There is nothing more beautiful than seeing someone smile.
A warm and friendly smile can make you feel better, cheer you up in times of doubt and increase the happiness in the world.
Not only that, smiling, just like laughter, is infectious.
A loving smile can improve your social life, give your job prospects a boost and send your confidence sky-high.
One day I decided I would give out twenty smiles to unknown people who I thought needed it.
I was amazed at how they all smiled back and their body language became more positive.
Learning to smile can be easier said than done – but you do not need to be happy to turn a frown upside down.
Smacking a smile on the dial may seem awkward at first, but if you persevere you will find that even if you are faking it to begin with, smiling produces happy chemicals, which persuades your brain that you are in fact happy.
Smiling is a quick fix that makes it almost impossible to stay sad.
At difficult and challenging times, when things upset you, try smiling.
You are 100 percent in control of whether you smile or frown. So come on! Give us a smile!
Smack a smile on your face and hold it there for two minutes. By then, the fake smile will, in most cases, have become real. As you do this exercise, think to yourself; I’m happy’. Believe that you are happy. You can convince yourself of anything if you believe hard enough.
Smiling not only changes a facial expression, it can make the brain produce endorphins which reduce physical and emotional pain, and improve wellbeing.
A smile confuses an approaching frown.