Love story: Are you living yours?

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Relationship Health2 Comments


Every love story has a beginning. And it usually starts with someone searching for true love. I know for me, I always wanted to find ‘The One’. The romantic in me always on the lookout for her Prince, always hoping to experience that deep heart-felt connection. And for many years I searched and searched, experiencing flings and rendezvous’ that while … Read More

Script Your Own Life

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Who’s writing the script for your life? Can you honestly say you’re the star, the director, the producer and the scriptwriter? And if not…. Why? As some of you know I’m in talks to have my own story, Getting Naked – The Dating Game, turned into a major motion movie. But that got me thinking…. I may be scripting my … Read More