Manifesting isn’t just some woo woo concept conjured up by a group of sky-clad women dancing round a cauldron, ok? Manifesting, in my opinion, is a way of life.
For we are all manifesting, all the time. We may not always like what we’re inviting into our life… But that’s ok. Because all we need to do to change the results and outcomes we’re manifesting right now, is to up our level of self-love.
And that’s what we’ll be exploring on today’s episode of I Love Me The Podcast.
Welcome to season 2 of I Love Me the Podcast.
It’s Tamra here, after a little break, and today I want to go deeper into the topic of ‘manifesting’.
Because if you’ve been hanging out in spiritual circles for a while, or even teetering on the edges, you’ll have heard the word ‘manifesting’ thrown around like a boomerang.
And you may have certain feelings around this whole big ‘manifesting’ thing.
I know when my husband hears me or his mum – say we’re ‘manifesting’ something, I can feel his metaphorical eye roll.
Not because he doesn’t actually believe in manifesting per say, but because of the reputation the word has earned.
While I’d like to say manifesting is as easy as focusing on something, or asking the universe for it, and it’ll be yours.
Manifesting doesn’t quite work that way.
So let’s drop the woo woo of manifesting and actually look at what manifesting really is….
You are manifesting your life right now.
You may not be consciously aware that you’re manifesting your current experiences, but that’s what’s happening.
You see, we have a certain belief system – about ourselves and about the world – which creates thoughts.
Lots of thoughts.
It’s those thoughts that make us feel a certain way.
And it’s those feelings that drive or inspire the decisions we make and the actions we take.
As a result, we get very specific outcomes, or ‘manifestations’.
See, we’re manifesting ALL the time.
Every thought, every feeling, every emotion, every action, every decision we make…
It’s all adding up, and manifesting our life as it is right now.
That’s how manifesting works.
It’s not some list we offer to the Manifesting Santa, and expect to be delivered, without any effort or input on our behalf.
We need to actually clean out the sooty chimney, so our proverbial Santa can drop off our wish-list.
And by that, I mean…
We need to take some responsibility for what we invite into our lives, by being willing to look at what’s going on under the surface of our feelings and thoughts…
We need to be willing to clean up any patterns or behaviours or beliefs, that are no longer serving us…
And we do this, all the while loving ourself.
Loving ourself for where we’re at right now.
Being grateful for who we are and what we have in our lives.
Even though we have some sooty, messy beliefs playing out.
We love ourselves because we know we are here to be loved.
That way we can quite literally love ourself into a healthier way of thinking and being, and essentially love away the gunky beliefs that we have playing out.
For when we have self-love, we can let love guide the way.
And that ALWAYS makes manifesting what we actually want, so much easier.
What if you don’t like the life you’re manifesting right now?
…there are parts of it, you feel could do with an upgrade, so to speak.
Well, you need to short-circuit the beliefs, that are causing the thoughts that are creating the feelings that are dictating your decisions, actions and behaviours… and thus manifesting your outcomes.
And we do that, through learning how to love ourselves.
And then loving ourselves that little bit more.
Because the more we love ourself, the more we believe in ourself, the more we trust ourself…
The healthier our beliefs will be.
And remember, it’s our beliefs that kick off this chain-reaction, that leads to the results we get in life.
What we manifest is a direct mirror image of the beliefs we hold.
But, if you’ve been following me for a while now, you’ll know that our beliefs can be changed, and this is what I teach in my Remarkable Relationships course.
So you can start to see how self-love is at the core of our ability to manifest what we wish to attract into our lives.
We love ourself back into wholeness, by being willing to shine light on the beliefs that are not serving us – the old patterns and behaviours that have led us down an unloving path – and we rearrange them into healthier, more love inspired beliefs that actually serve us.
When we have love-inspired beliefs, manifesting is easy.
And when something is easy, it can then become a natural way of life.
Now in order to be able to manifest well…
And when I say well, I mean manifest the things you actually want in your life, the things that will serve you, the things that are in your highest good….
In order to manifest in this way, you need to:
Cultivate a solid love for yourself, where you believe in yourself, and know you’re worthy of receiving what you desire.
It’s that self-belief and that feeling of being worthy and deserving, that act like a magnet when it comes to manifesting.
This is why I believe self-love really is the key that opens the door to manifesting.
Because someone who loves themself, or is taking steps to deepen that love for themselves; they have a certain energy about them.
And it’s that energy – that high vibe frequency – that attracts things in.
This happens with my clients all the time.
They clear some beliefs, they start to feel better about themselves, and then people they know start to comment on how good they’re looking…
My clients haven’t changed anything about their physical appearance.
What did change, was their ‘energy’.
That’s what these onlookers are picking up on.
The energy of my clients.
Now you may be wondering:
What is this ‘energy’ or ‘vibration’ people talk of?
…it’s not something most people can see with their physical eyes.
It’s a felt sense.
A feeling, if you like.
A vibe that someone is giving off.
I’m sure you’ve had experiences where you meet someone and you just got this off feeling from them; that’s a sign off a low vibration.
Or you might meet someone who you just can’t wait to see again, because they have this ‘energy’ about them that’s magnetic.
That feels really good.
Someone’s vibe – or energy – is a result of the beliefs, thoughts and feelings they have.
Let’s dive into this a little deeper so you can experience it more for yourself…
Think of something that’s causing you a lot of stress or worry right now.
Maybe it’s money, or your health…
Or maybe think of a time when someone got really angry at you…
Something that feels icky…
Think of that thing now… and imagine you’re turning up that thing, the way you would turn up the volume on your television set…
Go on, give it go.. close your eyes, picture this thing that doesn’t feel good, and turn it up….
If it’s something that’s stressing you out, it probably doesn’t feel that good, right?
You may feel contracted, tense, on edge…
This is what we would call a low vibe energy.
You’re now vibrating at a different level from when you first turned on this podcast.
And it’s this vibration of our energy body that directly impacts our physical body, and thus our health.
But that’s a topic for another episode…
So if you’re walking around stressed and worried all the time, then you’re putting out a certain energy – that is effecting the cells in your body – but is also magnetic, in that it attracts in more of what you’re being.
Low vibe energy states of stress, worry, fear, anger, shame…
These are the kinds of energies that manifest low vibe outcomes and circumstances.
Hence, this kind of energy… not great for manifesting your dream life.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should bury your feelings – try to squash them down or block them out for fear that you’ll mess up you manifesting mojo…
Suppressing emotions isn’t healthy.
Please don’t do that!!
Instead, if you notice that you’re holding onto some low vibe feelings – know that’s part of being a human – and you simply need to take some time to work through them.
If you go back to Episode 14 – Fall in love with feeling yourself – I give you some tips on how to feel your feelings, so you can release them.
Because once you’ve worked through your feelings, they’ll dissolve, so they no longer drag down your manifesting abilities.
OK, now you know what low energy – low vibration – feels like…
Now, let’s take a look at high energy – positive vibration; the type that works a charm in the realm of manifesting your dream life.
Let’s have an experience of what that kind of energy feels like.
Take a moment now to think of something ‘good’ in your life.
Something that makes you feel really happy and delicious inside.
Maybe it’s an area of your life that’s working really well right now, or maybe it’s when your child tells you they love you, or perhaps it’s when you think of a sunset…
Anything that brings a smile to your face, connect with that thing now.
Let it light you up, again, turning up the volume of that feeling of joy, or happiness or contentment…
And let that feeling flood your entire being..
If you were able to get into that positive vibe just then, that’s the kind of high vibe energy – or vibration – we want to be living at more regularly, so we can manifest with ease.
So manifesting can simply become a way of life.
Because like I said, we attract in more of what we are ALREADY being.
We are ‘magnets’ in this way.
And this is what people are talking about, when they refer to us being an ‘energetic match’ for the thing we want to manifest.
We become this energetic match, because we are already feeling the way we would feel, if we already had the thing or things we wish to manifest.
For example, when I wanted to attract in an awesome partner, I started dating myself – I share more about that in Episode 12 – How dating myself led to my Prince!
But what I want to highlight today.. is that..
My intention, was to feel the feelings I believed I would feel being inside a romantic relationship, such as feeling connected, loved, supported – and to do this, to have these high vibe feelings… even though I was currently single.
So I practised giving to myself, the things I wanted from another person, and in doing so, grew my love for myself, which changed my energy.
And changed my energy around relationships.
Because if you’ve read my second book Getting Naked The Dating Game, you’ll know that relationships was an area that was severely lacking in love for me.
It was an area that I struggled with for a looong time…
Before, I was able to change my beliefs and in in doing so, change my energy, around relationships.
So in a nutshell…
Our point of attraction will always be from how we are feeling.
Our feelings – which create our energy – are our super-power when it comes to manifesting.
The key questions you want to ask yourself, journal with, meditate on, are:
- How would I act if I had the life I wish to manifest?
- What would I be doing differently?
- How would I be spending my free time?
- What would I be thinking?
And most importantly…
- How would I be feeling?
Connect with those things, regularly.
Saturate yourself in those feelings.
And let those feelings inspire your moves forward; the decisions you make, the actions you take, the behaviours you exhibit.
You may like to consider it like daydreaming your way into your new reality.
Spend time imagining what it would feel like to already have the life you wish to live.
And then take the necessary actions so you can start living that way, now.
For me… manifesting is like a course in self-love…
We decide we want something.
Whatever it is.
And then we start imagining we already have it.
At some point… doubts and fears come in; disbelief, that we can actually have what we want.
These negative thinking patterns are feedback.
Letting us know where we need to do some inner healing work.
Where our self-love is in need of repair.
What beliefs, stories and ideas we’ve told ourself that are dragging down our love for yourself…
This is why in the Remarkable Relationships course, we set a very specific goal in session 1.
Each participant gets clear on what they want to manifest.
And then as that person connects with their goal, they start to see all the stories and limiting beliefs and fears that need to be cleaned up, so they can 1) Have the goal they set, but 2) Cultivate a deeper love for themselves.
Because once we start to do the manifesting work, it becomes blatantly clear, where our self-belief and self-worth are sitting.
How deserving we feel.
How worthy we feel.
How much we trust our inner abundance.
So the manifesting journey is really the journey of self-love.
Because as we try to manifest, we get shown all the areas of ourself that need more love.
All the things we’ve been thinking about ourself, that are of a negative nature.
We are given front row seats to all our inner ‘gunk’ so to speak.
Once we have this awareness….
Then, we can heal the negative thinking patterns, which helps build our self-love, and in doing so, we make it easier for ourselves to manifest what we want.
The more we manifest, the deeper our love grows.
The deeper our loves grows, the more we can manifest.
If you want to get really good at manifesting your dream life, then you need to get really good at loving yourself.
The self-love bit, is the bit that makes manifesting easy.
As we increase our love for ourself, we change our energy.
The more we change our energy, the more magnetic we become in being able to attract in the life we want to lead.
It’s that simple.
So today’s take-home lesson is this:
The more you love yourself, the more effortlessly you can manifest the life of your dreams.
And the more you love yourself, the clearer your dream life will become.
Because you’ll be more connected to your truth, and what you really want to create with your life.
So this week I invite you to start to notice your level of self-love.
And you can do this by paying attention to the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel.
Are they of a a positive high-vibe nature, or are they of a negative low-vibe nature?
And then, notice how that has a ripple effect on your outcomes.
What you’re welcoming into your life.
As you change your beliefs, which change your thoughts, which changes your feelings, you’ll start to see how life starts to change.
And if you’re wondering, hold on, so it’s the beliefs that are at the root of this issue, can we talk more about those…
Simply jump back to Episode 2 – Programmed for Love – where I go in depth on our beliefs; where they came from and what’s needed to shift them quickly.
And then next week, we’ll look at a BIG belief that gets in the way of most people’s manifesting endeavours….
The belief of ‘I’m not worthy.’
When a person believes they are not worthy of certain things or certain outcomes, this becomes a huge obstacle in the whole manifesting process.
Yet, as soon as a person learns how to shift this belief, their results change, immediately.
Hence why I see belief-clearing as the magic wand to our troubles.
We clear beliefs, and our life improves.
Hence why clearing limiting beliefs, is an act of self-love.
Thanks for joining me today.
And if you’d like to learn the nuts and bolts of manifesting – like how to get into that high energy state, so you can easily magnetise your dream life – you’re more than welcome to enrol in the Heartfelt Manifesting Mini Course.
This four-week Mini Course is designed to open your heart to the possibilities available, so you can begin painting your life, into a life of your choosing.
Expect to be instilled with confidence and certainty to take the inspired actions needed to bring your wants and desires into your physical reality.
You’ll leave this program with an in-depth knowledge of what it means to manifest from a place of authenticity, so you can let manifesting become a way of life.
And if you do enrol, know that a percentage of profits go to planting trees, so together, we can re-robe Mother Earth.