Love, support and encouragement.
Do you give these things to your partner, or do you give your partner something else?
Snide remarks, put-downs and insulting looks of disgust; do you question their abilities and thus their potential?
This is a topic I feel very passionately about because I am constantly seeing couples who lash out in each other in disrespectful ways, treating each other as if they were the enemy.
Perhaps it’s just a little dig here and there or a minor public humiliation brought up at the dinner table with friends.
Whatever form it plays out in, it needs to STOP.
That is of course, if you want a deep loving connection with your partner, and thus, yourself.
Respecting your partner is vital.
It’s a sign that you respect yourself.
I’m not saying don’t bring up things that annoy you, but do it in a loving way that lets your partner know it’s not them you despise, it’s just their behaviour that has you concerned.
How you see your partner is how they will behave.
If you start seeing them as successful and happy and passionate beings, and treat them as such, they will follow your lead.
Not everyone has the belief in themselves to pursue their dreams and act with confidence.
Sometimes they need someone else to believe in them until they believe in themselves.
This is where you want to encourage them instead of putting them down.
When you put someone down you feed that person’s negative feelings towards themselves, which leads to procrastination, poor performance and low moods.
It makes sense really.
If someone thinks they’re not worth your love, they’ll act accordingly.
Yet if you encourage your partner and compliment what they do well (there will be something there if you look for it) then they will start to pick up their game, their confidence will grow, and as a result you’ll see them flourish personally and professionally. I have seen this happen in my own relationship.
The more we supported and loved each other, the happier we felt within ourselves and the better our businesses boomed.
There’s one other thing you need to know.
If you do not love, support or encourage your partner, then this is simply a reflection of how you don’t love, support or encourage yourself.
How we treat others is a mirror image of how we treat ourselves.
Want more love in your life?
Start giving yourself more love.
Give your partner more love.
And there’ll be oodles of love in your life.
I’d love to hear how you go, so please leave a comment below on what you discover as you start treating you partner with more loving kindness.
Can’t get past your ego-self who wants to lash out and blame others for the inner hurt or self-doubt you feel?
Then start by realising we’re all human, we all have mental gunk that has us acting in not-so-lovely ways, and that you can turn things around and learn from your past.
To help you do this, simply sign up for the FREE Self-Love Starter’s Kit at the top of the page, which includes a Five-Steps to Falling In Love guide.
It’ll give you the steps you need to come from a more loving space.
2 Comments on “Do you need more love in your relationship?”
Hi Tamara I have been marraide for nearly 50 years and soooo agree with everything you have said….. much love to you and all your wisdom😘
Oh, thank you for sharing! It’s lovely to know this translates to couples who have been together for longer than I am yet t experience. And congratulations for almost reaching the amazing milestone of 50 years!