‘If you told me 12-months ago that we were about to go into a global pandemic of epic proportions, with lockdowns around the world, and staggering stats including over 200,000 deaths in the US and rising, I would’ve thought “Wow really? That’s crazy! It sounds like a science-fiction film”.’ But if you told me that with cases and deaths rising, … Read More
Boosting immunity amid the Coronavirus
If you’re not tucked away in a little mountaintop cave without wifi, chances are you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s scaring people into all sorts of fear-fuelled behaviours. Now while I don’t claim to be a medical expert, from my work helping people overcome various mental and physical illnesses, I do know a few important … Read More
Constipation: Do you have trouble pooping?
Isn’t constipation the most horrible feeling? You need to do a poo, but when you sit down on the toilet nothing comes out. Perhaps you read a book, push and strain because you have an important meeting to get too, or maybe you just go about your day feeling constipated. None of these are ideal scenarios. Hence why I decided … Read More
How I overcame nausea during pregnancy.
When I first saw the cross show up on the pregnancy test, I was excited. My husband and I both. We’d wanted to have a child sometime soon, and now we had a baby in my belly. We began telling people straight away. I know the general rule is wait ‘till you’re out of the danger zone at 3-months, but our philosophy … Read More
Are your emotions making you sick?
Emotions are ‘energy in motion’. When we store negative emotions in the body – for example, anger, fear, guilt or shame – they sicken the body. Even scientific research now shows that suppressed emotions lead to illness and disease. When we experience a situation that triggers a negative emotion in us, if we don’t fully feel it in that moment, … Read More
The leading cause of good health: Pleasure!
Do you know what the leading cause of good health is? Go on take a moment to consider what it is that creates good health……………………………………………………………… Love, happiness, joy, fun…… PLEASURE!!!! When we give ourselves permission to indulge in deep pleasure for extended periods of time, that in itself is healing to the body. Yet when we’re tired, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed … Read More
Are you in need of a love infusion? Energy healing explained…
We all know what a blood transfusion is. It’s giving blood intravenously to someone who needs more blood to physically stay alive. We certainly do need blood to keep our physical body alive, but in order to stay truly alive, we need love. Love is what energetically awakens us so we can feel deeply alive. Many people these days live … Read More
Are you letting your internal cleanser do its job?
Let me begin this blog piece by asking: How much sleep do you average per night? Sleep is like putting the phone (our body) on the charger. Less than eight hours sleep is like operating on a dying battery. And unfortunately, not many people make good quality sleep the priority it needs to be. This is where I ask you … Read More
Easter bunny delivers an egg of a yummier kind! A woman’s answer to blissful health.
Want Easter to leave you feeling nourished and revitalised? Then forget the choccie this year and buy yourself (or your lady) a ‘Jade’ egg instead. I came across the Jade Egg practice a few years ago after I returned an abnormal Pap smear result and was diagnosed as being the stage before cancer. Hence began my exploration into this 5000-year-old Taoist practice. Not only … Read More
Ditch the bra if you want perkier breasts ladies!
Let’s be honest, wearing a bra can be a pain in the, err… Bust! Trudging into a fitting room, waiting to be measured, struggling into ten different styles to find the one that fits properly. Bra shopping often feels like more trouble than it’s worth. And according to one French scientist, it actually is! In this 15-year study it was … Read More
Lets talk about sex… baby!
Sex isn’t usually the topic of conversation at morning tea, unless of course you’re Samantha from Sex And The City! But how many of us ladies LOVE that show? Why do we get so into it? Because it looks at a topic that most of us aren’t privy to in our everyday working lives: Sex. We do it. It’s what made us, yet … Read More
Healthier living could be one big breath away.
How well do you breathe? Do you even know? Or is breathing something you do completely unconsciously, letting your autonomic nervous system supply you with oxygen however it sees fit? The majority of people do not breathe well. Sure, they get enough air to get through life, but not enough to feel alive and vital in every moment. Not enough … Read More
Stretch: How flexible are you.. mentally?
Have you ever stretched yourself? Not in the physical way a dancer or a keen yoga student might, but in the way that helps you break through personal barriers so you can experience a life far richer than you have in the past? Stretching yourself mentally helps you turn your life into a fairytale adventure where you live your ‘happily … Read More
Body Love: The key to loving your body.
I find it fascinating the extremes people will go too, especially women, to lose weight. Starving themselves of proper nutrition in order to stick to that lemon diet, just so they can squeeze into that pretty dress on the weekend. Or exercising their butts off to the point of injury, fatigue and sheer exhaustion. Yet ask someone to show their … Read More
‘Cosmetic Acupuncture’, Body and Soul, 2013
Cosmetic Acupuncture: Does it really work? Looking ten years younger doesn’t have to involve Botox or plastic surgery. As Wellness coach Tamra Mercieca discovers, the restoration of our youthful appearance could be just a few pin pricks away. Having experienced problem skin for much of my life, I decided to follow in the footsteps of Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow and give … Read More
Keeping the mind and body youthful. Naturally!
What if you could slow down the aging process, even reverse it? Naturally. Would that be of interest to you? Would you be willing to try a new approach and actually get to the root cause of the deterioration associated with ageing? Would you invest in learning how to do it yourself? If so, then read on… Here’s the billion-dollar … Read More
Health scares. Getting to the root cause of illness.
So before I share my health scare with you I have a question: When you get sick, how do you get well? What is your process for healing yourself? Is your first inclination to get a drug prescription from your doctor? Maybe you take a couple of days off work to rest. Do you jump online and start reading everything … Read More
The caped crusaders of the fruit bowl: Tuck in!
In summer we’re naturally drawn to fruit; there’s nothing like tucking into bowl of fruit salad on a hot summer’s day or slurping down a fresh fruit smoothie. And if it’s good for us, then why hold back. But as you’ll read, some fruits are more like Clark Kent than Superman. Superfruits, like superheros, can be used as a vehicle … Read More
‘Down-time’ the key to weight loss? Yes… really!
With summer on our doorstep, many of us are looking to get our bodies bikini-ready for the beach. Diets. Exercise. They’re the typical recipes for weight loss and cellulite reduction, but what if de-stressing your life is the missing ingredient to shed the kilos? It’s hard to believe that stress can lead to weight gain, but it’s true. When we’re … Read More
Sneezin’ through Spring isn’t so sexy? Rid yourself of hay fever.
Sneezing your way through Spring can be an arduous task, but taking a holistic approach will help you breeze through, unaffected. If you’d like to learn how to leave the tissue box at home, then I’d love to share how I cured my own hay fever. Since I was a small child I would dread Spring knowing that going outside … Read More
Perfect posture
Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Yes, standing in a well-aligned tension-free way, will do do more than keep you physically healthy; it’s good for our mental health too! You can tell a lot about a person by their posture. Have you ever seen someone glide or stride into a room and command instant attention or respect? The simple fact is humans are drawn … Read More
Toxic tears
Turning on the waterworks can make you feel better, both physically and emotionally. Yes it’s true. Crying heals the mind, body and soul. William Shakespeare was spot on when he wrote: “To weep is to make less the debt of grief.” Researchers have found, not only do tears reduce tensions; they remove toxins, and increase the body’s ability to heal … Read More
Liver detox
To detox or not to detox, that is the question. And the first thing I’ll say about this is that: Our liver is our body’s natural cleanser. After eating up (and drinking up) a storm over the festive season, your natural reaction may be to do a detox, but at the end of the day, our liver’s main function is … Read More
Water works
Unless you’re from Mars, you’ve heard about the ‘eight glasses of water a day’ thing. Yet it’s amazing how many people don’t drink enough, hence why I felt the need to look at the dangers of dehydration this week. Most people these days are running around on a daily basis dehydrated to some extent. Unless you’re drinking two to three … Read More
Guilt-free Easter
Give in to your chocolate cravings and drink a cup of cacoa everyday – just for your health! Aha.. I’m recommending you drink chocolate!! Hot cacao is a great way to get nutrition while feeling devilishly decadent. The trick is buying cacao in its raw form, rather than succumbing to the highly processed low-grade hot chocolates that contain nothing but … Read More
‘Clean out your liver’, ‘Body and Soul’, March 2011
To detox or not to detox, that is the question. As Wellness coach Tamra Mercieca explains, our liver is our body’s natural cleanser. Detox fads come in and go out, but at the end of the day, our liver’s main function is to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which given the right support, has the ability … Read More
The Sugar Blues
How often do you indulge in something sweet, only to be left feeling like rubbish? Let’s takes a look at the relationship between sugar and our mood. Sugar is a known cause of altering mood. It gives your blood an instant rush of energy, but that does not last long. You will experience a drop in mood and energy an hour … Read More
‘Perfect Posture’, Good Health and Medicine, 2008
Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Tamra Mercieca explores the physical and mental benefits of having a perfect posture. You’re only words into this article, and chances are you’ve already adjusted how you’re sitting. Posture is one of those things we often forget about, that is, until something or somebody reminds us to straighten up. Poor posture becomes a habit and … Read More
‘Active Therapy’, Fernwood Fitness, 2008
exercise therapy Keeping fit, managing your weight, and warding off disease are all side-effects of exercise. But did you know getting physical can do wonders for your mental health too? Tamra Mercieca explains. Though it may seem impossible sometimes, exercise is one of the best ways to deal with mental illnesses. Physical activity alters brain chemistry and leads to feelings … Read More
‘A-Z of alternate therapies’, Women’s Health and Fitness magazine, 2007
The modern day rise in stress and disease has more of us seeking out alternatives to western medicine; different kinds of therapy. Wellness Coach Tamra Mercieca takes a look at the therapies on offer. ACUPUNCTURE may appear somewhat exotic, but the Chinese have been sticking fine needles into the body for more than 3,000 years to ease all sorts of … Read More
‘Tonic in a teapot’, Fernwood Fitness, 2007
tonic in a teapot Having a cup of tea may be a rarity you save for when you visit grandma, but with so many health benefits it really is a tonic for our health, with women from all walks of life are now making the switch. By Tamra Mercieca. Sometimes worries keep us up at night or nervous tension causes … Read More
‘The perks of caffeine’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2006.
The truth about caffeine.. Coffee has been put through the scientific ringer, you might say, and almost invariably come out with flying colours. So if you’re a coffee guzzler, pour yourself a cuppa and read on for the latest good-to-the-drop news on how to enjoy your beloved beverage. For starters, it’s an antioxidant powerhouse. Green coffee beans contain about 1,000 … Read More