Rewriting Your Money Story

Tamra MerciecaPrintLeave a Comment

Rewriting Your Money Story This article appeared in the May 2021 issue of Era Magazine, for women in business  Here is the text from the article if you’re having trouble reading the image…. Rewriting Your Money Story We all have a money story. Some people’s money stories are full of abundance, with the lead characters feeling good about earning … Read More

I can’t afford it. Or can ?!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Do you ever find yourself saying the words ‘I can’t afford it?’ Perhaps you simply think these words. If the words ‘I can’t afford it’ have weaselled their way into your life, making you feel as though there are things you can’t have, you’re not alone. The belief of ‘I can’t afford it’ is pervasive in our culture. As a … Read More