Is your life a balancing act? Life Balance 101.

Tamra MerciecaBlogs, Mental Health3 Comments

I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles with life balance from time to time.

I am a Libra after all, so my life lesson is balance, if you’re one of those lovely Astrology-nerds!

Where do I struggle most?

Finding time for all the things I love!

Learning French, pole dancing, swing dancing with my fiancé, knitting skirts, wanting to learn how to do more than a basic croquet stitch, playing piano, beating my drums, singing, writing, reading, my Jade Egg practice, energy healing, going for big walks in the rainforest, cooking scrumptious meals … oh and I haven’t even mentioned all cool stuff I love doing with my business yet!

Perhaps my list of things is too long…

Or perhaps I’m lucky enough to have found all the stuff I’m uber passionate about at such a young age.

Either way, I know I’m not alone in wishing there was 48 hours in a day, just so I get to indulge in all my cool hobbies… and still have time to play with my chooks (Oh, and my gorgeous fiancé!).

It was just the other day I was having a little whinge about my lack of life balance, when my fiancé said:

‘You have more life balance than most people’.

A pause of contemplation ensued.

It was true.

I love what I do for work – it’s ALL play.

I wake up in my rainforest surrounded home, and only need to step out of bed to start my day in the office.

I choose my own hours, so I can have all the life balance I choose.

My pole is set up in my office so I don’t even have to walk into another room to have an afternoon stretch.

Did I really lack life balance?


My life didn’t need fixing, it just needed tweaking.

The other thing I needed to get a grasp of was this:

I don’t need to be fluent at French, able to perform circus tricks on the pole (or with my vagina), knitting granny quilts every weekend or cooking three course meals every day while playing a concerto on the piano.

What I needed to accept was this:

My life will always be a work in progress and as long as I’m having fun, nothing else matters.

That was the lesson.

The HUGE lesson.

It’s so easy to get caught up thinking we need to be brilliant at everything we do, when the actual fact is that we just need to be happy.

And if a favourite hobby or something you love is not bringing you the joy it once did, then stop doing it.

Come back to it when you are not putting pressure on yourself to perform, or be ‘good’ at it.

We don’t need to be ‘good’ at anything.

We just need to be happy and LOVE what we do.

So that is my lesson in life balance this week.

I hope you can take something from it.

Please realise that life balance comes from enjoying what you’re doing without any pressure to do it ‘well’ or for any purpose.

If you’re struggling with life balance and would to clear out some of the mental programming that keeps you from having time to enjoy the simple things in life, please sign up for the FREE Self-Love Starter’s Kit at the top of the page.

It’ll give you a really great understanding of what’s needed to clear the gunk keeping you from enjoying life balance.

3 Comments on “Is your life a balancing act? Life Balance 101.”

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