If you enjoy reading self-help books, going to inspirational talks or yoga classes, chances are you’ll be familiar with hearing the words ‘Listen to your inner voice’.
So let me ask you this…
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a direct line to your inner voice; your True Self?
Do you find yourself wishing that you knew the right decisions to make to get the results you most desire?
Maybe you already do!
But if not, you’re not alone.
The great news??
We all have an inner wisdom that is available to help guide us through life.
We’re all born with this ability to listen to our inner voice.
The reason we disconnect from it, is due to experiences we had in our early years as a child.
Perhaps, for example, your mother told you to go and give Uncle Jerry a kiss, and you didn’t want to, because it didn’t feel right.
You got a strong feeling – from you inner voice – that perhaps it wasn’t safe, or wasn’t in your best interests.
Yet your mother scolded you, and forced you to go kiss Uncle Jerry against your inner guidance.
And so you did.
What happened in this moment, is you learnt that you shouldn’t trust your inner (or ‘gut’) feelings.
After all, doesn’t your mother know better?
Chances are, she does not.
She’s simply operating from her disconnection from self.
And so in that moment, you stopped trusting that inner voice, so that next time you got a feeling like this you shoved it down, and trusted the opinion of others, over your own internal GPS.
This is just one example of how we stop listening to our inner voice; how this innate ability essentially gets trained out of us.
By the time we’re an adult, that inner voice may be so foreign to us, that we have absolutely no idea how to get back in touch with it.
The only reason we experience pain, fear and struggle in our life, is because we don’t have this direct line to our inner voice.
We’re letting our ego – and other people’s thoughts and opinions – dictate our actions.
And for most people, that doesn’t help them create a very happy life for themselves.
In fact, it usually creates the opposite.
Only YOU know what is best for YOU.
Only you know what’s needed to heal that physical ailment, to get that job promotion, to earn more money, to attract in a healthy relationship with a super awesome person, to let go of the depression and anxiety once and for all.
Only you know how to do those things.
But if you’ve lost touch with your inner voice of guidance, then it’ll feel like when you pick up the phone to dial into your inner voice, the signal will be dead.
If you haven’t been connecting with your inner voice regularly, then of course it’s going to take some time to re-establish that line of communication.
That’s only natural.
So where do you start?
There are many ways that you can begin to listen to your inner voice – or as I like to call it, your True Self – more easily.
In the Remarkable Relationships 3-month online course I run, I teach you a very specific method, that allows you to immediately start receiving messages from your inner voice.
There’s nothing like rekindling your relationship with your True Self.
When you do, you can lean on that reliable voice in times of doubt and worry.
My own True Self has been my saving grace time and time again.
When I’m unsure on what way to go, what business decision to make, how to overcome that life obstacle, I ask my True Self.
And my True Self delivers me the insight and guidance I need to work through that challenge in the easiest and fastest way, so that I can experience ease and love in all that I do.
Seriously, life gets a whole lot easier, when you have a direct line to your True Self.
An example of this would be…
You want to apply for a new job, but aren’t sure which one to go for.
There are 20 different jobs that could all be ok, right?
But applying for all 20 jobs would be quite timely, and no doubt quite tedious.
Yet, when you have a direct line to your inner voice, you can tune into that voice of wisdom and find out which job would best serve you, and how to write the application so you have the best chances of being selected for the role.
How much easier would that make life?
How much time would you save?
This is what life is like, when you have a direct line to your True Self.
Not only does it save you time, it helps you get better results.
And that is why people who have spiritual practices, such as meditation, or ‘tuning in’ as I teach in the Remarkable Relationships course, get more done in less time, and still have time to just sit and chill with a cuppa herbal tea!
It’s not that other people are more intuitive than you.
It’s just that you’re out of practise.
And don’t know how get back in practise.
We can all gain access to this inner voice of wisdom, and when we do life becomes so much sweeter!
Seriously, when you have this kind of connection to your inner voice, you will have:
- More certainty in life
- A greater belief in your abilities
- An inner knowing that you’re making the right decisions
And you’ll be able to to use this inner wisdom to:
- Strengthen and repair your relationships
- Overcomes anxiety and depression
- Heal physical health ailments
- Have financial abundance
Yes, when you learn to listen to the inner voice of guidance you stop making decisions based on fear, and you start making decisions that allow in a happier and healthier life.
It doesn’t matter how bad things have become – how much struggle you’re enduring right now – with the right tools, you can turn it all around.
So if you’re willing to spend just 3-months of your life learning how to regain this beautiful connection with your True Self so that you have that inner wisdom on tap, then I look forward to sharing the formula for self-love when the course begins in May 2018.
For those who sign up before the end of September 2017 you’ll save $300 off the full course fee and have the option of choosing a ten month payment plan.
Simply click here to join 11 others in learning how to reconnect with your inner voice!