This is an old page that is only here for archival purposes. If you would like to see a current list of where Tamra is speaking, simply click here to visit her Event’s Calendar.
Once again I’m proud to be invited back for the third year to be Sexpo’s Sex and Relationship Therapist for 2015! What does that mean for you? I’ll be travelling around with the Sexpo crew (hopefully to a city near you) and talking about, well….. sex of course! But not just any kind of sex. I’ll be stripping back the layers on how sex can be used as a vehicle for self healing and self realisation, not to mention the immense bliss that can be experienced once you learn the art of multi, full-body and energetic orgasms. Let me indulge yor tastebuds so you can enjoy gourmet sex, love and relationships.
To give you a taste of what I’ll be chatting about, here are my talk topics for the Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne shows….
Energetic Orgasms
This is where I take you on a journey into how I stumbled across multi, full body and energetic orgasms, and how YOU can have them too! It was after getting a non-sexual massage that I experienced the most gorgeous orgasm (that naturally arose within me), that I decided this type of pleasure needed to be shared. After all, it is those deeper orgasmic experiences that are the key to a long and lasting relationship that nourish us on all levels.
I’ll be expanding people’s minds and getting to the core truth about sex and how it can be used not only for immense, earth-shattering pleasure, but as a vehicle for self healing and self realisation. Imagine rolling orgasms, one after the next, energising your entire body into state of blissful ecstasy!
Let sex be thy medicine
5000 years ago in China sex was used as medicine! The Taoists were experts at cultivating sexual energy and then circulating it throughout the body to heal past traumas and physical ailments. It is this same energy that is used to not only awaken us, but deliver us multi and full body orgasms. In this information-packed workshop, Tamra shares practical exercises YOU can use at home to get your sexual energy flowing so you can heal your body of the past trauma and conditioning keeping you from enjoying optimum health and optimum pleasure well into old age.
The ladies will be introduced to yoga for the vagina while the men will learn what’s needed to harness their sexual power so they can have deeper orgasms without going limp. Not only will you gain an understanding of the healing effects of ejaculate, you’ll be privvy to our sexual reflexology system while learning how to strengthen and bring health to your sexual organs.
Yoga for the Vagina
Are you ready to be taken deep into sensual yourself and experience the bliss, ease and deep joy that is available to you? Yoga for the Vagina introduces you to the ancient Jade Egg used 5000 years ago in China to help women remain youthful, keep their sexual organs tight and resilient into old age, and open them up to the deep orgasmic pleasure of daily life.
Whether you’re wanting to cure incontinence, infertility, PMS, prolapsed organs, lubricate naturally, release past vaginal trauma (from birth or abuse), Yoga for the Vagina will reconnect you with your intimate self so you can heal yourself from any unwanted mental or physical afflictions, while at the same time, awakening your vaginal tissue to deep pleasure.
Perth Sexpo times: Thursday 4th June: 7.15pm, Friday 5th/Saturday 6th June: 5.15pm, 7.15pm and 9pm, Sunday 7th June: 12pm, 3.15pm and 5pm.
Sexual energy resides in all of us and once we learn how to tune into its frequency life becomes playground of pleasure.
For those who attended Sexpo and purchased one of our Jade Eggs. You can check out our boutique of eggsercises HERE. And if you’d like to join our 6 week Sexual Self course where we teach you ALL the secrets of gourmet sex, you can enrol here.