Emotional Health: Poisoning your mind with what you eat?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health9 Comments

Our emotional health is intimately connected to the food we put in our body.

We may not think it is, but next time you eat a block of chocolate take the time to notice how you feel emotionally half an hour later.

Down. Low on energy. Perhaps even a little cranky?

Why is this?

Refined sugar is one of the main foods that strips nutrients from the body.

If you’re eating packaged food, chances are you’re eating a LOT of refined sugar, because it’s in practically EVERYTHING.

What we are fed as a child has a huge impact on our coping abilities.

If you’re like the average teenager who consumes around 70kilos of refined sugar, then you run the risk of experiencing emotional health issues such as eating disorders, depression, bipolar or anxiety.

That’s not the only problem.

Consuming refined sugar leads to sugar addictions.

When we eat refined sugar, we need more of it.

As you’ll hear in an interview I did with Food Philosopher and Nutritional Strategist, Sherry Strong, she says it works much the same way as a cocaine addiction!

The bottom line is this…

If a food isn’t found in nature, then we shouldn’t be eating it.

Otherwise it will impact our emotional health.

And sugar isn’t the only culprit.

We are quite literally poisoning our mind with the food we feed our body.

I can’t say it enough: The food you consume is intimately connected to your emotional health.

Simple as that!

If you want to feel alive, energised, clear and focused, then you need to nourish your body with the right ingredients.


Go organic.

Educate yourself.

DON’T eat packaged foods and NEVER EVER diet.

Depriving yourself of foods leads to an unhealthy relationship with food that fosters eating disorders and anxiety.

People eat bad foods to fill a void.

Yet if they love themselves, really LOVE themselves, then food is fuel and something to be enjoyed.

NOT something to be abused.

Do you have nutritional confusion?

We are constantly being told ‘don’t eat that’, ‘do eat this’, ‘oh hold on, maybe you shouldn’t eat this’.

How do we know what’s good for us and what’s going to nourish us so we can have optimum emotional health.

As Sherry Strong tells us: Nature tells us what and how much to eat!

Listen in to this interview where she reveals the truth about formula milk fed to babies, and how to know instinctively what is good for us.

If you’re ready to go back to basics with your food and restore your emotional health please check out Sherry’s recipes and tips. Or you can check out an hour-long talk she gave on this topic and so much more.

Brad-Sherry-high-resSherry Strong is a food philosopher, chef and nutritionist. The author of the book Return to Food – the life changing anti diet and the 8 week online program by the same name.  www.returntofood.com

9 Comments on “Emotional Health: Poisoning your mind with what you eat?”

  1. Heya i am for the first time here. I found this board and I find It really useful & it
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    1. Welcome to my website. I am so glad that I was able to help you. You can subscribe below to get some more helpful updates. Good luck in your journey to give back to the community, it is important to pay it forward. With love, Tamra

    2. Thanks so much! And honestly one of the best ways you can start given back right now is to simply smile and share love with this you meet. It’s one of the most precious gifts and it doesn’t cost anything at all 🙂

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment, you can sign up to receive updates by adding your name and email at the very bottom of this page under “Subscribe”. With love, Tamra

    1. Yes of course! The best way to get my weekly blogs is to subscribe to my newsletter and you can do that by popping your email address in the burgundy coloured bar at the bottom of the page on my website! Enjoy and have a lovely Chrissy xx

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