Tea with Tamra

Stay on your self-loving path and live your truth with this monthly community membership.

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently taking a break from hosting Tea with Tamra. If you’d like to know when it starts back up again so you can join, please join my mailing list and you will be the first to know 🙂

Would you like to drink tea with me every month? Would you like to chat, laugh, and journey into self-love together? This is what I offer you as part of Tea with Tamra!! The opportunity to join a community of like-hearted souls, and support each other in living our truth. For the path of self-love is always more joyful and personally expansive when we feel supported, nourished and guided. And it’s my intention that Tea with Tamra will offer you this delightful experience.

What is Tea with Tamra?

Tea with Tamra is a community of like-hearted souls who come together to practise self-love. For self-love is a practice. There is no destination, simply a path we walk to cultivate a deeper connection to ourself. The more we can allow our hearts’s to guide us forward, the better choices we make, the kinder and more compassionate human beings we are, and as a result of this, the more availability we have to share love with others and the planet.

Tea with Tamra is my way of creating a space for people wishing to journey into self-love, to come together and support each other, learn from each other, lean on each other, guide each other, and in doing so, create a more loving heart-led world. For when one person practices self-love, it inspires and transforms those around them.

Self-love isn’t just for you. It’s for everyone around you. Self-love is an energy that inspires, uplifts and awakens those who come into contact with it. It seeps into everything you touch and everyone you meet.

While there are many ways that we practise self-love in Tea with Tamra, one of the features of being a member, is that we meet every month for a virtual cuppa tea over Zoom. I bring my heart-felt presence to the call to connect personally with you, answer your sacred questions, ponders and queries, and guide you on your self-loving path.

These chats are your opportunity to hang out with a group of like-hearted souls, be in that love-rich energy, and let me support you in re-aligning, growing and evolving so you can be what you want to be, have what you want to have, and experience what you want to experience. So you can walk the path of self-love with confidence and ease.

We practice loving ourselves, so together, we can inspire a more loving heart-led world.

And because one of the key purposes of Tea with Tamra is to do good for the world, for every every month you’re a part of our community, a tree will be planted on your behalf. Yes, I will donate money to Just One Tree so they can plant trees in the areas that most need it. This is how, together, we can join forces to help cool down the planet and re-robe Mother Earth, so she can continue to support us in living well.

Who is Tea with Tamra for?

Anyone who wants to feel good, feel loved, feel supported, and walk the path of self-love, alongside a community of other like-hearted souls. Tea with Tamra is for you if you value being a kind-hearted, compassionate person, and wish to be inspired and guided on how to live your truth, all the while doing good for the planet.

Tea with Tamra is designed to meet you exactly where you’re at. There are no prerequisites for learning how to love yourself more, just as there are no limitations to how much love you can experience. All that is needed to walk the path of self-love, is a willingness to do so.

Self-love is universal.

For that reason, if you’re new to self-love, joining Tea with Tamra will support you in cultivating delicious self-loving practices and ways of being, to help align you with your centre, and offer you the ongoing support and guidance you need, as that journey evolves. On the flip-side, if you’ve been doing the self-love thang since forever, you’ll be guided on how to deepen and expand your love for yourself, so you can feel innately inspired and on purpose.

If you’re enrolled in one or more of my courses, Tea with Tamra is the opportunity for me to support you through that course. If you need help or guidance on a specific teaching or practice, I can offer that to you here. In this way Tea with Tamra is a great accompaniment to any of my courses, as it means you get to ask me questions as they come up, so I can help guide you deeper into love.

Tea with Tamra recognises that we are all growing and evolving at the perfect pace, and there is no hierarchy to self-love. Just people willing to open their hearts, so they can experience the truth of who they really are. For that is what self-love is truly about; being willing to live a heart-inspired life, so you can enjoy this gorgeous life you’ve been gifted.

Because a lack of self-love is at the root of all our life problems, you can expect us to be covering a wide range of topics such as, how to:

  • Have conscious, healthy relationships
  • Uncover and live your purpose
  • Listen to your True Self
  • Realign with your True Self when you lose centre
  • Feel loved, and whole and complete
  • Create the life you dream of, with all the bells and whistles
  • Gently guide your body to health
  • Enjoy more pleasure inside and outside of the bedroom
  • Work from a place of joy and integrity
  • Release unhealthy expressions of anger, sadness, hurt, fear and guilt
  • Have a healthy relationship with your emotions
  • Quieten the negative mind chatter and allow the loving voice of your heart to take centre stage
  • And live a magical, love-infused life!

If you’d like to expand and deepen into these kinds of areas, then yes, Tea with Tamra is for you. Self-love – and the fruitful results you’ll reap from that love – really can be a delightful journey of awakening, releasing and celebrating. And what better way to heal, than to do it together, over a cuppa herbal tea!

This membership is designed to grow your self-love. To evolve you. To expand you, in a deliciously gentle way.

‘I have loved connecting with you and the beautiful others over the last year or so. I have loved the community of mutual support, compassion and love and wisdom and connection. And a good regular reminder to go deeper and keep connecting with my true self and my heart. I thank you for this time and for all your offerings over these months. I now enjoy a variety of teas during my day and make sure I sit in contemplation. Today was my favourite-nettle tea. And raspberry leaf too.’

– Jennie, NSW, Australia.

What’s included in Tea with Tamra?

First and foremost, you get to be a part of a love-infused community of like-hearted souls who are coming together to create a more loving world. On top of that, you also receive:

  • Monthly Tea chats with me
  • The complete archive of all the Tea with Tamra chats
  • Monthly Love Infusions (aka, energy healing sessions)
  • A new herbal tea recipe each month
  • The complete archive of tea recipes
  • Heartful Tea Meditation (11min audio)
  • Preparing and Drinking Tea lesson (26min audio) + transcript
  • Monthly journalling prompts (to support each Tea with Tamra chat)
  • Book recommendations
  • Regular interviews with inspiring people on how to live a love-rich life
  • A community of heart-centred beings to connect with over tea!


  • Receive Getting Naked The Dating Game eBook upon subscribing
  • Instant access to tasters of all the courses offered at The Getting Naked School (over 7 hours of content)
  • 10% off all other programs while you’re am active Tea with Tamra member (excluding the One-on-One Intensive)

Plus for every month you remain decide to stay a part of the Tea with Tamra community, a tree will be planted on your behalf. So you can trust, that by simply having an active membership, even if you do nothing with the content of the membership, that you are doing good for our planet!

Let’s break that down…. 

Tea Chats with Tamra

Each month we meet – heart-to-heart, over a virtual cuppa tea. It’s my intention that these live chats are a collective upgrade. What I mean by this, is that we grow and re-align together into the truth of who we are, so we can all experience more ease, more love, more inner peace; so we can live inspired, love-rich lives. You can expect many of those ‘Oh wow!’ lightbulb moments to shine into your consciousness during these chats.

You bring the questions, and I’ll offer you the exact insights, guidance and practices you need to shift and re-arrange the life issues you’re currently facing. In this way, these chats are infused with love and tailed to your individual needs. I truely believe that if you arrive with an open-heart and a cup of your favourite tea blend, you’ll hear the exact teachings, insights or wisdom you most need, to help you flow through the month ahead.

What I LOVE about these chats, is that when one person asks a question, the answer is always relevant to the whole group in one form or another. So in this way, you’ll get ample opportunities to learn and grow at these chats, even if you decide not to ask a question. Here’s what people have said following the live group chats I’ve offered in the past:

“Loved listening Tamra… you’re so knowledgeable as always. Everything you say makes so much sense, and has me amazed. Love your work, xx”

“Let me tell you that just talking to you the other day and hearing your voice made me feel that someone cared for me.”

“I wanted to thank you for the Q & A session. I so enjoyed it, and appreciated you continuing to invite me forward when others were a bit quieter! I wanted to take full advantage of the time!”

“I’m so lucky to have bumped into you and now have this tool to remind me to really and deeply love myself.”

“Thank you so much for tonight. My pelvis says thank you, as do I! xx”

The one-hour group tea chats happen over Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month, with the time alternating between 10am London, UK time, and 3pm London UK time to accomodate different time zones. These will be audio-only chats, as I like to guide people on a journey of connecting with themselves, and I’ve found that happens far easier, and more organically, when we’re not distracted by an image on a screen.

You’re free to attend live or re-listen to the audio recording, which will become available within 24 hours of going live, along with journal prompts for you to deepen your understanding of that month’s insights and teachings. All chats will remain available to you, as long as you remain a member of Tea with Tamra, so you’re free to go over them as many times as you please, and revisit old material too.

Life really is like a cuppa tea. It’s all in how you make it!

While the foundation of the chats will be on cultivating self-love, what you do with the guidance, wisdom and teachings, is up to you! For the principles and process and possibilities are limitless. Bring your questions to this group, let me answer them in a way that inspires you to create the change you’re looking for. Then notice how that change positively effects all areas of your life. For that’s the magic of self-love!

I speak from my heart. I share stories that I am drawn to share in the moment. None of it is scripted. None of it is planned. You get me. Real and raw. You get Tamra! I am an open slate and I will be available to answer all things on anything. Throw me your questions so I can shine light on the path forward and soak up the energy and teachings and insights so you can blossom into your truest self.

Let me support you on your journey into self-love, with monthly chats.

In between each chat, you’ll have time to play with and integrate the teachings and insights that will come out of each gathering. There will be journal prompts to help you go deeper into those ideas, so you know how to apply them for yourself. Book recommendations and mantras to whisper into your day too.

And because these chats are totally for you, you’ll receive never before presented content, inspiring in-the-moment teachings straight from my heart to yours. Usually it’s only my one-on-one clients who get this magic. Only you get it for the cost of a cuppa tea, along with a heap of super cool bonuses, to help support you on your self-love journey.

Love Infusions

What happens when a person feels the love within? They thrive. They feel good, life blossoms, they achieve in ways that feel really good, and they have gorgeous connections. Love Infusions are a beautiful way of helping you connect to the love within, so you can experience, more ease, more happiness and more fulfilment.

On the last Sunday of each month you’re invited to come into a heart-felt, restorative posture and receive love. This energy healing session lasts for 30-minutes and is a beautiful way of realigning and refocusing your energy, so you live more from the heart. You can read more about the Love Infusions, and how they work, here.

Heartful Tea Meditation

I truely believe that presence is our power, in all facets of life. That’s why I’ve crafted a delicious Heartful Tea Meditation for you to introduce into your day. This meditation goes for just 11 minutes, and will offer you a retreat from your day, where you get to practise being present while drinking a metaphorical cup of tea. You can expect this meditation to fill you with love and heartful gratitude, as it gently opens you to the wisdom within.

Aside from the immediate feel-good experience this meditation invokes, when listened to regularly, this meditation helps to loosen the thoughts, behaviours and beliefs that are keeping you from enjoying life. In this way, this meditation brings you into a new of being – a way of being present – that you can infuse into every day activities to experience more joy and more ease. You also receive a PDF guide on how to find the right meditation posture for your body.

Herbal Tea Recipes

There’s nothing more joyful than to chat over a well-brewed cuppa tea, hence why I’ll be taking you on a herbal tea healing journey, as part of your membership. Each month I’ll share a new herb or herbal blend with you to infuse into your tea drinking experience. You’ll learn how the chemistry of each herb affects us emotionally and physically, and how we can use herbs to enhance our quality of life, so we can feel more at home in our body and more at home in this world.

It’s my intention, as I gently introduce you to healing herbs, and how to make them into delicious teas that nourish you on all levels, that they support you in living well. While I’ll share more fancy herbal tea blends as the months go on, to begin with we start with the basics, so you can get to know your herbs one-by-one. And as as you deepen your familiarity with healing plants, we’ll continue to expand our recipes into true works of art.

Over time you’ll learn how to bring a community of herbs together to create specific outcomes, such as:

  • Reducing stress
  • Helping you sleep better
  • Supporting your sexual health
  • Relieving anxiety
  • Giving your more energy and vitality
  • And filling your body with the nutrients it most needs to thrive!

The Tea Party

If you’re craving a safe space where you can be yourself, share your wins and challenges openly, know that you’ll be supported and listened to, then you’ll love the Tea Party area in Tea with Tamra. This is your place to connect, share and muse over a cuppa virtual tea. Celebrate together, help each other rise up, offer each other tea leaves of wisdom and play together, as you feel called.

When people feel nourished and supported by the people around them – when they have a community, a collective consciousness – where they can speak their truth, they feel far more comfortable sharing their dreams, being open about their feelings, and knowing that in their most vulnerable moments they’ll be held and respected.

It’s my intention that you have this kind of experience at our in-house Tea Party; a place where you’re invited to make friends with like-hearted souls. Share with. Explore with. Be in the energy of. Heal with… Yes, in Tea with Tamra, we walk this path together. You, me and everyone inside this beautiful community. It’s my hope that here we can join hearts and create a more loving world, together.

Inspirational Interviews on Self-Love

The path of self-love looks and feels different for everyone, and is very much influenced by our early years as a child. For this reason, I’ll be regularly interviewing other people who are walking the path of self-love, to open, inspire, expand and entertain you. It’s my intention with these interviews, that you use them as a resource on your self-love journey, for the more we listen to and connect with the teachings of self-love, the more we open our heart to love.


With so many self-love offerings, it can be hard to know where to start. And that’s why inside Tea with Tamra I include over 7 hours of bonus content taken from my various courses, so that firstly, you have inspirational, potent resources you can use now on your self-love journey, without needing to spend any more money.

The more than 7 hours of content I share in the Tasters area includes meditations, yoga sequences, audio lessons and workshops on self-love, relationships, abundance, manifesting, women’s pelvic health and sexual pleasure. As soon as you join Tea with Tamra you get instant access to all of this bonus content, so you can dive in immediately.

Secondly, if you’ve been feeling that you’d like to study with me, or further your study with me, these Taster lessons and resources are a beautiful way to get a feel for which course you may like to travel through next. In this way, if you’re wanting to study self-love, then Tea with Tamra is a great way to ‘try before you buy’ one of my other programs.

When you love yourself, your whole world awakens and rises up to meet you.

Let your participation in Tea with Tamra be a soothing balm that helps nourish your soul, awaken your body and feel the love within. I am here to guide you, inspire you, and offer you teacups of wisdom to help you on your path to self-love, so you can use each and every day as an intimate opportunity to love yourself that little bit more. You choose the topics, I share the way, while we enjoy the simple pleasures of a cuppa tea.

Want to feel more love?

Want to share more love?

Want to plant a tree each month?

Then I invite you to join Tea with Tamra.

You bring the questions, and I’ll channel the loving insights and guidance you most need to step into a more heart-centred life.

Pay just $9 Australian per month.

You can leave anytime.

Receive two free months when you sign up for the yearly membership (and still have 12 trees planted on your behalf).

Read more

And don’t worry, you don’t need to be an English Breakfast enthusiast, Earl Grey goddess or herbal connoisseur to enjoy Tea with Tamra. All you need is a willingness to show up, be inspired, and open your heart to the student within.

A student of self-love.

And I will guide you on the delightful journey into the healing power of your heart, the delicious path of healing herbal teas, and together we will come home to love.

Once you enrol, you’ll gain instant access to all the available content, and an introductory audio sharing how to get the most out of your time with Tea with Tamra. Then each month we’ll meet – over a cuppa tea – to support each other in living the lives we are here to live.

I can’t wait for you to enter into this space, so you can feel nourished, supported and guided from within.

See you on the inside, gorgeous!

I have so enjoyed and have been very blessed by the time that I have spent with you.’

– Cindy, USA.

If you’re hovering over the enrolment button, chances are you still have questions. So let me answer some of those for you…

Leave anytime…???

While I’d love you to stay for tea every month, please know you can leave at any time. There are no crazy contracts.  So if you join for a month and decide Tea with Tamra isn’t for you, that’s cool, just cancel your subscription. Easy as life should be! Although my feeling is, once you get a taste of the love inside this membership, you’ll want to stay.

How much time do I need to dedicate in Tea with Tamra?

Because this is not a course like my other offerings, you can spend as much time or as little time as you like exploring the Tea with Tamra offerings. Pop in and pop out as you please. And know that these chats and resources are always available to you as you need them.

If you want to get the most out of your time here, I’d recommend listening to the meditation daily where you can – it only goes for 11-minutes – and bring that heartful approach to daily living, such as when you have your cuppa tea.

If you can make the monthly chats live, great! If not, listen back to the recordings at a time that suits you. There is lots of content to explore, but I encourage you to simply take your time with it, let your heart guide you on what to explore next, and know that just by being an active member of Tea with Tamra, a tree is being planted each month, thanks to YOU!

I’m enrolled in some of your other courses. Will I get anything out of Tea with Tamra?

Yes, yes and yes. This is an ongoing, ever evolving container that’s designed to meet you where you’re at and take you deeper. Because I’am sharing from my heart in the present moment, the teachings are new and fresh and catered specifically for you and where you’re at in this very moment.

If you’ve completed or are currently completing another of my programs you can use the Tea with Tamra chats to ask me specific questions about what you’re learning, so I can clarify, guide and take you deeper into the existing content you’re exploring there. You can learn how to expand on what you’re learning in my other courses. You will get guidance and teachings that are personalised to you.

What’s great about being part of the Tea with Tamra community, aside from having a community to connect with, is that as life challenges arise, you can bring them to the monthly chats, so I can offer you guidance on how to navigate that new terrain. Plus you get all the tea recipes, inspirational interviews (that are not shared anywhere else) and a community of like-hearted souls also on the self-love path.

I’m new to this whole self-love thing. Will this be too advanced for me?

Absolutely not! Tea with Tamra is for anyone who wants to feel more love. And you will be offered simple, gentle ways to invite more love into your life in a way that feels good for you. In this way, you will learn how to cultivate self-love from scratch – through self-love activities and ways of being – so you can have a more meaningful relationship with yourself.

I am here to support you and offer you the personalised insights and wisdom that will help you create the transformations you’re ready to experience. You get my guidance for the price of a cuppa tea, as well as tasters of all my foundational courses, so if you wish to dive even deeper into self-love at some stage, you know which path is your perfect next step on your self-love journey.

I’ve done a lot of spiritual work. Will I get anything from this membership?

Absolutely, yes! What I share will teach you ways to deepen, evolve and strengthen your existing spiritual practices, so you can take your spirituality to the next level. Because you get direct access to me, I can offer you the personal insights and guidance you need to meet you where you’re at, and help you feel so at home in your practices and ways of being, that they become a natural way of life.

The thing is, no matter how much ‘work’ we’ve done on ourselves, or how many courses or trainings and meditations we’ve done, there is always room for growth. And when life throws you the occasional curve ball, it can be reassuring to know that you have a loving ear to help you navigate the path forward.

If there any one-on-one support?

On the group Tea with Tamra chats you’re welcome to ask me the questions you most need answers to. In this way you get direct access to me for the price of a cuppa tea, as part of a live group setting. If you need further support than this – where it’s just you and me – I would recommend looking at the One-on-One Intensive or the Remarkable Relationships course where you get to work with a Self-Love Therapist one-on-one.

Those people who’ve worked with me one-on-one know that in our sessions, conditioning and blocks shift within minutes of speaking with me. People who come to me always get what they need. So while these monthly Tea and Tamra chats are not designed to be personal therapy sessions per say, you can expect your gunky stuff to shift, realign and change, as a result of asking the questions you most need to ask. That’s how powerful the teachings of self-love are.

Will the price always be $9 Australian per month?

Probably not. As I add more content, and the community grows, chances are the price will go up at some point. However, if you join now, then you’ll lock in this ridiculously low price for the lifetime of your membership. Yes, that’s right – as long as you remain a member, you will only ever pay $9 per month or $90 a year if you choose the yearly subscription fee.

Please note, that should you fail on a payment, you will lose access immediately, and if you wish to rejoin, you will need to sign back up under the new price. So please ensure you always have available funds on your card, so you can continue to secure this low price.

If you’re feeling called, I’d be over the moon to have you join this beautiful community, so we can, together, create a world we LOVE to live in.

Did I mention, all it costs to be part of this love-rich community, is the price of a cuppa tea!

Yes, join for just $9 Australian per month when you enrol by Friday.

After that, the price will double.

Leave anytime.

Or stay and help us work together – heart to heart – to create the love in the world we all wish to see.

Read more

When you join, a portion of your money goes to planting a tree!

Let’s grow trees. Let’s grow love. Together.

I’ll talk to you over a cuppa tea!

In love and service,


Tamra Mercieca
Self-Love Therapist, Writer and founder of The Getting Naked School.

PLEASE NOTE: The Tea with Tamra membership, while a beautiful container to help you learn how to love yourself, and stay on your self-loving path, is not a replacement for one-on-one therapy, and should not be treated as such. Should you need one-on-one therapy, please go to the One-on-One Intensive page for more information.

The Not-So-Fine-Print: If you wish to remain an active member of the Tea with Tamra community at the price you enrolled for, please ensure you always have funds in your account / on your card. Should a payment fail, you will lose access instantly, and will need to re-enrol under the new price, should you wish to re-join.