Every person is at a different point in their self-love journey, so have a browse through the different offerings and see which course feels right. Please know, there is no perfect place to start, only the perfect place for YOU!
These courses build upon each other, but can be taken in any order, or by themselves without any further need to study with me. That’s the beauty of these courses. Or subjects, given that each course is focused on a new subject area or life area, so you know how to apply the principles of self-love. In that way, you can go as deep as you wish to go into these teachings on self-love.
If you feel called to do more than one course, you’ll notice how that course builds upon what you’ve already explored, offering you an opportunity to go deeper into your previously learnt practices, while giving you fresh ways to connect to the love within. In this way you can continue to evolve and journey into self-love at the pace that feels perfect for you.
My advice is, let your heart guide you to the perfect course for you. Trust that your heart knows exactly what you need right now, to create the transformation you’re after!
Oh! And 10% of profits from these courses go directly to the charity Just One Tree to help re-robe Mother Earth.
HeartFelt Manifesting
This four-week Mini Course is designed to open your heart to the possibilities available, so you can begin painting a life of your choosing. Expect to be instilled with confidence and certainty to take the inspired actions needed to bring your wants and desires into your physical reality. You’ll leave this program with an in-depth knowledge of what it means to manifest from a place of authenticity, so you can let manifesting become a way of life.
The Way of Self-Love
Looking for a foundational practice in self-love? The Way of Self-Love will teach you how to deepen your love for yourself. Not only will you learn how to cultivate a loving meditation practice, you’ll learn how to infuse that practice into everyday living, so you can rise above your conditioning, beliefs and fear-based behaviours, and experience the love within, regardless of your current circumstances. Learning how to be your own best friend is where self-love starts, and that is what you’ll learn in this content rich course.
Money and Me
Imagine what your life would be like if you felt good about money. Good about earning it, having it and spending it. Imagine how life would be if money was always there for you, always supporting you, providing you with all you needed to live the life you want to live, and more. In this seven-week journey you will learn how to get into a healthy relationship with money, so money becomes a positive force in your life.
Yoga for the Vagina
This self-study online program is for women who would like to heal from a sexual health issue, awaken their vagina to deeper pleasure or explore an embodied practice in self-love. This yoga practice which is specifically designed for the female body, uses a Jade Egg to help clear sexual trauma and conditioning so your lady parts can stay ripe and resilient right into your twilight years.
This link will take you to the dedicated Yoga for the Vagina website I created to give you a comprehensive understanding of the practice. You can also sign up for the FREE Starter’s Sequence to give it a test run before you enrol!
Pelvic Steam Therapy
One of the main reasons women experience pelvic health issues is due to a lack of circulation. Yet, we can use herb infused steam to help clear stagnation in the pelvis, cleanse the uterus and balance out the menstrual cycle so a woman is PMS free. If you’re experiencing gynaecological symptoms, then Pelvic Steam Therapy can be a powerful practice to help guide the pelvis back to full health.
Remarkable Relationships
You want to become your own healer. You want to learn the skills to clear your own subconscious programming so you can enjoy a happier, healthier life. This is the course that will give you the tools to do just that! Yes, you’ll learn to tune into your True Self, so you have inner guidance on tap 24/7 as well as clear the limiting beliefs that have been tripping you up in life. You’ll get 9 core lessons over the 3-month running of the program, plus stacks of bonus lessons, healing heart-opening visualisations, and the all-important Self-Love Formula.
Sexual Self
This 2-month course is for those wanting to dive into all things pleasure. You’ll learn how to connect with your body in a way that allows you to experience deep inner healing and immense pleasure (think multiple and full body orgasms!!). If you feel like there is more in sex, or simply want to be more in your body in day-to-day life, this course will help you get there.
One-on-One Intensive with Tamra
This five month program – which includes 10 sessions with me – is for people with a long-standing issue, who are 100% ready to create fast and lasting change. This intensive program has been used to help people become depression and pill free, stamp out anxiety, heal life-threatening physical illnesses, attract in romantic partners and heal broken relationship, increase a person’s finances, and so on the list goes. This course really is the creme of the brûlée in helping you dive heart first into self-love!
Tea with Tamra Membership
Would you like to drink tea with me every month? Would you like to chat, laugh, and journey into self-love together? This is what I offer you as part of Tea with Tamra!! The opportunity to join a community of like-hearted souls, and support each other in living our truth. For the path of self-love is always more joyful and personally expansive when we feel supported, nourished and guided. And it’s my intention that Tea with Tamra will offer you this delightful experience.
Tea with Tamra is a membership that you can join at any time on its own, or as an accompaniment to one of my other courses, so you have direct access to me each month.
Self-Love Therapy 12-month Apprenticeship
This Apprenticeship is an opportunity to work closely with me for 12-months to learn how to be a Self-Love Therapist. You will learn the Self-Love Therapy techniques and methodology to take clients through the One-on-One Intensive I’ve created to help people overcome a major life obstacle, identify your niche offerings, develop your own programs, and grow an online business (that includes marketing and business set-up) where you essentially become a channel for love.
If you complete more than one of my courses, I recommend revisiting the previous courses you’ve taken with me, after completing the new course. Why? Because each course is designed to shift certain beliefs that are creating lack or limitation in your life. As your beliefs shift and your perception changes, you will have the awareness to go deeper into your previous teachings. The first time you complete one of these courses you will shift ‘stuff’ and create change, absolutely!! But upon later visits with a fresh depth of awareness, these courses will open you to evolved experiences of yourself and your life. Give it a go and see what you notice.