Ep. 17 Are you comfy sitting in your comfort zone?

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

We all like to feel comfy, right? It can give us a sense of safety and predictability. But what happens if the place we feel comfy – the place of our ‘comfort zone’ – isn’t serving us? What if that comfortable feeling we get from doing the same things we’ve always done, is actually holding us back? Getting in the … Read More

Ep.10 And this is why we self-sabotage…

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

If you’ve ever tried to create change in your life, even just a small change such as learning something new… then chances are you’ve probably experienced at least a little self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is where we either consciously or more commonly, unconsciously, act and behave in a way that prevents us from reaching our goals or achieving the results we want. … Read More