Ep. 18 The fear of failure keeping you from loving yourself?

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

What if you knew you couldn’t fail? How would that change the way you behave, the decisions you make, the way of you treat people, and how you show up in life? Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how failing is a myth, and how our so-called ‘mistakes’ are actually learning experiences in disguise. AppleYouTubeSpotify   Do … Read More

Ep. 17 Are you comfy sitting in your comfort zone?

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

We all like to feel comfy, right? It can give us a sense of safety and predictability. But what happens if the place we feel comfy – the place of our ‘comfort zone’ – isn’t serving us? What if that comfortable feeling we get from doing the same things we’ve always done, is actually holding us back? Getting in the … Read More

Mirror reflections: It’s not you, it’s me.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health4 Comments

I’ll be honest, I struggled to know what to call this blog, and Mirror Reflections: It’s not you, it’s me is what finally arrived into my consciousness. For a long time relationships confused and baffled me, upset and hurt me, left me and abandoned me, and then one day… I learnt what I’m about to share here. The following teaching … Read More

Surviving xmas and keeping your relos!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

If your family get-together makes you feel like you want to suffocate your siblings (or your parents) in a stocking, don’t despair, surviving xmas is possible. Truly! Christmas can be full of cheer and happiness and kisses under the mistletoe, if you do a little internal work and recognise that any trigger points round the dinner table are the most … Read More

Life: Our biggest teacher

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We live in a world that applauds learning from others in a formalised manner. Now I’m not saying don’t get that university degree, take that music class or see a therapist to help you resolve that emotional debacle. What I am saying, is that there are other helpful ways of learning and growing and developing, and they don’t require forking out huge wads … Read More

Has your relationship gone sour?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

Most long-term relationships have their high seasons and their low seasons; one minute the tree of love is ripe with mouth-watering fruit, and the next the apples are rotting on the ground. No matter which part of the season you’re at in your relationship, you can salvage the crop and have juicy, delicious fruit all year round. Whether you’ve been … Read More

Addicted to addiction: Do you keep seeking more?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Last week I talked about using substances, people or things to fill the emptiness so many people in today’s world are familiar with; you may know it as an inner hunger for more. So in need to turn to an external source to feel some sort of positivity, they seek out louder, bigger or stronger fixes to give them that hit of … Read More

Stretch: How flexible are you.. mentally?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Have you ever stretched yourself? Not in the physical way a dancer or a keen yoga student might, but in the way that helps you break through personal barriers so you can experience a life far richer than you have in the past? Stretching yourself mentally helps you turn your life into a fairytale adventure where you live your ‘happily … Read More

Are you leaping from small zone into big zone?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

The comfort zone is an interesting phenomenon. Many people have quite an attachment to the good ‘ol comfort zone, sitting in it because it’s so, well comfy. It’ s like a big old lounge, it wraps around you, keeping you safe and secure; you know what to expect because it’s the lounge you’ve had since you can remember. But is this … Read More