Everyone gets what they want in life. Really!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Did you know you always get what you want in life? You’re probably thinking: ‘No I don’t want this debt’ or ‘I don’t want this toxic relationship with my parents’. ‘As if I’d order up a casket full of health ailments!’  Of course you don’t want these things consciously. But if that’s what’s happening in your life right now, then at a subconscious level that is what you want. … Read More

Settling for less: Are you sacrificing your true desires?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Are you settling for less? I’m sure at some stage in your life you’ve settled; for the good-enough partner, the it’s-not-so-bad job, that mediocre orgasm (or lack there-of) or the time-poor lifestyle that leaves you with no time to spoil YOU. People sacrifice goals, needs, wants and happiness – even our health – daily. And sadly, society actually supports this. … Read More