Ep. 18 The fear of failure keeping you from loving yourself?

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What if you knew you couldn’t fail? How would that change the way you behave, the decisions you make, the way of you treat people, and how you show up in life? Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how failing is a myth, and how our so-called ‘mistakes’ are actually learning experiences in disguise. AppleYouTubeSpotify   Do … Read More

Ep. 17 Are you comfy sitting in your comfort zone?

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

We all like to feel comfy, right? It can give us a sense of safety and predictability. But what happens if the place we feel comfy – the place of our ‘comfort zone’ – isn’t serving us? What if that comfortable feeling we get from doing the same things we’ve always done, is actually holding us back? Getting in the … Read More

Ep.14 Feelings: Fall in love with feeling yourself.

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In order to heal ourself, we need to feel ourself. And when I say feel ourself, I mean actually be with ourself long enough to feel our feelings and emotions. Because we all have them. Feelings and emotions are part of the human experience. And when we make friends with how we truely feel, when we let ourself feel our … Read More

How to survive adversity

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We all experience adversity – unpleasant or difficult situations – at various points in our life, especially right now, with what’s going on in the world. How you travel through these times, depend entirely on how solid you are within yourself. How connected you are to yourself. And perhaps as you’re reading this, you’re wondering what it means to be … Read More

Boosting immunity amid the Coronavirus

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health10 Comments

If you’re not tucked away in a little mountaintop cave without wifi, chances are you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s scaring people into all sorts of fear-fuelled behaviours. Now while I don’t claim to be a medical expert, from my work helping people overcome various mental and physical illnesses, I do know a few important … Read More

Is social media the new cocaine?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health2 Comments

‘Why am I on social media?’ Have you stopped to ask yourself this simple question? Many of us end up on social media because everyone else is, without really thinking about whether or not it’s a positive influence in our life. Before we know it, we’re checking our phones morning, noon and night (for most people more often) for fear … Read More

How to get more money! Your 5-step guide.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

If there’s one thing I see daily, its people with money problems. Money really is one of the leading causes of stress and worry. Given stress is responsible for 70% of all illness and disease, you don’t want money making you sick! Many people come to me and say ‘I know your program will help me turn my financial situation … Read More

Overcoming Fear

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Fear can freeze us; stopping us from moving forward. In this blog I share some tips tips on how to overcome our fears. We are taught fear at a very young age. It is a learned behaviour, therefore it can, if we wish, be educated out of us. Fear is a way of thinking that has the ability to hinder … Read More

‘Facing Your Fears’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2009

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facing your fears The first American journalist to be expelled from Nazi Germany,Dorothy Thompson once said: “Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live”. Success Coach Tamra Mercieca explains the truth behind this. We are taught fear at a very young age. It is a learned behaviour, therefore it can, if we wish, be educated out … Read More