Rewriting Your Money Story

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Rewriting Your Money Story This article appeared in the May 2021 issue of Era Magazine, for women in business  Here is the text from the article if you’re having trouble reading the image…. Rewriting Your Money Story We all have a money story. Some people’s money stories are full of abundance, with the lead characters feeling good about earning … Read More

‘Cosmetic Acupuncture’, Body and Soul, 2013

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Cosmetic Acupuncture: Does it really work? Looking ten years younger doesn’t have to involve Botox or plastic surgery. As Wellness coach Tamra Mercieca discovers, the restoration of our youthful appearance could be just a few pin pricks away. Having experienced problem skin for much of my life, I decided to follow in the footsteps of Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow and give … Read More

‘Letting Go of Toxic Relationships’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2011.

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Letting Go: How to free yourself from toxic relationships The world is full of unhealthy and toxic relationships. Maybe you’re refusing to remove those rose-coloured glasses, or it could be a classic case of fear that’s keeping you trapped in the toxicity. Either way, if a relationship isn’t serving you, it’s time to leave. And the sooner, the better. Being … Read More

‘Clean out your liver’, ‘Body and Soul’, March 2011

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To detox or not to detox, that is the question. As Wellness coach Tamra Mercieca explains, our liver is our body’s natural cleanser. Detox fads come in and go out, but at the end of the day, our liver’s main function is to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which given the right support, has the ability … Read More

‘Laugh Your Way Healthy’, Body and Soul, 2011

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The original article written for the above article on how to ‘Laugh Your Way Healthy’ was… The secret ingredient in love is laughter, and as Oscar Wilde once said “relationships are too important to be taken seriously”.  Tamra Mercieca looks at how laughter can enhance relationships. Laughter in a relationship is a treasure. It is one of our primary reasons … Read More

‘Natural Ways to Beat Stress’, Body and Soul, 2010

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alternatives for beating stress Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it can pile up and overtake your life. Wellness coach and Lifeline advocate Tamra Mercieca takes a look at some alternatives for eliminating stress. meditation Meditation allows us to come home to ourselves, creating a boundary from … Read More

‘In The Swing’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2010

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the swing dancing revival Swing dancing is making a comeback and it’s not just the infectious rhythm and foot-stomping moves drawing in the crowds. Tamra Mercieca decided to take a few classes to find out why swing fever is so infectious. Swing dancing may not be new – just ask your grandparents for tips on a “jockey” or “throwout” – … Read More

‘Natural Depression Busters’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2010.

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Natural Depression Busters Anti-depressants are now taken by thousands of Australians, and many people credit them with changing, or even saving their lives. But they’re not for everyone. Tamra Mercieca explores some alternatives. People take prescription drugs every day to help them find relief from the different forms of depression. Anti-depressants give the perception that relieving depression is as easy … Read More