Ep.12 How dating myself led me to my prince!

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

OK, so I have a confession to make: I am a total romantic. I am in love with love stories. Real life love stories. So it’ll come as no surprise that in my 20s, one of the big things on my mind, was meeting my Prince, and living happily ever after. But let’s just say by the time I hit … Read More

Everyone gets what they want in life. Really!

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Did you know you always get what you want in life? You’re probably thinking: ‘No I don’t want this debt’ or ‘I don’t want this toxic relationship with my parents’. ‘As if I’d order up a casket full of health ailments!’  Of course you don’t want these things consciously. But if that’s what’s happening in your life right now, then at a subconscious level that is what you want. … Read More

Are you a ‘but’ person?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How many ‘buts’ are there in your life? ‘But this, but that’. I’d love to apply for that job, but I just don’t think I’d get it. Yes, that guy seems great, perfect actually, but there’s no way he’d go out with me. Are you letting your ‘buts’ get in the way of putting yourself out there, going for those opportunities and ultimately living the life you … Read More

Luck! How to get more of it.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How lucky are you? Are you one of those people who always wins extravagant prize and has opportunities come at them from all angles? Or are you someone who is constantly hitting a brick wall, nothing seeming to fall in your lap. Ever! So you label yourself ‘Unlucky’. Have you ever asked yourself what ‘luck’ actually is? Many people see … Read More