The Way of Self-Love

From: $50.00 / month for 2 months


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Looking for a foundational practice in self-love? The Way of Self-Love will teach you how to deepen your love for yourself. Not only will you learn how to cultivate a loving meditation practice, you’ll learn how to infuse that practice into everyday living, so you can rise above your conditioning, beliefs and fear-based behaviours, and experience the love within, regardless of your current circumstances. Learning how to be your own best friend is where self-love starts, and that is what you’ll learn in this content rich course.


  • How to meditate in an easeful, loving way
  • How to reduce the stress of daily life
  • How to stay calm and centred when you get triggered by people and situations
  • How to use your emotions to empower you
  • How to use your meditation to gain deeper insight into your life
  • How to listen to the wisdom and intelligence of your heart
  • How to to ground and energise yourself
  • How to help the body move into a state of healing
  • 5 delicious postures appropriate for meditation
  • How to overcome the ‘I don’t have time to meditate’ problem

And so much more!! But most importantly, you’ll learn how to make friends with yourself. How to cultivate self-love. And as a result, you’ll learn how to LOVE being YOU!! For that’s what deep down all of us really want, right? We want to feel good enough. We want to feel loveable. We want to feel worthy and deserving of living a joy-infused love-rich life.

This is more than a meditation course! The Way of Self-Love teaches you how to live from your heart so you can enjoy more equanimity, more compassion, more joy and of course, more love! So if you’re ready to go on a journey into self-love, and develop the skills and understanding required to live as your True Self, then this course is for you!

To learn more, click here.

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