Ep.14 Feelings: Fall in love with feeling yourself.

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In order to heal ourself, we need to feel ourself. And when I say feel ourself, I mean actually be with ourself long enough to feel our feelings and emotions. Because we all have them. Feelings and emotions are part of the human experience. And when we make friends with how we truely feel, when we let ourself feel our … Read More

Ep.13 It’s time to edit your self-talk.

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

You know those pesky thoughts (what I call ‘self-talk’) that make you feel bad about yourself… The ones that bring down your self-love, self-worth and self-respect… Well… you don’t have to have those thoughts playing on repeat anymore. In fact, you can become a self-talk editor. Yes, you can edit out your negative self-talk, and today on I Love Me … Read More

Ep.6 Powerless to powerful: The gift of anger.

Tamra MerciecaPodcast2 Comments

build self-confidence

The emotion of anger often receives a bad rap, especially when it’s expressed outwardly in a very fiery, and often explosive kinda way. But what if we could use anger to support our growth? What if anger had a very clear purpose, and when understood, could be expressed in a really ‘healthy’ way? A way that helps us deepen our … Read More

Do you know the difference between feelings and emotions?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Often people put feelings and emotions in the same basket. Now while they are certainly similar, there are some distinguishing differences you really should know if you’re serious about living a happy life full of positive relationships. Put simply:Feelings are how you feel in the moment. Emotions are past unresolved feelings. To put that into context: Someone accidentally spills coffee on your lap. … Read More

Happiness is a state of being, not just an emotion. How happy are you?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health, Relationship HealthLeave a Comment


Happiness. Deep down it’s something that all of us want. That’s why there’s a whole self-help isle at bookstores promoting this very ideal that so many people strive for. Yet there’s still a lot of confusion around the emotion of happiness and the state of true happiness, and whether it’s even possible to feel deep happiness long-term. First though, we need to talk about … Read More