It’s really easy to say I will self-nurture once I get all these other tasks I ‘have’ to do out of the way.
I’m sure you’ve said it.
Hell, I used to say it ALL the time!
I’ll just do these dishes, answer these emails, help my friend with her… what was I helping her with again? And then I’ll take some time out for me.
…Time to meditate, sit in the sunshine, go for a walk in nature, do some yoga…
Do we ever get around to that ‘me-time’?
Not usually.
Because everything else ends up taking longer than we expected, and that list of things we just ‘have’ to do just keeps growing and growing and growing.
How do we break that cycle of putting everything and everyone before our most precious self?
We put ourself first.
Yeah of course, right?
Easier said than done!
How many people leave self-nurturing ‘me-time’ til the end of the day?
After work, after cooking dinner, after….
What if you put your self-nurture at the START of your day?
That’s right, AS SOON AS YOU GET UP!
For some people that will mean getting up an extra half an hour (or more) earlier.
Not much of an incentive, right?
But would knowing that your day would flow with ease with you feeling completely at peace and relaxed be enough incentive?
Would knowing that life would be easier and you would be healthier (thanks to no longer being stressed out) be an incentive enough to make YOU a priority?
To get up that little bit earlier or reschedule your day a fraction so you can give to YOU first?
Yep I thought so.
If there is one thing I have learnt through personal experience and helping thousands of people live happier, healthier, more abundant lives, it’s this…
When you put YOU first – by having a daily self-nurture practice – then life rewards you.
Life becomes all you wanted it to be.
Life is… well… AWESOME!!!
What does my morning self-nurture routine look like?
I tune into myself for at least half an hour, removing any limiting beliefs (clear subconscious programming as I teach in the Remarkable Relationships online course) that would create struggle in my day, and then I do a one-hour Yoga for the Vagina practice.
Once I have nurtured myself in this way, only then do I start my day.
What does this give me?
Clarity, a sense of inner knowing of what decisions I need to make to get the outcomes I desire, calm grounded self-confidence and of course rock solid peace.
Should I not start my day in this way, I feel it.
And I mean feel it!!
My day is topsy turvy and I’m more likely to experience negative outcomes and negative interactions with others.
Things just fall apart!
You see….
Giving to YOU first fills you up!
If you don’t start your day filled up, then you have nothing to give to your partner, your kids, your career, your endless list of things to do.
Everything stems from YOU.
You and your ability to stay FULL.
Fill yourself up with self-nurture every morning.
Go on, I dare you!
Then simply notice how differently your day flows and how AWESOME you feel.
Want to learn a stack of different ways to self-nurture?
Then join me for my one-off Ladies Day, where I’ll be sharing a whole cargo of ways you can self-nurture, including how to calm your body in 2-minutes flat, different breathing techniques to energise or calm you, stretches to bring clarity back into your busy head, how to east so your food digests properly, and of course I will be taking the ladies through one of the yet-to-be-released Yoga for the Vagina sequences.