Ep.2 Programmed for Love.

Tamra MerciecaPodcastLeave a Comment

Ever wondered why some people find life easy, and others struggle? Or why some people just exude confidence? While others, well… they’d rather hide behind a great big elephant than walk into a room of strangers? How a person acts and feels about themselves doesn’t happen by accident. As a child we are quite literally programmed for a certain experience … Read More

I was an introvert, but not anymore.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Chances are you’ve heard the term introvert and extrovert as a way of describing someone’s personality. Extroverts are thought of as people who feel the most comfortable when working with other people, spending time in groups, and being social. Extroverts are said to draw their energy from the outside world, and are often considered more confident and outgoing. They also … Read More