Exercise therapy

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Keeping fit, managing your weight, and warding off disease are all side-effects of exercise. But did you know getting physical can do wonders for your mental health too? Though it may seem impossible sometimes, exercise is one of the best ways to deal with stress and even mental illnesses. Physical activity alters brain chemistry and leads to feelings of wellbeing. … Read More

‘In The Swing’, Women’s Health and Fitness, 2010

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the swing dancing revival Swing dancing is making a comeback and it’s not just the infectious rhythm and foot-stomping moves drawing in the crowds. Tamra Mercieca decided to take a few classes to find out why swing fever is so infectious. Swing dancing may not be new – just ask your grandparents for tips on a “jockey” or “throwout” – … Read More

‘Active Therapy’, Fernwood Fitness, 2008

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exercise therapy Keeping fit, managing your weight, and warding off disease are all side-effects of exercise. But did you know getting physical can do wonders for your mental health too? Tamra Mercieca explains. Though it may seem impossible sometimes, exercise is one of the best ways to deal with mental illnesses. Physical activity alters brain chemistry and leads to feelings … Read More

‘Preventing Injuries’, Fernwood Fitness, 2006

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Preventing Injuries The world of fitness has opened up to women like never before, but so too has the world of fitness injuries. Tamra Mercieca takes a look at some of the more common injuries women suffer in the gym and how to prevent them. In ancient Greece, where the Olympics originated, not only were females forbidden from participating in … Read More