Connection. That’s all we really want… yeah?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Sexual HealthLeave a Comment

We all want connection. In fact, that’s what we crave, what we yearn for, right? Connection with others, but most importantly, connection with our self. Yet this deep soul connection remains elusive for most people. Why? Because instead of focusing on connecting, we humans tend to get caught up pursuing things that we think will deliver us that connection, seeking … Read More

Festive feng shui

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Christmas is traditionally a time to celebrate, but sometimes family tensions can sour the day.  But what if you could use a little Feng Shui to to minimise eruptions between long lost relatives, and create a harmonious atmosphere? We all want December 25 to be as smooth and fun filled as possible, and Feng Shui has been shown to be super effective … Read More

Never Alone: Guide to Overcoming loneliness

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

How well do you spend time alone? Think about that for a moment, because learning how to love your own company is a powerful feat. Spending time alone can be unnerving at first, but learning to be happy in your own company is one of the most valuable pursuits. Solitary time allows you to have a love affair with your … Read More