Welcome, beautiful.

If you’re here, chances are you’re looking to go deep into self-love with a little 1:1 support. I would LOVE to offer you that support. There are three ways you can invite me to personally work my Self-Love Therapy magic with you.

We can do a one-off 90-minute Self-Love Expansion Session together, to create an instant shift in a challenge you’re facing right now, and open you to experiencing yourself and your life in a more authentic way. We can work more intensively together through my One-on-One Intensive 5-month long program, which is specifically designed to help heal a long-standing issue.

Or if you’ve already completed my One-on-One Intensive and/or my Remarkable Relationships program, we can connect for a 75-minute Self-Love Embodiment session. This is perfect for those who want to go deeper into self-love or have experienced a life challenge and need guidance on how to move through it.

To read more about Self-Love Therapy – the modality which is the basis for the sessions I offer – go here. This describes the techniques I use in my one-on-one therapy sessions. Otherwise, you’ll find all the juicy details on each of these 1:1 session options here…

 Self-Love Expansion Session

Want to expand your love for yourself, and in doing so, expand into a healthier, easier and more abundant way of living? In this 90-minute session we’ll uncover and clear out the biggest limiting belief holding you back right now, so you can enter into a healthier relationship with yourself, and enjoy a life that is more aligned with who you truely are. Expect to leave this session feeling more confident, more whole and more loved.

To learn more click here…

 One-on-One Intensive

This five month program – which includes 10 sessions with me – is for people with a long-standing issue, who are 100% ready to create fast and lasting change. This intensive program has been used to help people become depression and pill free, stamp out anxiety, heal life-threatening physical illnesses, attract in romantic partners and heal broken relationship, increase a person’s finances, and so on the list goes. This course really is the creme of the brûlée in helping you dive heart first into self-love!

To learn more click here…

Self-Love Embodiment Session

Want to embody self-love in a way that allows you to live with more ease, more abundance and more fulfilment? In this 75-minute session we’ll identify and clear the biggest limiting belief holding you back right now, so you can take what you’ve learned in our previous work together and approach the teachings in a fresh new way. Expect to leave this session with a clearer way forward and a deeper confidence in your abilities to self-heal.

To learn more click here…

Know that whichever session you are most drawn to, is your perfect starting point. And if you do a Self-Love Expansion Session and wish to upgrade to the One-on-One Intensive, you certainly can!

What’s the difference between an Expansion Session and an Embodiment Session?

In short, Self-Love Expansion Sessions are those who have not completed my One-on-One Intensive or my Remarkable Relationships program, and Self-Love Embodiment Sessions are. The Expansion Sessions are designed to expand you beyond where you are right now, and so are suitable for everyone. They are 90-minute long to allow enough time create the shift you’re after.

The Self-Love Embodiment Sessions, because the participant has already released a host of core beliefs, allows the person to more deeply embody what they have already learnt in our sessions, in order to create a shift. The Embodiment Sessions are slightly shorter, because after releasing so many beliefs already, they’ll generally release beliefs quicker, and already know the process for this, so we can dive straight into the clearings.