Ep.16 Womb Care 101: Why tampons are not self-loving.

Tamra MerciecaPodcast2 Comments

Did you know that prior to menopause a woman’s womb cleanses itself once a month? You may know this as a woman’s ‘period’. Problem is, most of us ladies have learnt to adopt habits and behaviours that get in the way of this all-important ‘womb cleanse’. And when a womb doesn’t get the chance to cleanse itself regularly, we create … Read More

Three things every woman MUST know about her cervix

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual Health13 Comments

Let me begin by asking: How is your relationship with your cervix? Why is this even important? Because the cervix is at the core of a woman and its health will dictate her health, her fertility, her ability to give and receive love and her ability to experience deep pleasure. In this blog I will be sharing some super truths … Read More

Natural contraception: Know thy cycle, know thyself.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

If you’re a heterosexual couple of childbearing age you’ve got to deal with the fantasy-crushing subject of birth control. There are certainly a lot of options and devices out there, but not many of them are good for your health. I won’t go into all the scientific links between the Contraceptive Pill and breast cancer here (you can read more … Read More