Fascia, chi and the Jade Egg.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health6 Comments

Fascia .. chi and the Jade Egg. What do these things have in common? They work together to heal the body, and in doing so, get sexual energy flowing. Over the past few months there’s been a lot of controversy in the news about Jade Eggs following Goop’s $145,000 fine. Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle retailer – claimed that the … Read More

Yoni Egg versus Jade Egg: What’s the difference?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health8 Comments

Is a Yoni Egg different to a Jade Egg? In truth the answer is Yes and No. In order to give you a definitive answer, let me first begin by explaining what a ‘yoni’ is… In sanskrit the vagina is called the ‘yoni’, loosely translating as ‘a sacred space’. And yes our vagina certainly is a sacred space that needs … Read More

Are vibrators killing your pleasure?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

If you’ve seen my talks at Sexpo, you’ll know I warn ladies in particular, about the dangers of overusing vibrators. So I thought is wise to use this week’s blog to explain why! But before I tell you how vibrators kill your pleasure, let’s looks at how the vibrator came about, shall we? Would you believe the vibrator was actually … Read More

Kegel exercises: Do they really work?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

‘Do your Kegel exercises … Strengthen your pelvic floor …’ If you’ve given birth, chances are you’ve been told this at least once, and even if you haven’t given birth, you’ve probably read about Kegels in some women’s magazine touting their importance. Who wants to wet their pants every time they sneeze, right? The problem is, if you’re doing Kegel … Read More

Easter bunny delivers an egg of a yummier kind! A woman’s answer to blissful health.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

Want Easter to leave you feeling nourished and revitalised? Then forget the choccie this year and buy yourself (or your lady) a ‘Jade’ egg instead. I came across the Jade Egg practice a few years ago after I returned an abnormal Pap smear result and was diagnosed as being the stage before cancer. Hence began my exploration into this 5000-year-old Taoist practice. Not only … Read More