Remarkable Relationships
Become your own healer, manifest what you want, and live your real life love story.
‘If the Remarkable Relationships program was placed in a pill and labeled anti-depressant, Tamra would be the wealthiest woman on the Planet. This program not only gave me the tools to get my life back on track it possibly saved it!!’
– Andrew Broomhall, Tasmania.
If your life isn’t as sweet as it could be – if life is filled with struggle, fear or pain – then I’d like to offer you the antidote: Self-love. Why self-love? Because when a person accepts, respects and loves themselves, they have the confidence and belief in themself to take the necessary actions to completely heal their life. Not only that, feeling ‘good’ triggers off chemicals in the body that facilitate physical healing!
Of course learning how to love yourself when you have thoughts flying round your head like ’I’m not good enough’, ‘Nobody will ever love me’ and ‘I’m such a failure’ isn’t the easiest feat. That is why I created the Remarkable Relationships 3-month journey; to help you develop your relationship with you, so you can have a healthy relationship with all the other areas of your life (your emotions, health, career, finances, relationships with others and you spirituality).
In this comprehensive course in self-love, you will learn how to:
- Get off the comparison merry-go-round and stop worrying what others think of you
- Banish overwhelm, anxiety, stress and depression
- Move your body into self-healing mode
- Say goodbye to addictions and negative behaviours
- Resolve problems and challenges quickly and easily
- Be confident in knowing what’s best for you in all life decisions
- Enjoy self-respect and self-acceptance
- Have access to your own inner therapist and healer!
Life doesn’t always give us peaches. Sometimes we end up with a whole lot of lemons. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make lemon-aid, right? You just need the recipe; the formula. That is what I share in the Remarkable Relationships course. I teach you the 5-step formula for self-love. And it’s this formula that will enable you to heal your past, manifest what you want, and live your own unique love-story life.
Not sure what that might look like for you? Grab a cuppa tea, turn off your phone, sit down with a pen and paper and press play on this FREE 18-minute Love Your Life training audio, so I can give you a taste of what is possible for you…
The only thing separating you from the person who has everything you want, is your beliefs.
Change your beliefs and you change your life.
For here’s the thing… If you believe something about yourself or life, then you’ll unconciously act and behave in ways that attract in that exact reality. But when you learn how to shift your un-serving beliefs into beliefs that support you in feeling expansive and at ease, then you make decisions that lead to more of what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want. Make sense?
So the trick to both healing the past AND manifesting the life you want, is to dig up those old beliefs, unravel them and shift them, so you can adopt healthier beliefs that support you in moving towards your goals with far more certainty, far more ease and far more love. And that is the powerful awakening and healing journey I take you on in Remarkable Relationships.
What I LOVE most about this journey, is that it doesn’t matter what you’re struggling with in life, you can apply this Self-Love Formula to any area of your life, so you can attract in the results you want.
I worked with Jessica from Australia and she used the skills learnt in the course to heal her cervix naturally, after originally being told by doctors that she needed to have it removed due to pre-cancerous cells.
To read more testimonials, click here.
Every single one of us is in relationships. We’re in relationship with our body, we’re in relationship with our health and our emotions, we’re in relationship with our finances and our career, we’re also in relationship with our family, our colleagues and perhaps a lover. But most importantly, we’re in relationship with ourself. And the health and happiness of our relationship with ourself dictates the health and happiness of our relationship with all those other areas.
Our relationship with ourself really is the central axis upon which everything else in our life spins. Without a solid foundation a house cannot be built, and so it is with our relationship with self. When we invest time and energy into building that solid foundation of self-love, we can then build a brilliant life for ourself.
The most important relationship you will ever have, is the relationship you have with yourself.
You’ll know your inner foundations need re-stumping if you’re experiencing emotional or physical breakdown, illness, financial turmoil, debt, relationship chaos with others, or any other life-crushing obstacle. You cannot build a thriving life upon rocky foundations or eventually it will start to crumble. The answer? To spend time and energy on your relationship with YOU, so you fall in love with your life!
What will I gain from investing in my relationship with me?
More than I can share on this page. Seriously! But in a nutshell, a person with a healthy relationship with self is happy, healthy, inspired, loves unconditionally and is hugely abundant in all areas of their life. They dance their way through life – as opposed to needing to lift heavy weights in order to achieve – experiencing pleasure, ease and massive LOVE and joy.
A person with a healthy relationship with self knows their purpose in life and they live it daily. They connect easily with themselves and others and inspire everyone they meet. They understand that living from a place of love, is the most enjoyable way to live life. Love is a way of life for them. And this is possible because they have a solid connection to their True Self.
Helena, a mother and yoga instructor in Canada, completed this program in 2017. In this video she shares how her experience of life has completely transformed since completing Remarkable Relationships.
Tuning into your inner source of wisdom
Aristotle once said: ’Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.’ It is only our fears and our programming that stop us connecting with this wise inner mentor that is available 24/7 to guide us through life with the most ease and heart-felt joy. In this course I teach you how to re-connect with your inner voice (or your True Self as I like to call it), so you can call upon this wisdom in all that you do.
Of course, learning how to listen more closely to our True Self involves moving away from our head full of fear-driven thoughts, and reconnecting with our heart. Scientists have now found that the heart has a brain of its own, which is far superior to the brain in our head. This is because when we listen to our head-brain, we’re receiving guidance based on our limiting beliefs and ideas; our conditioning. Yet when we listen to our heart-brain, we’re receiving guidance from our True Self; the self that sees beyond any perceived limitations.
Our heart was always designed to be our internal GPS, it’s just that society has taught us to operate against our innate nature. When you listen to your heart, your purpose becomes bigger than your fears and you feel whole and complete just as you are.
When you’re being internally guided from this place of love you have an inner knowing that allows you to bypass tons of frustration, caused by investing time in things and people that only lead you away from your purpose in life. As you make the journey from your head to your heart you will no longer seek permission or recognition from others, as you will have the self-confidence and self-belief to follow your own inner guidance.
Ok, so there are two ways you can take part in the Remarkable Relationships Course. You can enrol in the Essentials Package – it’s called ‘Essential’ because I believe the skills and practices in this course are essential to living a full, healthy and prosperous life – or there is the Immersion Package which comes with one-on-one support. Let’s take a peek at exactly what’s included in both packages, when you sign up for Remarkable Relationships…
The Essentials Package includes…
- Nine audio lessons with me (approx. 1hr each)
- PDF transcripts of the audio lessons
- Comprehensive lesson playsheets so you know EXACTLY what to focus on each week
- Eight meditations to help you integrate each weekly lesson
- Three monthly Love Infusions (energy healing sessions)
- Bonus audio lessons to help you go deeper into the core teachings (I’m always adding more content so you can continue your growth journey for many years to come)
- Lifetime access to the course, and any new content added.
- The Way of Self-Love 3-month program.
- The Art of Manifestation Mini Course (including 4 audio lessons on how to consistently manifest with ease, how to manifest beyond what you believe is even possible, and how to feel good during the manifestation process)
- One half price Self-Love Expansion Session. Can be taken anytime during the course.
- 5 Steps to Falling In Love PDF Ebook.
- Self-loving Recipe Series. Coming in 2025.
The Immersion Package includes…
- All of the above… plus…
- Three 1-hour one-on-one sessions with myself
- Three months of unlimited email support with me (Emails are checked twice weekly, but you can email as much as you like!)
Which package you choose depends on what you feel you need, and how you prefer to learn. But whichever package you choose, know that the content in this course is filled with super high-vibe energy that will lift you, transform you, change your way of seeing and being in this world, and invite you into a completely brand new relationship with yourself and your life.
I believe so deeply in the process I teach in Remarkable Relationships. It’s the only thing I know for sure. This is so much more than a ‘heal your life’ course – it’s a way of life! It’s a different, more joyful way of being, thinking, living and doing.
If you’re ready to learn how to see things differently, so you can experience a love story of your creation, you know what to do.
The Essentials Package is $1197 Australian.
The Immersion Package is $2197 Australian.
In enrolling in Remarkable Relationships you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions which you can find here.
Want to get into the nitty gritty of what you’ll be learning? No probs. Here’s a summary of the lesson structure and what you’ll explore each week with me.
Week-by-week rundown
The foundational teachings of this course are broken down into nine core audio lessons, complete with transcripts and follow-along playsheets and meditations designed to hold you in a high vibe as you’re applying the teachings.
Because I understand the internal work of healing the past, updating your beliefs, clearing space for your goals and becoming an energetic match for the things you want, you get to learn everything you need to heal any and every area of your life. And the best bit is, I make this process ridiculously simple.
Let’s take a look at what we cover…
Lesson 1 NAKED CLARITY: You’ll get clear on what you’d like to achieve in this course and be shown how to set an inspiring present-timed goal or intention. I will then introduce you to the 5-step Self-Love Formula we’ll be working with to create your goal over the duration of the course. Finally, you will learn why excuses and reasons are one of the biggest disablers in achieving your goals in life, and how to take responsibility for ALL your results.
Lesson 2 NAKED SELF: You’ll learn the role your subconscious mind plays in creating your physical reality and why it’s the key to changing negative patterns and behaviours in your life. You’ll explore limiting beliefs; what they are and how they’ve been stopping you achieving the results you want in life. With this understanding I will teach you a simple, yet highly effective technique that will instantly pull you out of any negative emotion, be it anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm or so forth. We will then use that technique to access our heart-brain so you have a direct line to your intuition, or as I like to call it, your True Self.
Lesson 3 NAKED CONNECTION: Using the tools learnt so far you will learn how to strengthen your connection to your True Self so you can gain inner wisdom and guidance for all areas of your life. You will be able to use this technique to overcome challenges and obstacles, and check-in to ensure you make the decisions that will get you the results you desire in life. You will learn how to move from a place of fear to a place of love, and how to become aware of opportunities you were previously unconscious of. I call this practice ‘tuning in’ and I share more about this in my blog: Journalling vs. tuning in: What’s the difference?
Lesson 4 NAKED BELIEFS: This entire session is spent on learning one of the most valuable skills you will ever learn: How to remove limiting beliefs so you can clear the way for all the good things you want in your life. Once you have this skill, designing a life you love, becomes simple, because you’ll be able to identify your limitations and clear them instantly, so that no matter what your goals are in life, you can move forward with ease and a deep confidence in your abilities. The practice I teach for clearing limiting beliefs, digs the beliefs out at the root cause, so you don’t need to follow up this process with daily affirmations. You feel the shift in that moment. That is the power of this practice.
You’ll learn how to instantly overcome challenges and obstacles and use them as opportunities for insight and growth.
Lesson 5 NAKED CORE: Now you have the ability to remove your personal barriers, I’ll take you on a guided tour of the limiting beliefs that cause us the most pain and how to eliminate those from your subconscious mind. The beliefs include doozies such as ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not worthy’ and ‘I’m a failure’. Imagine how differently you would live life if these thoughts no longer took up space in your mind. You’ll also learn the importance of self-belief and what’s needed to have pure self-belief. For what we believe we can create.
Bonus Lesson LOVING YOUR EGO AWAY: One of the biggest obstacles in listening to our True Self and living a life of ease and certainty, is the incessant chatter of the Ego. In this series of bonus audio lessons you’ll learn the truth about your Ego, how to tell the difference between your Ego’s voice and your True Self’s voice, ways to love your Ego away (so your True Self can guide you forth), and how to gradually decrease your Ego’s hold on you. These teachings are integral to living from a place of love.
Lesson 6 NAKED LOVE: This week is spent learning how to fall in love with your most fabulous self. We’ll get to explore why having a nourishing relationship with self is key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life and go through specific exercises to help you embody deep self-love. This is a really FUN week and one of my favourites!!
Lesson 7 NAKED INSPIRATION: Our environment – who and what we spend time with – has a huge impact on our happiness and the results we create. We’ll look at how healthy your current environment is and how to ensure the people you’re spending time with aren’t keeping your goal from blossoming forth, as well as looking at how to expand your current environment so you’re surrounded by inspiring figures who help nourish your joyful state.
Lesson 8 NAKED SURRENDER: This is where we learn the art of surrendering from our goal and letting go of attachment to needing to have life look a certain way. If there’s one thing that will bring all your good work undone, it’s attaching to needing something in particular in your life. You should never need anything to be happy. And I will walk you through that process, so you’re able to live happily right now, no matter how close or far you are from your current goals. For when you can live in this space of joyful certainty – knowing you can have whatever you want – you speed up the arrival of your goal.
Bonus Lesson HEARTFELT MANIFESTING: By now you’ve learnt all the foundation skills to manifest your goal. This Mini Course of audio lessons is designed to cement in your manifesting prowess, and open your heart to the possibilities available to you. Expect to be instilled with confidence and certainty, and an in-depth knowledge of what it means to manifest from a place of authenticity, so you can let manifesting become a way of life.
Lesson 9 NAKED WEALTH: I’ll teach you how to heal your own body parts from current or future ailments, as ailments manifest in the energy body before we see them in the physical body, hence the power of this techniques; heal it before it becomes a problem! When we have a thought it triggers a chemical response in the body. If that thought it positive it will guide the body to be healthy, if that thought it negative it will guide the body to be sick. Once you know how to access those initial thoughts and resolve the negative ones, the body returns to pure health. Want to learn more about ‘pain’? Click here to take a peek at this blog…
Bonus Lesson LIVING AS YOUR TRUE SELF: By now you’ll have built a relationship with your True Self. In this bonus audio lesson we look at how to live as your True Self 24/7, so you can stay aligned and connected to your heart’s whispers and inner guidance. For when we’re connected to our True Self then we can experience easeful expansion, vibrant living and abundant fulfilment, where life is a pleasure to experience.
‘Thanks to this course I now have much greater confidence, a greater allowance for what is, the power of knowing that I can change and it’s up to me to choose. I’m noticing a lot more, where once I did things by default or on auto-pilot; I can now see things as they transpire. I am creating time for myself which is probably the most significant shift. There is so much to be learned and when applied the simplest change can create the most significant shifts! Tamra offers us a gift like no other. She teaches us what she has learned to create a life that she loves, so that we can create a life that we love. She gives us the power. She gives us the key to infinite possibilities. And we get to create magic! A million thank yous dear Tamra xxx’
– Caterina, 38-years-old, Melbourne, Australia.
‘Saying THANK YOU to Tamra isn’t enough! What she has enabled me to do in my life is something amazing! Before meeting Tamra I was a lost, depressed soul with no drive or spark for life… But then I completed one-on-one sessions with Tamra and also completed her Remarkable Relationships course which helped me to overcome depression and see my life as fulfilling and bright again!
The fact I no longer had depression was incredible! But I wanted MORE! So I completed the Remarkable Relationships course for a second time! This time setting the goal of finding a career that was fulfilling, inspiring and enabling me to have a work life balance.
I am pleased to announce that now I AM in the career of my dreams! Tamra enabled me to see that I didn’t have to settle for a mediocre 9-5 job just because it pays the bills… She helped me dive inside my mind’s eye and see what it was that I really wanted to do AND find the courage to take the leap of faith and follow it!
Now I have officially opened my very own little cafe in Kyneton! Which serves up beautiful little treats home baked by me! I quit my job and pursued it – didn’t think twice just did it – because I knew that if I stayed in my comfort zone I wouldn’t have done it… And it was Tamra and her Remarkable Relationships course that inspired and gave me the tools to step right out of my comfort zone with complete confidence!
Whatever it is you want to achieve, whatever troubles you have – YOU are the one who can do something about it – and it’s with Tamra’s help that you will!’
– Kate Jackson, Kyneton, Australia.
‘What started as a course to help repair a relationship has turned into a journey of self discovery and personal growth of which I could not have imagined 6 months ago. My finances have turned around, I’ve lost over 10 kilos of excess weight, a result of giving up certain foods including alcohol, (five months without a drink YAY), and starting a light training regime.
I’ve rediscovered the passion in my vocation and I’m focused on working out what truly brings me happiness in this life. Remarkable Relationships continues to teach me to look inward for true love and that by doing so all the joy and beauty this world/universe has to offer will be there.’
– Mark McGurgan, Musician, Melbourne.
Yep even your finances improve when you have self-love and self-worth. How? Finances are intimately linked to your self-love and self-worth because if you feel worthy of a great life and you value yourself and all you have to offer, other people will too! When others value you as much as you value yourself, then you will be paid what you believe you’re worth.
This is why self-worth is such a critical part of living well; you will feel better within yourself, but you will also have financial freedom.
The simple truth is this:
You are enough, just as you are. You are worthy because you are.
If you want to experience the true depth of what this feels like, you know what to do.
I can’t wait to help believe this for yourself.
The Essentials Package is $1197 Australian.
The Immersion Package is $2197 Australian.
In enrolling in Remarkable Relationships you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions which you can find here.
What was the inspiration behind this course?
I’ll be honest with you… My life hasn’t always peaches and cream, ok??!! Rewind back to my early 20s and you would have met a confused girl, who hated herself and life so much, that coming up with new ways to end her life, was the weekend activity. Ummm… yeah… it was that bad. After being told I’d need to go to mental home, well, I made a commitment to myself to find an alternative way to heal myself.
And so I began researching, exploring, contemplating, actioning and applying all I was learning in my trainings and self-study, until I was depression and medication free, and I actually started to like myself. Crazy, I know, right? But along the way I kept notes on the path I’d taken and I began applying this new ‘formula’ to other areas of my life. Before I knew it, I was creating healing on soooo many levels.
The adult acne that had plagued me from my early teens, cleared up. The eating disorder I’d struggled with all my life, evolved into a healthy relationship with food. I overcame my fear of public speaking. I moved from full time employment as a newsreader to running my own thriving business where I get to help people fall in love with themselves. After years of totally not getting the relationship thing, I attracted in the kindest, most loyal, totally gorgeous man into my life (who is now my husband).
I stopped caring what others thought of me… and wait for it… I healed pre-cancerous cells in my cervix in just four months, avoiding surgery that could have left me unable to conceive. Like whoa!! And that’s only a handful of the things I was able to heal and create in my life as a result of these teachings. So, Remarkable Relationships was born. An intensive training where I could teach people the skills, practices and teachings they needed to heal their own life, no matter what the ailment.
My intention is that this course supports you in:
- Shifting your energy, expectations, and standards in ways that deeply serve you and others
- Elevating the vibration at which you live and attract all things into your life
- Stepping into the world of unlimited, endless possibility, love and abundance
- Letting go of your limiting ideas around what is possible for you
- Becoming super clear on what you want, and knowing you are worthy of having it
- Making the confident decision to receive more into your life from this point forward
- And of course, falling in love with your most phenomenal self!!
No matter where you are in life, you will be thrown challenges from time to time – we live in an evolving world where change is inevitable. That’s why I prefer to teach YOU how to work through the ups and downs instead of you having you rely on a therapist long-term. Once you have these skills I share in the Remarkable Relationships course then no hurdle is too high.
Once you can tune into your core self, you will be able to gain insights that will help you move through past traumas, experiences and events, which have shaped who you are today. You’ll also have greater clarity on who you are, where you’re heading and how to get there.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who is not 100% head over heels in love with their life!! If there is one or more areas of you life that isn’t as you’d ideally like – if you don’t feel like you’re living your own unique love story that nourishes and uplifts you – then this course can help you heal those areas that are causing you pain or difficulty, so you can not only live, but so you can thrive!
This radically transformational three-month journey is for you, if:
- You never feel like what you do is enough
- You experience anxiety, more often than you’d like to admit
- Life overwhelms and scares you
- You’re not getting the results you want in one or more areas of your life
- You feel judged by others
- You feel ‘less than’ or ‘unworthy’
- You’ve had enough of the push, the struggle and the fear.
If you can relate to any of the above… If you’ve ever thought ‘There’s got to be more to life than this’, then Remarkable Relationships, is for you.
Once you complete this course you’ll no longer need to ask others for help, advice or wise counsel. That’s right, instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, you’ll be able to access them from within. You’ll be able to activate physical healing by getting your beliefs and emotions aligned so that your body can do what it does best; self-heal. You’ll bring a new energy to your finances, your relationships…
You will become your own authority on all matters to do with YOU.
You’ll feel like Super Wo(man)!
After this course – if you apply all the teachings – you will never be the same.
As you may be sensing, this isn’t your regular online course. Remarkable Relationships is truly mind-blowing, heart opening, and wildly FUN! This course is a container for growth and transformation. It’s infused with the energy of clearing, shifting, and healing. This course is different to any others that I know, because it actually teaches you how to dig up your old programming – your limiting beliefs and ideas and traumas – so they’re no longer there.
You don’t just loosen your beliefs, and then need to focus hard of changing them with mantras and affirmations, you completely shift them in the here and now. For when you dig up your beliefs, how you feel changes, how you act changes, and as a result your outcomes and results change… for the better!
Change happens inside the practices I teach you, so you can go out into the world with new beliefs, that attract in a new reality.
This is the most powerful way of healing your relationship with you, so you can step into your brilliance. That’s the magic of what I share. The growth happens instantly. So you get to design your life without limits. What I’m saying, is what may seem inconceivable right now, IS within your grasp. You simply need to go in and rewire those beliefs that have you feeling ‘less than’ or ‘incapable’, and when you do, you’ll notice instant changes in how you think, act and behave.
In my experience when people sign up for a course like Remarkable Relationships, they make a declaration to the world that they’re ready for more. And the world responds accordingly.
Things change. Miracles happen. Life flourishes.
If you feel called, if you’re open to endless possibilities, I’d love to guide you.
The Essentials Package is $1197 Australian.
The Immersion Package is $2197 Australian.
In enrolling in Remarkable Relationships you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions which you can find here.
I invite you now to take a moment now to ask yourself these questions, maybe even journal on them, and see what comes up:
What if I loved myself more?
How would I show up if I believed I was enough?
How would life be different if I totally trusted myself?
What decisions would I make if I knew I couldn’t stuff up?
How would I act if I no longer felt like I had something to prove? Or someone to impress?
What action would I take right now, if I knew I could change my life, and it could be an easy, joyful experience?
And most importantly:
What if I loved myself unconditionally, felt confident setting firm loving boundaries, knew I was always enough and led the life only I can lead?
It’s be pretty darn special, right??? Here’s the thing…
You are loveable, worthy, good enough, supremely capable, and totally able to live a vibrant, abundant, joy-filled life.
And you don’t need anyone’s permission to do it! All you need is the willingness to get emotionally naked and strip off some layers of conditioning that are no longer serving you, so you can connect with the truth of who you are. And don’t worry, that needn’t be scary or difficult. In fact, I can make it totally easy AND enjoyable for you.
Michaela from New Zealand discovered for herself how by simply following the Self-Love Formula I share in Remarkable Relationships, she was able to not only develop her relationship with herself, but attract in a gorgeous romantic relationship.
‘I was initially hesitant that this was right for me – but finding the program only a day before it began gave me the opportunity to make a quick decision, which I’ve not regretted! I’m becoming more in tune with myself and am keen to see where it takes me – and was surprised by the tears that came to my eyes the first time I connected with my heart. I loved the email support and the pages of information provided to accompany our session and Tamra’s manner was great; she pushed me to go beyond my barriers, but in a gentle way. Thank you Tamra. I congratulate you for building this great program that guarantees to change lives – IF people follow it!’
– Mardi, South Australia.
‘Before I undertook this course I felt that my life was going down a different path to what I had previously intended. I always envisaged a wholesome life feeling fit, healthy, full of love and compassion and making the most of every moment. Instead I found myself dwelling on the past and thinking about the future wasting my thoughts on events that had already happened or situations that may never happen.
I found myself really busy, but not feeling like I had achieved anything and didn’t feel present in my interactions with friends and family, feeling my mind constantly wandering. A lot of this was due to self-doubt and feeling like I was never good enough, and fear of the unknown. Tamra taught me some great techniques to eliminate those negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones.
I also had a realisation on how fear affected me and how it was holding me back. I now feel much happier in myself and my mind feels like it is at peace at last. I’ve also learned to laugh at myself if something isn’t going right rather than falling into the trap of negative self talk. I find I am now on the right path again and find myself being more present in life. Thank you Tamra!’
– Frida, 28-years-old, Bendigo, Australia.
‘Before completing the RR course I was struggling with depression, anxiety and OCD and despite trying many different methods and therapists over the years, was not able to get on top of it. The RR course broke this pattern for me. Since completing the course, the negative self-talk has reduced massively, along with the social anxiety and caring what others think of me. I am no longer jealous of what other’s have, instead realising that happiness is not derived from what you have, how much you earn or how successful you are in your organisation, but comes down to being content with what you have in the present and being happy within yourself.
The audio lessons in the course were wonderfully structured, kept my attention and made me focus 100%. They were very meditative. The playsheets were very clean, simple, communicative and informative, so that you do not get lost in overload or unimportant information. I found I could connect/resonate with you, your content and findings, as I felt you are a very genuine person, who truly wants to share your gift in order to help others who have also struggled at times in their lives. I felt I could really trust in you and you had my best interests at heart!
I was especially surprised by the Love Wrap that you teach in the course. It could put a smile on my dial, no matter how depressed or worried I was. I was also surprised by how simple the whole process of tuning into myself was, yet so effective and powerful at creating change, and helping answer my questions about myself and life. I would definitely recommend this program to others as I feel anyone for any reason can gain something from this course, not just people who may feel lost and not know their purpose in life, as everyone has the potential to live a more fulfilling life than they currently lead; everyone deserves to live a great life of excitement and possibilities without limits and I feel this course can help others achieve this.
Thanks again for helping me on my journey of life.’
– Matt, 34-years-old, Broadcast Radio Technician, Victoria, Australia.
Genuinely happy and successful people aren’t just ‘lucky’. These people have learnt how to short-circuit the negative programming so they can experience a life full of happiness, fun, health and abundance. Every person has the ability to be happy, to experience love and enjoy life. They just need to be shown the way. And that is what I’ll be sharing with you in this comprehensive program.
I’ll take you on a radically life-changing guided journey into your subconscious; bringing to your awareness what programming is keeping you stuck, before helping you unplug it at its source. So are you ready? Ready for change? For thats what life’s about, right? Embracing change so we can experience growth. If so, then I look forward to getting to know you better and teaching you the tools I have dedicated my life to sharing with others, so they too can enjoy a healthy, happy and more pleasurable life.
Love yourself like you’re no longer waiting for someone else to.
Hearts and kisses,
Tamra Mercieca
Self-Love Therapist, Author, Podcast Host and founder of The Getting Naked School and Yoga for the Vagina.
P.S. Still got questions? Check out the FAQs here, or drop me a line via email at tamra@gettingnaked.com.au
P.P.S. Close your eyes for one full minute and imagine yourself six months from today achieving all your dreams and goals. That’s what will happen when you enrol in Remarkable Relationships. Life will become a colourful playground of happiness and love.
P.P.P.S. Still not sure if this is you? Then read more here.
The Not-So-Fine-Print: The Remarkable Relationships course is a non-refundable investment. Know that when you embark on this journey into Self-Love ‘commitment’ is the number one tool to living happily right NOW!