Every love story has a beginning. And it usually starts with someone searching for true love.
I know for me, I always wanted to find ‘The One’. The romantic in me always on the lookout for her Prince, always hoping to experience that deep heart-felt connection. And for many years I searched and searched, experiencing flings and rendezvous’ that while passion-filled at the time, always ended in some kind of heartache.
Where was I going wrong?
I was looking for love outside of myself.
I was seeking validation from others and looking for someone else to complete me, instead of realising I was whole just the way I was. I was essentially looking for someone to fill a void within me.
That void I felt, was due to a lack of self-love.
Fast-forward 12 years and I am now living my own love story. Depression-free, working passionately in my own business doing what I love, healthy and most importantly in love. In love with me, and in love with…
Ok. So the reason for this week’s blog is to share the latest development in my own love story. First though, let me set the scene…
I arrive home from a gorgeous weekend in the Dandenongs where my partner of three years spoils me with all the beautiful things; organic chocolate, walks in nature, sunsets and passion-filled lovin’…
Telling me to go upstairs and get changed for our final outing of the romantic weekend, I open the bedroom door to find the room – of which I have spent so much time and energy turning it into my gorgeous sanctuary – had been flower bombed!
Never heard of flower bombing? It’s where a floriographer comes into your home and styles your room with bouquets of beauty. Vases upon vases, making the room look like the most exquisite indoor garden.
My Prince rides up the stairs, guitar in hand, wearing a well-fitted vest (which I adore) and proceeds to sing me a song he wrote especially for this momentous occasion. The final words of the song: ‘Marry me!’
Guess what a teary-eyed Tamra said? ‘YES’, of course.
How did I get my love story complete with my overly mushy and totally perfect proposal?
You can read about my journey into self-love in my memoir Getting Naked – The Dating Game. And to celebrate my real life love story – until September 29th (my birthday) – the book will be available for just $9 to make the 9th (and most romantic) month of the year.
A love story starts with self-love.
I know it sounds so cliché, but honestly, self-love is the key to living your love story and if you’d like some tips on how you can strip off the barriers stopping you living your own love story, sign up for the FREE Self-Love Starters Kit at the top of the page.
It is in this 1-hour audio lesson where I share the tools I used to live a life of love!
Like Oscar Wilde once said: “To fall in love with oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
2 Comments on “Love story: Are you living yours?”
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly
appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for
your next write ups thanks once again.
Thanks for your kind words. I’m so glad you resonate with what I share. Have a gorgeous Christmas xx