The pelvic floor demystified

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

The pelvic floor is generally a part of the body that we rarely give thought to. That is, until we experience a problem with it, such as incontinence or lower back pain. But hey, that’s true of most things, right? We only pay attention, once our body (or another part of our life) starts screaming at us. If the infamous … Read More

Are you at risk of sexual organ prolapse?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health, Uncategorized1 Comment

Prolapse. It’s a scary thought; your sexual organs falling down and out of your vaginal canal. What’s even scarier, is that 44% of women will experience some degree of sexual organ prolapse in their lifetime, with one in three needing a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60! So if prolapse is such a common problem, why aren’t more women talking … Read More

Solve sexual health issues with squats!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

Squats will do more than help you get a nice booty and thighs of steel; they’re one of the best exercises for strengthening the internal muscles in the pelvic floor. Now the term ‘pelvic floor’ refers to the group of muscles that form a muscular hammock across the opening of the pelvic. These muscles, together with the surrounding tissues, keep … Read More

Kegel exercises: Do they really work?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health4 Comments

‘Do your Kegel exercises … Strengthen your pelvic floor …’ If you’ve given birth, chances are you’ve been told this at least once, and even if you haven’t given birth, you’ve probably read about Kegels in some women’s magazine touting their importance. Who wants to wet their pants every time they sneeze, right? The problem is, if you’re doing Kegel … Read More