying don’t get that university degree, take that music class or see a therapist to help you resolve that emotional debacle. What I am saying, is that there are other helpful ways of learning and growing and developing, and they don’t require forking out huge wads … Read More
Is your relationship baby-ready?
The good ‘ol biological clock can send us into a head spin, if by thirty (or even forty for some ladies) they have not yet found the man they wish to procreate with. I see single women go on a date with the intention to marry the first man who will give her their sperm, instead of actually finding a … Read More
Lets talk about sex… baby!
Sex isn’t usually the topic of conversation at morning tea, unless of course you’re Samantha from Sex And The City! But how many of us ladies LOVE that show? Why do we get so into it? Because it looks at a topic that most of us aren’t privy to in our everyday working lives: Sex. We do it. It’s what made us, yet … Read More
Relationship Rescue: Do you have white knight syndrome?
In fairytales the white knight recues the damsel in distress, falls in love, and saves the day – charming isn’t it? However, real-life knights are men and women who enter into romantic relationships with damaged and vulnerable partners, hoping that love will transform their partner’s behavior; a relationship pattern that seldom leads to a storybook ending. The rescuer enters the … Read More
Synchronicities: The traffic lights of our life
Our life is full of synchronicities. Perhaps a friend you’ve had on your mind calls out of the blue, or you get a flyer advertising yoga in your letterbox the very day you were thinking about starting yoga. As you’re driving to work, you see a billboard answering the exact question you had in mind. Or perhaps you dream of … Read More
Stories limit us: Are you a storyteller?
We all have stories. Some people have happy stories; other people have challenging stories that bring pain. I’m sure you’re familiar with stories like: ‘Oh, my car wouldn’t start and now I’m running late for work, and then I spilled coffee in my lap, and it was all because my husband left the lights on in the car last night, … Read More
Abundance is for you. Life is limitless. Yes, really!
If you are of the belief that the world is one big apple pie with a fixed number of slices, so that once those slices are taken, these is no pie left, then I urge you to reconsider your beliefs. Just because one person gets a bigger slice than you doesn’t mean you can’t have as much or more. Some … Read More
Happiness is a state of being, not just an emotion. How happy are you?
Happiness. Deep down it’s something that all of us want. That’s why there’s a whole self-help isle at bookstores promoting this very ideal that so many people strive for. Yet there’s still a lot of confusion around the emotion of happiness and the state of true happiness, and whether it’s even possible to feel deep happiness long-term. First though, we need to talk about … Read More
Singletons: Have you written your Perfect Partner list?
Shopping for a car isn’t all that different to shopping for a man. Seriously! I took the same approach to finding my Prince, as I did to attracting Missy (my ’66 Mustang) into my life. I wrote a Perfect Partner, come Perfect Car list! Yes, just as I wrote down all the features I wanted in my vintage wheels – … Read More
Settling for less: Are you sacrificing your true desires?
Are you settling for less? I’m sure at some stage in your life you’ve settled; for the good-enough partner, the it’s-not-so-bad job, that mediocre orgasm (or lack there-of) or the time-poor lifestyle that leaves you with no time to spoil YOU. People sacrifice goals, needs, wants and happiness – even our health – daily. And sadly, society actually supports this. … Read More
Compliments and kind gestures are gifts. How well do you give and receive?
I begin this blog with asking you: How well do you receive? Why? Because many people I’ve come across over the years have at some point in their lives had trouble receiving – me included. First thing we need to understand though is that receiving – whether it be receiving a present, a kind gesture, a compliment or sensual touch … Read More
Lust at first sight: Do you mix up love with a full-blown bout of longing lust?
We all know what lust feels like. That electric spark that passes from you to your heartthrob each time you touch. That sense of ‘I’ve found The One’ washing over you, before you’ve had a chance to even find out his/her name! Yet this head-over-heels feeling we’ve all been swept up by at one time or another is likely to … Read More
Spring: The time of new growth. Are you ready to bloom?
Spring is the time of new growth – we see this all around us as buds yawn open into the most beautiful flowers. So let me ask you: Do you feel like you’re magnificence is blossoming, or is the shade cloth stopping you from growing? If you’re withering behind the garden shed, then ask yourself why you’re not giving yourself … Read More
Relationship problems: Are you whole on your own?
We read it in romance novels, we hear it in Hollywood movies, hell, I’m sure a few friends of yours have thrown around the line: ‘He completes me’. Do you subscribe to this statement? Or do you realise that it’s one of the most disempowering phrases you can think, let alone say out loud. Why do I smash this statement apart … Read More
Are you having a nervous break ‘down’ or break ‘through’?
When was the last time you lost your sh*t? Had a go at a lover or work colleague, spewed out some toxic emotions or simply thought: ‘Life’s too hard’? Well I’ve been there, plenty of times. As you’ll read in this week’s Take 5 magazine, I was one of those people ready to end it all, because I just couldn’t get out … Read More
Dragons breathe fire, but they also guard treasure
We all have our inner dragons. Most people hide from their dragons, run from their dragons, maybe even pretend the dragons don’t exist. But sooner or later we all have to confront our personal dragon or five in order to let go of the pain and fear so we can live a life of happiness and freedom. A life where … Read More
Emotional Affairs. Are you having one?
Affairs of the heart can be even more harmful than physical affairs – and given that 70% of all marriages experience an extra-marital affair (according to Sexual Health Australia) I felt the need to shed some light on what an emotional affair actually is, and what’s needed to stop your relationship from becoming a shocking statistic. So lets first look at what an emotional affair is… … Read More
Change him or change me? Where do you sit?
It’s not often I single out women, but they seem to be the main culprits when it comes to thinking they can change a man. How many times do we hear her say: ‘Oh, it’s ok I’ll change him once we’re married’, or ‘He’s changing into the man I want him to be? Well, I’ve gotta ask: Why did you date him … Read More
Has your relationship gone sour?
Most long-term relationships have their high seasons and their low seasons; one minute the tree of love is ripe with mouth-watering fruit, and the next the apples are rotting on the ground. No matter which part of the season you’re at in your relationship, you can salvage the crop and have juicy, delicious fruit all year round. Whether you’ve been … Read More
Victim or Victor: Which one are you?
Do you have a sob story you like to re-run in your head or to your friends, family or shrink? Are you someone who feels sorry for yourself and thrives on sympathy from others? If so, you are playing the role of a ‘victim’ and we all know what happens to victims, yeah? Bad stuff. They’re like negativity magnets. When … Read More
Addicted to addiction: Do you keep seeking more?
Last week I talked about using substances, people or things to fill the emptiness so many people in today’s world are familiar with; you may know it as an inner hunger for more. So in need to turn to an external source to feel some sort of positivity, they seek out louder, bigger or stronger fixes to give them that hit of … Read More
Does life fulfill you, or are you sheep spectator?
We often hear people say they want to be happy and ‘fulfilled’. Well we all know what happiness feels like, but how many of us really know what if feels like to be fulfilled? Have you stopped to consider what fulfilment really is? Are you one of those people who is ever striving for this so-called ‘fulfilment’, without sitting down … Read More
The Naked Way: Take off the blindfold and be the artist of your life.
I wanted to spend this week discussing your way of life. How you conduct yourself daily, how you think about yourself, how you get the results you want – or how you haven’t quite worked out that part of the puzzle yet. Do you even have a ‘way’ of living life? My way is ‘The Naked Way’. Raw. Stripped back. Honest. Let … Read More