How to survive adversity

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

We all experience adversity – unpleasant or difficult situations – at various points in our life, especially right now, with what’s going on in the world. How you travel through these times, depend entirely on how solid you are within yourself. How connected you are to yourself. And perhaps as you’re reading this, you’re wondering what it means to be … Read More

Self-Isolation: Quarantine or retreat?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

What a week it’s been: From hospital quarantine to home retreat. On Friday, my 2-year-old son was hospitalised, with concerns he was the first Coronavirus case in the children’s hospital here in Rennes. Thankfully the next day, he was cleared of that, and we were moved out of the Coronavirus ward (phew!!), and into the main children’s area, so the … Read More

Boosting immunity amid the Coronavirus

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health10 Comments

If you’re not tucked away in a little mountaintop cave without wifi, chances are you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is everywhere, and it’s scaring people into all sorts of fear-fuelled behaviours. Now while I don’t claim to be a medical expert, from my work helping people overcome various mental and physical illnesses, I do know a few important … Read More