Ep.12 How dating myself led me to my prince!

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

OK, so I have a confession to make: I am a total romantic. I am in love with love stories. Real life love stories. So it’ll come as no surprise that in my 20s, one of the big things on my mind, was meeting my Prince, and living happily ever after. But let’s just say by the time I hit … Read More

Ep.2 Programmed for Love.

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

Ever wondered why some people find life easy, and others struggle? Or why some people just exude confidence? While others, well… they’d rather hide behind a great big elephant than walk into a room of strangers? How a person acts and feels about themselves doesn’t happen by accident. As a child we are quite literally programmed for a certain experience … Read More

Being enough. Can you feel complete without your labels?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I’d like to explore the very common struggle of ‘being enough’ today. Because if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m all about helping people identify their limiting beliefs. You know, the unhealthy ideas and thoughts we believe about ourselves.  The ones that make us feel down on ourself or ‘less than’, and essentially trip us … Read More

Dissolve your fibroids, naturally.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

If there’s one health complaint I hear from women regularly, it’s that they’ve been diagnosed as having fibroids. Some women might only have one or two, while others might have literally dozens of them. And for the women who do have invasive procedures to clear them out of the uterus, the fibroids usually return within months, often more severely. Shockingly, … Read More

Let life be your spiritual practice.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How do you live your life? Consciously? Do you have a spiritual practice? And if so, how long do you spend doing it? Perhaps you do yoga once a week, or maybe you have a daily meditation practice, or perhaps you have an on-again-off-again relationship with your spiritual practice. The one thing that is consistent however, is life. You are … Read More

When self-love becomes a chore.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment

We could all do with more self-love practices in our life. Why? Because they make us feel good. It fuels our creativity, it boosts our productivity, it infuses more love into our relationships, and most importantly, it nourishes our soul. And so you start by inviting in some simple, self-loving activities into your life, to help fill up your self-love … Read More

Mirror reflections: It’s not you, it’s me.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health4 Comments

I’ll be honest, I struggled to know what to call this blog, and Mirror Reflections: It’s not you, it’s me is what finally arrived into my consciousness. For a long time relationships confused and baffled me, upset and hurt me, left me and abandoned me, and then one day… I learnt what I’m about to share here. The following teaching … Read More

Meditation. I can’t meditate? Or can I?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Meditation. You either love it, or you possibly don’t fully understand it. And that is the purpose of this blog. To shed some light on what meditation really is and how it works, because too often I get told by people ‘Oh, but I can’t meditate’. Upon asking a few more questions, I soon discover that what they believe meditation … Read More